Chapter 4...

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Galxia's POVChihiro is dead now

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Galxia's POV
Chihiro is dead now...
I had a smile being the Sadist I am
"Most unusual, don't you think...?"
Byakuya said
Oh yeah right killing Game shit forgot for a second
I shook my head and stopped smiling
"Look. Chihiro's corpse has been suspended somehow. And something's been written on the wall, in blood... "Bloodlust"?"
Byakuya said
I wrote this in my book
I mumbled
"Such a brutal way to kill someone... No, this is beyond brutal. Wouldn't you agree?"
Byakuya said
"They killed her. How could it not be brutal?"
Makoto said
"No, that's not my point. This murder is far too bizarre for any everyday amateur to have committed it. Unlike with Sayaka, this murder was not a crime of passion or necessity. It's almost as if whoever did this...did it for fun. You see what I mean, don't you?"
Byakuya said
Byakuya and Makoto stare at me
"What?! Yes I am a Sadist but I didn't fucking do it, you think I'm that good at covering something such as this? Yeah no!"
I said
Makoto said to Byakuya
I hear footsteps
"Hey, I heard screaming! Did something—? AAAAAAAAHH! Chihiro!?"
Taka said
"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!"
Monokuma said
"Well shit now everyone knows and now there's more panic"
I said
Not that I mind that there's panic among them, but this will drive all the focus away from getting evidence to who the culprit might be
"What the hell was that?"
Makoto said
"Ah, that's right. You were unconscious during Sayaka's, so you don't know about it. What you just heard was the body discovery announcement. Apparently, when three or more people discover a body, an announcement plays to let everyone know. I imagine it's so that the search for the culprit can proceed fairly for everyone involved."
Byakuya said
"The body discovery announcement!? Then Chihiro really is...?"
Taka said
"Yeah she's dead dumbass"
I said
"Dead, yes."
Byakuya said
Taka said about to scream
"Ugh I swear if there's anymore screaming it's gonna be the end of me"
I said and sigh
"Before you start screaming your head off, go round everyone up. It seems another game has begun. Another life-or-death game to uncover a killer..."
Byakuya said
Taka ran to get the others
"At least I didn't have to hear his screams..."
I said
The others came in
"Damn... I couldn't keep her safe!"
Sakura said
"So there's another victim..."
Taka said
"Which means we are now in the same position once again."
Celeste said
"Fuck, man... What the fuck IS this!?"
Mondo said
"Death, and for you despair"
I said with a smirk
"It's a dream... This is a dream! It's all just a dream! In fact, I haven't even been born yet! I don't have any memory of ever being alive! Ugyaaaah!"
Hifumi said
Just hearing you makes me want to kill you, Hifumi
"Shut up."
Celeste said
I start investigating the scene with Kyoko, Chihiro's death, Makoto went to me and to help
"For now, pay attention to the wall."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
"I said it once already. There's a word written there."
Byakuya said
"Yeah, Bloodlust"
I said
"I don't think it's any kind of dying message. It's just too...strange..."
Kyoko said
"Yeah, plus Chihiro wouldn't have had much time to make a message like this, it wouldn't made by her, but her killer"
I said and I write this down
Kyoko nodded
"This is probably the case, unless it was a suicide"
Kyoko said
"True... but if it was then the message would have had to been paint and not blood"
I said
"But, you know...that thing about writing "bloodlust" in blood... Doesn't it sound kinda familiar?"
Taka said
"Oh you mean when Byakuya was talking about Akumu and Genocide Jack?"
I said
"Genocide Jack! Ace!"
Hiro said
Oh yeah I forgot Ace is another nickname for  Akumu and my old nickname before this killing game started
"Then this is...some copycat killer trying to imitate Genocide Jack's "style"? But...why would anyone do that?"
Hina said
I said
I was known for many things one of them being the ultimate liar, but that's Galxia not Ace, Ace is known as a robber, killer and a high tier criminal who basically breaks rules for fun without a care
And it's true! I do break the rules for fun I didn't mean to kill them but I don't give a damn if they died less people to case me! But anyways...
"'s the work of the real Genocide Jack. And possibly the real Ace helped him"
Byakuya said
"The real...? Wait, are you saying Genocide Jack and Ace are both here in the school!?"
Hiro said
They called it Akumu because it meant nightmare and it was like the Akumu family while it had 'no' relations to it but it's not like they'll ever know it does
"Th-There's no way...!"
Hina said
"No it's definitely a possibility"
I said
"But going so far as to write bloodlust at the scene... I am surprised at their stupidity..."
Celeste said
"I can't imagine a worse situation than dealing with a stupid murderers..."
Sakura said
I am not STUPID!
