Chapter 9...

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(Sorry it says 8)

Three more days.
Three more days until the next murder.
This one will be hard but it's not the hardest.
The worst has yet to come though.
But anyways I need to focus on now.
I was already dressed and in the dining hall.
The other survivors were also here with me.
"So, let's begin the usual post-trial investigation."
Byakuya said
I said
"Hey, you didn't make small talk or anything! We never just get straight to the point like that!"
Hiro said
"If you want to keep up with me, you must refrain from pointless small talk."
Byakuya said
"Jeez, how high is that horse of yours?"
Hina said
"He just acts like that to hide his own insecurities. That's what I like to think, anyway..."
Hiro said
"Regardless, if you want to defeat the mastermind, you need to follow my lead. They creep around the school like a mouse, but the mastermind's pride is as bloated as a cow's udder. And no matter what it takes, I will rid this world of them..."
Byakuya said
Toko was quiet but was still hugging my arm.
"Hey,'ve been pretty quiet."
Hiro said
Toko still didn't talk.
"Man, you're so boring now! You just sit there, like a mushroom. Gonna start calling you Miss Mushroom!"
Hiro said
Toko tightened the hug.
"Hiro don't she doesn't like it. And if you do call her that I'll punch you."
I said
Damn, I feel like reverse Tenko now.
(In here pre-game Tenko thought Galxia how to use aikido. Tenko thinks all girls can protect themselves so she doesn't protect other females.)
"She didn't snap back at you. Galxia did though."
Hina said
"Her talking makes things difficult. So I told her not to open her mouth without permission."
Byakuya said
"What!? But if she can't open her mouth, she can't eat! Or drink water!"
Hina said
"I don't care."
Byakuya said
"Togi, you realize if she died it would technically be your fault?"
I said
Byakuya shut up when I said that.
"Ah good, good."
I said
I created a water bottle and a sliced-up apple with no skin.
(I like eating apples with no skin sorry not sorry.)
Then I gave it to her and she ate the apple pieces.
"You really care about Toko."
Hina said
"Yeah, she kinda acts like one of my friends in my old school. And I don't want anything happening to Toki."
I said
"I believe this is the small talk Byakuya warned us against."
Kyoko said
"And yet...I let myself get involved. But it is now finished. I will never allow you