I felt both my eyes turning red I calmed down quickly
"What is it now!?"
Hifumi said
Hina said
I looked at Toko
She was the last one to enter
"Ah...ahh... Nnnnnno... Wh-Why...? Why...? W...h...y...? WHYYYYYYYY!?!?"
Toko said
Holy shit!
Toko then fainted and I ran to catch her and I succeeded in doing so
Her aura is extremely unstable
"She fainted! That did NOT sound good!"
Hiro said
"No kidding"
I said
Hina said and went to me and a fainted Toko she tried to shake Toko to wake her but it didn't work
"Toko, are you okay!? Come on, wake up!"
Hina said
"Guys she's ok she just fainted"
I said
"Oh, that's right. I just remembered what she said, about how she faints anytime she sees blood."
Hifumi said
"So she is hemophobic? I imagine she does not watch too many horror films, then."
Celeste said
"This isn't a violation of the rules, right? I mean, technically she passed out somewhere besides her room."
Hiro said
"No, I think it should be okay. The regulations prohibit "sleeping." Like, on purpose."
Makoto said
"Ahh, so since she didn't faint on purpose, it doesn't count? Gotcha."
Hiro said
"I don't think you can even faint on purpose"
I said
"Toko, can you hear me!? Hey, you gotta wake up!"
Hina said and Toko shoots up awake like literally jumps up
"Huh? What?"
Hina said I got up
"Sorry about that. I was just so shocked, ya know? It happens, right? Was I the only one?"
Toko said
"T-Toko? Are you...okay?"
Makoto said
"I'm fine, I'm fine! Kyehaha...! Whoa, is that a dead body!? Hey! Are you dead!? Kyeehahaha!"
Toko said she sounds different
Ace appeared next to me
(Italic for Ace and normal for Galxia, bold for her spirit but she won't be used often)
Uh is she ok?
I have no idea do you know anything about this?
Eh no but she does kinda sound like Genocide Jack a bit if that helps
Yeah I'm with Ace on this I have no idea
I see
"She musta hit her head real hard when she fainted..."
Hiro said
I said
"The world has a front and a back, a top inning and a bottom, a sea of truth and a web of lies!"
Toko said
That sounds like something we would say!
Yeah it does...
"This is...quite concerning. I mean, she sounds completely different... and that line... it's from Ace"
Hifumi said
No kidding
"No no no, everything's fine! At least the stutter's all gone. That's a good thing, right!? Kyeehahaha!"
Toko said
"Yes I suppose that's a uh good thing"
I said
"It's clear to me that everything is not fine! Your eyes seem strangely vacant!"
Taka said
For once I agree
"It might be best if we take her back to her room for the time being..."
Sakura said
"I don't mind taking her, but...could someone help me?"
Hina said
"If you need help, I don't mind—"
Hifumi said
"Taka, could you help me?"
Hina said ignoring Hifumi
"Huh? She totally ignored me!"
Hifumi said
"Ehahahaha, very expected someone would ignore you"
I said
"Very well. You take care of the girl, and the rest of us can begin the investigation right away. Can I assume nobody has a problem leaving Sakura and Mondo on guard duty again?"
Byakuya said
"H-Hold on a second. Rushing to an investigation—"
Makoto said
I don't trust Mondo
Is that any different?
No I mean like, I think he maybe the culprit...
Oh. OH! He is on my executed list
"The mastermind isn't behind that. After what happened last time, surely you realize that."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
"There is no question that Chihiro was murdered by someone among us. Isn't that right, Monokuma?"
Byakuya said
"Right as rain! But don't take it as a bad thing. It's just a fact of life! Because that's how graduation works! What, does that freak you out? You guys got no balls, you know that!? Is there just nothin' down there at all? Well, I'll let you pray to mine if you want. Actually, I don't have any, either! Sorry!"
Monokuma said
"Stop monologuing and give us what you came here to give us. You did bring it, right?"
Byakuya said
"Hehehe... I sure did, chum! Allow me to present the next Monokuma File. I know how much you must be looking forward to it! So, please do you very tippytop best on this investigation!"
Monokuma said and gave me the file then left
"Do we really gotta do another investigation...? Examining the corpse of one of our friends... Having to suspect all our other friends... I hate this... I can't take it anymore!"
Hina said
I sigh
This is getting annoying and boooorrinnngg!
I know right
"I hate it, too! I-I-I've had enough! I'm gettin' outta here!"
Hiro said
"Where do you plan on going? There's nowhere to run."
Sakura said
"Just accept it already. After all, blood is just a liquid. A dead body is a simple object."
Byakuya said
"He's right a dead body is just an object that's just not useful anymore and blood is the liquid that makes it work"
I said
"You are very...enthusiastic about all of this, are you not?"
Celeste said
"How can I not be? If we don't unmask the culprit we all die."
Byakuya said
"Th-That's true, jump into it so soon..."
Makoto said
"What? Do you want to die? Fine, then go off and die somewhere. Right now, go ahead. You're a waste of space."
Byakuya said
Now it's getting a bit interesting
"A dead body is an...object? Chihiro wasn't an "object"! Show a little respect, or I'll beat some into ya!"
Mondo said
"Everyone stop bickering. Listen, there's some truth to what Byakuya said."
Kyoko said
Makoto said
"If we don't solve the mystery and find the killer, our own lives are forfeit. And if Byakuya is right that Genocide Jack and Ace are somehow the one who killed Chihiro then unless we do something, more victims could start piling up."
Kyoko said
I'm pretty sure it wasn't us
Yeah and I don't get switched unless your mad or being protective
"Forget more victims! If we mess this up, we're all dead meat!"
Hifumi said
"Hold on, hold on. If that's your worry, you don't gotta worry any longer! In any one killing game, the guilty party may only kill a maximum of two people."
Monokuma said
He says it like there's gonna be more killing games after this...
Yeah, I like to see pain and all but a game that actually kills the players, i think there's more to Danganronpa then I thought
Yeah, we need to stop this...
Then that'll be our plan and goal
Wait we'll have an actual goal for once?!
Wow this is Interesting ending Danganronpa will be our goal then!
"What...? I don't remember any rule like that."
Hifumi said
"I just came up with it. I mean, if one person went around and killed everyone, your lovely student life would be all over, right?"
Monokuma said
"In that case, why not limit it to one person?"
Sakura said
"Well in a good mystery, you don't want to miss out on at least the *potential* of a serial killer angle! Nyoohohoho! Just one would totally murder that possibility! Farewell for now! I'll catch you guys at the class trial!"
Monokuma said and left
Alright then it starts here, be careful of Mondo
Got it
"I can't say I understand his thinking, but if we can kill up to two people then one more person's life could still be in danger."
Celeste said
"Which is definitely not good. We need to uncover the culprit before something else happens."
Byakuya said
"YOU need to shut the fuck up!"
Mondo said
"W-Well...for now, Taka and me are gonna drop Toko off at her room."
Hina said
"Nice! I'm gonna get dropped off!"
Toko said
Toko, Taka and Hina leave
"We have no time to stand around here. We must begin our investigation tout suite. If we do not solve the mystery of who killed Chihiro... then we will quickly follow her into the afterlife."
Celeste said
<^Time to investigate^>
I look at the file as Makoto was next to me
"The victim was Chihiro Fujisaki. The time of death is estimated to be around 2:00 a.m. The body was discovered in the girls locker room, on the 2nd floor of the school. The cause of death was a blow to the head with a blunt object. She was killed instantly."
That's the file... it's clearly not a Suicide then
"Hey, Galxia, Makoto. Do you have a second?"
Byakuya said
"Yeah what's up?"
I said
"Huh? Did you...need something from us?"
Makoto said
"Of course. Life without purpose is quite dull, you know?"
Byakuya said
"Um, so...what did you need?"
Makoto said
"I'm going to let you both cooperate with me during my investigation."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
I said
"I'm purchasing your talents. The same talents which allowed you both to solve Sayaka's case."
Byakuya said
"S-Solve...? No, I just..."
Makoto said
"You seem to have some limited use. Which is why I've chosen you. You have the honor of contributing to my investigation."
Byakuya said to Makoto
"Hmm alright"
I said
"You can detect when someone is lying easily and lie to find the truth. That is why I've chosen you. You have the honor of contributing to my investigation."
Byakuya said
"Ok makes sense
"Now then, shall we get started?"
Byakuya said
Makoto said
"We need to get moving. There's no time to be standing around."
Byakuya said
"We don't really have a choice but at seat we have more help..."
I whispered to Makoto
Makoto said
We headed to Chihiro's body
"But the more I look, the more strange it all seems. This must be Ace and Genocide Jack's handiwork."
Byakuya said
"Well, but..."
Makoto said
"There's a possibility..."
I said
"But we're still not sure he did it. Is that what you want to say? I wonder about that... Hmhmhm..."
Byakuya said
Makoto looked at the poster while I looked around to see if there was a weapon...
I picked up a dumbbell that had blood on it
"The Monokuma File said "a blow to the head with a blunt object" is what killed her."
Byakuya said
"Then it's possible that this dumbbell could have been the weapon"
I said
"I don't imagine it could have been anything else."
Byakuya said
I wrote it down
Alright... Dumbbell is the weapon
There's blood on the carpet it's fresh probably from the Murder..
"I'm heading to talk to Sakura for some information"
Makoto said to me, I nodded got up and went to Sakura
"I use this locker room all the time.'s become the site of Chihiro's death."
Sakura said
"But...why was she killed in the locker room? Actually, if you think about it, she could have been killed somewhere else, then carried here."
Makoto said
Chihiro couldn't have been killed here, because she's actually a male so...
"She was very light, that is true. It wouldn't be hard for someone to carry her. But still... I still think she came here on her own, by choice."
Sakura said
"What makes you say that?"
Makoto said
"She'd been talking a lot lately about how she wanted to get stronger."
Sakura said
That's true
"So you're saying she came here to exercise? But according to the Monokuma File, apparently she was killed around two in the morning. Would she really have been exercising that late?"
Makoto said
I said
"Hina or myself are usually in the locker room during the day. So she was probably avoiding it then."
Sakura said
"Avoiding it...?"
Makoto said
"Although we invited her to join us more than once, she never showed up. So I can only assume she was trying to avoid us."
Sakura said
Probably because he didn't want his secret to be found out
"And instead, she came to exercise in the middle of the night?"
Makoto said
I said
"Perhaps. But it's difficult for me to imagine she would have come alone. She did want to start exercising, but she specifically mentioned she couldn't do it be herself. She needed support from others."
Sakura said
"So you're saying she could have come here in the middle of the night to train in secret but that she also would have come with someone else."
Makoto said
"It's a possibility, I think."
Sakura said
I wrote this down
Alright then...
We went to Kyoko who was examining the body poking it and such
"You're a very strange woman, you know, being able to touch a dead body with absolutely no trouble."
Byakuya said
"And you do have trouble with that?"
I said to Byakuya
"No! I just-"
Byakuya said
"Shut it, save it for the trial for your blabber mouth"
I said as he looked offended I rolled my eyes
I went to Mondo, he's been acting strange since this happened
"Dude had a real complex about being weak. You heard Chihiro talk about it, right? All "I need to get stronger!"
Mondo said
"Yeah, I do remember she said that more than once..."
Makoto said
"Sure did. Which...I guess explains the trip down here..."
Mondo said
"But...did she really need to get stronger that badly? You already mentioned it, but...she was a girl, after all. Most girls aren't all that strong."
Makoto said
I was about to hit him but didn't
"I dunno, man. Haven't really thought about that stuff."
Mondo said
I wrote down what Mondo said and wrote on the side
| Possibly the killer? Has been acting strange since the death |
For some reason I always have a sense when someone is acting strange after a certain event like death or something
"Now I believe it's about time for us to move on."
Byakuya said
"Alright then"
I said
"Huh? Already?"
Makoto said
"New clues won't magically appear by standing around here. We need to check every aspect of this case."
Byakuya said
"Th-That's true, but..."
Makoto said
"If you're satisfied, let's hurry up and proceed."
Byakuya said and left
I sigh, we left the room to Byakuya
"So, this is our next location."
Byakuya said
"Huh? This place is related to the investigation?"
Makoto said
I said
"Figure it out for yourself. It's no fun if you don't right?"
Byakuya said
Eh I guess...
When it comes to investigations I don't really tend to joke around
We started to examine the card reader
"If I remember right, this card reader is meant to work with our handbook, right?"
Makoto said
"Do you have an issue with it? If so, you should take it up with Monokuma."
Byakuya said
"Seems like that's a yes..."
I said
"You called for me!?
Monokuma said as he popped in
"It seems that Makoto has a question for you."
Byakuya said
"Sure, what's up?"
Monokuma said
"Umm...well, it's just about this card reader."
Makoto said
"Yes, the card readers have all been designed to interface with each of your e-Handbooks! You can only enter the locker room corresponding to the gender listed in your individual handbook."
Monokuma said
"And it's impossible for two people in a row to go through while the door is unlocked, correct?"
Byakuya said
"If there were some sort of erotic terrorist on the prowl... The ceiling-mounted Gatling gun would initiate a Swiss cheese slaughter!"
Monokuma said
"And the school regulations prohibit anyone from lending someone else their handbook, correct?"
Byakuya said
"Correctly correct!"
Monokuma said
Hmm so the killer could have been a female
Yes it could have been but...
But it doesn't make sense
How so?
Chihiro is a male, I don't think the culprit was a female
You still think it's Mondo?
Of course I do
"Hey, Galxia, Makoto. I can see right through you both."
Byakuya said
So you think...
"See right...through us?"
Makoto said
"Allow me to tell you what you're thinking... Since Chihiro was found in the girls locker room, the killer must have been able to get in there. As such, the killer must be one of the girls. Did I get it right? Good lord you're simple."
Byakuya said
No you didn't.
"But am we wrong?"
Makoto said
"You should pay closer attention to the regulations. The answer has been in front of you the entire time. "Loaning your e-Handbook to another student is strictly prohibited." Only the act of loaning a handbook is prohibited. Borrowing someone else's is perfectly fine."
Byakuya said
That's true but if they were both female they wouldn't need to barrow one because they would already have one...
"Nyohohoho! I would expect nothing less from the prodigal son of the noble Togami family! So you managed to sniff out the loophole in the regulations!"
Monokuma said
"Knowing you, I would bet you created it on purpose, didn't you? To add a little more excitement to things."
Byakuya said
"Kyaaah! You're treating me like a puny little appetizer instead of the main course that I am! Now then, since the dead can't actually talk, they're not people anymore— they're things! Get it? Got it? Good."
Monokuma said
"Wait, hold on... You're saying that's a loophole, but... In order to borrow something from someone, then...that means someone would have to loan it, so...uh..."
Makoto said
"So sleepy... Just listening to you makes me wanna pass out! Be more like Byakuya and get your poop together! Or else I'll charge you with criminal negligence! No more questions! Figure out the rest your own damn self!"
Monokuma said and left
"Well, I know you are unfortunately lacking in mental faculties, so I'll fill you in myself. Let's head to the main hall."
Byakuya said
"The main hall?"
Makoto said
"That'll help you understand what's going on."
Byakuya said
I wrote down the card reader and the info of it
We then went to the main hall
"So...what are we looking for here?"
Makoto said
Byakuya said nothing
"So we have to find it ourselves... Great"
I said annoyed
I went to the mail box Theres usually stuff in there anyways
Three E hand books...
"So, you finally found them."
Byakuya said
I'm guessing he knew they were here
"Huh? Did you know these were here, Byakuya?"
Makoto said
I grabbed all three E handbooks or Monopads and started to go trough them
"I happened to find them by chance myself the other day. It seems there's a system in place where the handbooks of dead students get "delivered" to this mailbox."
Byakuya said
"So then, these three handbooks belong to Junko, Leon, and Sayaka?"
Makoto said
"Yep! I just finished going trough them"
I said
"You can go ahead and confirm it yourself."
Byakuya said
I turned Sayaka's monopad on and gave it to Makoto
"You're right! This is Sayaka's handbook!"
Makoto said
"Now do you understand? This is the key to the loophole that I revealed earlier."
Byakuya said
"Yeah, I feel like I'm starting to get it..."
Makoto said
I wrote it down
So the killer still could have been a male like I suspected...
"Hm? Hold on a second..."
Byakuya said as he had Leon's monopad
I said
"What's wrong?"
Makoto said
"That's strange. One of the handbooks won't turn on."
Byakuya said
"It turned on for me"
I said
Byakuya said
I mean I can hand by using my powers I can create code to hack into something and when I do that the bottom of my fingertips glow a cyan faded to green color
"Is it broken? Whose is it?"
Makoto said
"The other handbook showed Junko's name when I started it up."
Byakuya said
"Then the one that won't turn on must be...Leon's, right?"
Makoto said
"Yeah it is"
I said
"It would make sense, yes. After all, he did get pummeled with dozens and dozens of baseballs."
Byakuya said
"You're right. It wouldn't be surprising for the handbook to break during that kind of assault. But it doesn't explain why it would open to Galxia and not you"
Makoto said
"Hey, hey! Hey hey hey hey hey! HEEEY!"
Monokuma said
Makoto said
"That e-Handbook is essential to student life here! Crucial, integral, instrumental, a super big deal! There's no way it would break that easily!"
Monokuma said
"But it did..."
Makoto said
"I highly doubt that as well"
I said
"If I say it wouldn't break, it wouldn't freakin' break! It can withstand up to ten tons of pressure, and it's waterproof up to a hundred meters, okay!? I don't care how many baseballs you hit it with, it wouldn't do crap! Oh, but uh...even my amazing handbook does have one single weak point."
Monokuma said
"It does?"
Makoto said
"But it's a secret! I wouldn't want you to go breaking any more handbooks!"
Monokuma said
I said
"Then Leon must have broken it somehow without realizing what its weakness was, right?"
Byakuya said
"Hmm...hard to say! You know what I think? I think his handbook isn't actually broken! Since Galxia was able to open it! But, you might ask, how could that be!?"
Monokuma said and left
"What just happened? Monokuma said it's not broken. But it's an undeniable fact that it's not turning on except when Galxia tries to."
Makoto said
"Well, I don't see any connection to the case, so it doesn't matter for now."
Byakuya said
Well might as well write this down as well...
I write this down
"Okay then, this should be enough to get things rolling. Let's begin out investigation in earnest and track down the true culprit."
Byakuya said
"Yeah. We need to find out who killed Chihiro!"
Makoto said
"To be exact...not quite."
Byakuya said
Not exactly?
Hmm there's more then we think there is behind this killing is what he's saying
Ahh! Alright then let's go!
"What do you mean by that, Byakuya? "To be exact...not quite."
Makoto said
"Certainly I want to reveal Chihiro's killer, but more precisely... I want to discover the true identities of Genocide Jack and Ace."
Byakuya said
" really think...? You truly believe Ace and Genocide Jack are the two that killed Chihiro?"
Makoto said
But it wasn't me though, I can't speak for Genocide Jack...
"Absolutely. I have no doubt that Ace and Genocide Jack are the culprits in this case. And I have a basis to believe that. I assure you, Ace and Genocide Jack are two of us."
Byakuya said
Yeah Ace is one of us...
I am Ace...
"That murderous fiends are... Ace and Genocide Jack, right?"
Makoto said
"There's nobody else it could be."
Byakuya said
On really?
It's fucking Mondo!
Yes yes I know just calm down
"A murderous fiend, who kills again and again using a bizarre and brutal method... They're like a ghost, attacking suddenly then slipping away before the police can catch up to them. And what nickname did the Internet give to this mysterious serial killers?"
Byakuya said
"Ace and Genocide Jack... They say they've killed thousands of people. But that's gotta be an urban legend... Still, could two of us really be demented, psychotic killers like that?"
Makoto said
"Possibly. It is possible"
I said
"You're not wrong to wonder. But words mean little right now. I have something that will prove it. And I can show you."
Byakuya said
"Is there really proof...?"
Makoto said
"There's somewhere I'd like to take you both. This will provide all the evidence you need. Evidence that Ace and Genocide Jack are the two that killed Chihiro!"
Byakuya said
"Ah! Hey you three!"
I head Hina yell
I faced her
"Big trouble! Need your help!"
Hina said
"We're busy. Leave us alone!"
Byakuya said
"But it's an emergency...! Emergency! C'mon, please! You gotta help me! This is a serious emergency! Please, please! You gotta help me!"
Hina said
"Ok we will! What is it?!"
I said
"Just calm down, okay Hina?"
Makoto said
"But...but...! It's an e-mer-gen-cyyy!"
Hina said
"Just tell us what it is already damn it!"
I said
"Something's wrong with Toko. She's acting super strange!"
Hina said
What do you think of this?
Something's wrong her aura was extremely unstable...
"What should we do, Byakuya?"
Makoto said
"Alright let's go show us where Toko is"
I said
"Since it's Toko...I must admit, I'm intrigued. I suppose we can take a second to see what's going on with her."
Byakuya said
"Are you sure?"
Makoto said
"Don't make me repeat myself."
Byakuya said
"Okay, okay, come on! Hurry!"
Hina said
"W-Wait for us, Hina!"
Makoto said
I grab Makoto's hand and ran after Hina
"It looks like she headed to the dorms. To Toko's room, most likely."
Byakuya said
"You're right!"
Makoto said
I used my power to teleport us there I let go of Makoto's hand
"So? What's this emergency?"
Byakuya said
"Well, after what happened in the girls locker room, we left Toko in her room so she could lay down. After a while, we came back to check on her. Ya know, see how she was doing. But when we did it was weird. She refused to come out, and she kept saying all this weird stuff."
Hina said
"Weird stuff?"
Me and Makoto said
"Yeah, we thought since you are more close to Toko then anyone else we immediately tried to find you"
Hina said to me
"We should try talking to her ourselves."
Byakuya said
I said
"Y-Yeah, good idea."
Makoto said I went to Toko's door
I knocked on the door
The door opened a little and I saw Toko
Holy shit! Her aura is so negative
Toko said
"Oh, um...nothing. It's just that...Hina was really worried about you, holing yourself up in your room..."
Makoto said
"Leave me a-alone..."
Toko said
"Um, yeah, sure thing. But...could you open up, just for a second...?"
Makoto said
"Won't a-allow it..."
Toko said
"Allow what?"
I said
Makoto said
"I w-won't let Genocide Jack have control!"
Toko said and slammed the door
No she would remember any of it because they only share feelings and physical body
I see
"Wh-What was that...?"
Makoto said
"She's been acting like that the whole time. When I rang a little while ago... It doesn't make any sense, right? I was afraid to leave her in there alone, so I tried to bust down her door but it felt like something was holding it shut on the other side. I couldn't even budge it... Whatever it is, I'm really worried about her... Isn't there anyone who might be able to persuade her...?"
Hina said
"Hey, Galxia, think you both could ask her? To come out of her room, I mean."
Makoto said
I said
"Sure, whatever."
Byakuya said
"Huh? You're gonna talk to her, Byakuya? Wow, I guess you can be nice when you want to!"
Hina said
me and Byakuya went near Toko's door
Byakuya pressed the doorbell
The door opened a little
"Leave me alone! You're all s-s-s-so annoying... Ah—! Backula! Galxia!"
Toko said
"It's Byakuya."
Byakuya said
"I-I'm sorry. I couldn't k-keep our promise... But don't w-worry. Never again... I...! I won't let Genocide Jack have control ever again!"
Toko said
I said as she slammed the door
"Even Galxia and Byakuya couldn't pull it off..."
Hina said
"There's nothing else we can do. Let's get back to the investigation."
Byakuya said
"H-Hold on! Hey, Byakuya. What was Toko talking about just now? Something about a promise?"
Makoto said
Maybe I can do something if I can take control...
No you could lose control and kill someone
Fine fine!
"Hm? Oh, I have no idea. Another one of her delusions, I'm sure."
Byakuya said
I have a feeling he's lying
Makoto said
"If I say I don't know, that means I don't know. Just let Hina take care of her."
Byakuya said
I groan as I got annoyed and went to Makoto
"O-Oh...yeah, okay. I'll stay here and keep an eye on her."
Hina said
"Well then, let's go."
Byakuya said and left
Makoto said
Galxia you need to calm down
Yes I know I know but it can't be helped
Me and Makoto ran to Byakuya, well I actually stopped time and walked there but it seemed like I was running
Byakuya was in front of the library
"The library?"
Makoto said
"What does the Library have to do with any of this?"
I said
"Come on, let's go in."
Byakuya said
For once he's actually being a little bit nice
We went inside the library
But it wasn't the entrance we would usually go in
"It's the archive, right?"
Makoto said
"Hurry up and go inside."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
"It'll all make sense once you're inside."
Byakuya said
There was a lot dust here more then there was of the other bookshelfs
"And so much dust, too."
Makoto said
"No kidding"
I said
"I would say there's enough value in this place to endure the dust."
Byakuya said
I look at the lamp it's the some one from before when Byakuya was using it
"Do you have a problem with that lamp? It was here before, then I moved it over there. It's too dark over there, so I thought I'd put it to good use."
Byakuya said
Makoto and I went to where the files were and we picked one at random
"Ah, you both have sharp eyes indeed to select that file."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
I said
"That's the report on a presidential assassination. The original is kept at the national library. It won't be declassified for another thirty years. Are you sure you want to look at it now? There's no telling whose crosshairs you might wind up in for peeking at it..."
Byakuya said
I'll make a copy of it later
We put the file back
We looked at the other files
"There's so many files stuffed onto the shelf. What's in all these things...?"
Makoto said
"I bet info that we could possibly use in the future if we get out of this damn game"
I whispered to Makoto
"Those documents are...dangerous."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
"How so?"
I said
"They detail all the people who control the world from behind the scenes. Dangerous truth for a commoner."
Byakuya said
"You mean, like...members of the Diet or something?"
Makoto said
I didn't really care if it wasn't for 'commoners' I want to read them anyways
"No, I mean the once with real power, the secret council controlling everything from the shadows. If you're ready to be disappeared for it, take a look. There are some very...interesting people in there."
Byakuya said
"Y-You're just kidding...right?"
Makoto said
Probably not
"Am I?"
Byakuya said
I look at once again another bookself
"If you're thinking of looking through any of them, let me give you a little warning. Those things are filled with graphic, disturbing photos from all kinds of crime scenes. It's the kind of thing any normal person wouldn't ever want to look at. Be careful..."
Byakuya said
I wonder if these have any of my crime scenes... I may have killed by accident but that doesn't mean I've never assassinated anyone yes I am also an assassin
"Huh? What do you mean?"
Makoto said
"All those files there are investigation reports related to different cold cases. Those are internal documents, for police eyes only. They're not the kind of thing you'd expect to leak."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
Yep definitely possible that someone I killed or assassinated is in here
I looked at a box it looked like there was something in it until it was grabbed
"I wonder what it was..."
Makoto said
"There was an extension cord plugged in there. It proved very useful while I was in the library."
Byakuya said
"So? Are you finally beginning to understand the true splendor of this library? The entire reason I was interested in the because of this room right here. It's home to classified government documents, police records, things no ordinary person would ever see. Isn't it magnificent?"
Byakuya said
"This...can't be for real, right?"
Makoto said
"That's your guys' problem. Anything that doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, you label it a lie, yet we have the ultimate liar herself here."
Byakuya said
"Well, it's not that. It's just... It's not like I totally refuse to believe it, but... I mean, there's just so much. How could anyone have put all this together?"
Makoto said
"I suppose it goes to show just how much Hope's Peak truly wields. Or perhaps the mastermind may have wanted to provide us with enough entertainment to keep us from getting bored. What's wrong? You still can't believe it?"
Byakuya said
"What about you? How can you believe it so easily? Things like that are usually impossible..."
Makoto said
"What do you mean, usually? Usual? Normal, ordinary, simple? Those things don't exist anywhere in the real world. If you don't understand what they actually represent, you don't understand the nature of anything. Besides, what you consider "usual" is based on your common sense, right? But what makes you think your own "common sense" applies to me at all? The documents gathered here are genuine. I have reviewed them multiple times, so there is no doubt."
Byakuya said
"H-Hold on a second! You're saying you've read all these documents, and more than once!? But...all this has to be like top secret, confidential stuff, right? So why...?"
Makoto said
Oh here we go he's gonna probably talk about something related to the Togami family
"My family has a reading room just like this at our home. Ours is bigger, of course. And not as dusty."
Byakuya said
Yep! Saw it coming
Makoto said
"Members of the Togami family have access to any variety of government-related documents. That includes foreign powers as well as domestic."
Byakuya said
"H-How is that possible...?"
Makoto said
"I already told you, there's a secret council that controls the world from the shadows. My family is a member of that council. And I have within me the bloodline that will allow me to one day bend the world to my will... But to become such a ruler, I must know all levels of this world backwards and forwards. So whenever I have time, I like to review whatever documents and materials that interest me. Which is why I can proclaim, without a doubt, that the materials gathered here are the real thing."
Byakuya said
Yeah I highly doubt that
"And what always interested me the most were the "cold case" police investigation reports. Reading through those reports has always been a hobby of mine, ever since I was little. It's excellent mental exercise. I've solved more than a few of those cases just by reviewing the reports. And among all those reports, one of my recent favorites is the Ace and Genocide Jack case. This is the complete case file. Every single report surrounding the Genocide Jack cases has been compiled in here. Because there are so many, allow me to quickly summarize the main points. To begin, there are two notable characteristics in every Genocide Jack murder. The first characteristic is that at every crime scene, the word "bloodlust" is written in the victim's own blood. And the second... While in every Ace Murder there's always an card of Ace left behind and i found one behind Chihiro, the Ace of clubs, Ace killed Chihiro for the fun of it"
Byakuya said
Well it's true curtain cards of Ace mean different things
Ace of Diamonds mean I did it for the money
Ace of Hearts means I did it because someone of heart broken and someone else payed me to kill them
Ace of Clubs means I killed them for fun
Ace of Spades means I killed them because they did something wrong to someone and saw it or someone payed me to do it and told me
"is that when the victims are murdered, their bodies are suspended in a certain way. For Ace, Ace puts the victim in their own blood"
Byakuya said
Meaning if I didn't use a sharp weapon like a rope or just killed them by not stabbing them like drown them I'll inject some of their blood out and pour it on mainly their head
"Save your surprise. The best part is yet to come. For the second characteristic, where the victims are suspended... The only ones who knew about that particular fact were members of the police and other higher-ups. By all accounts, nobody in the media ever found out."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
"In other words, no one on the news, no one online, nobody knew about that aspect of each crime. Only key officials and the killer himself knew about this act of "mounting" the victim. Now, if you'll recall Chihiro's corpse, her body was most certainly mounted in this fashion."
Byakuya said
" could the killer or Killers have known about suspending the victim...?"
Makoto said
"That's the key question. But in fact, the answer is quite simple. The culprit isn't a copycat killer... It's the real Ace and Genocide Jack."
Byakuya said
But it wasn't I swear this guy is an idiot I hope I never find someone more idiotic
Makoto said
"That right there is the evidence that Ace and Genocide Jack has hidden themselves among the rest of us. Hmhmhm. Things are really starting to get interesting, aren't they? I never imagined killers with such a reputation would ever become part of our little game. Now, don't you think it would be good for you to take a look at what I've already seen? You might just manage to ferret out a clue or two. If you get down on your knees and beg, I might even show you both myself."
Byakuya said
"Yeah no I'm not begging to anyone"
I said
"Umm, Byakuya...about that Ace and Genocide Jack case file... Could you let us see it?"
Makoto said
"Well, you didn't beg, but I guess it's okay this time. Feel free to look at it in here, but you can't take it with you."
Byakuya said
Byakuya handed us the files and it showed some scenes from both mine and Genocide Jack's crimes

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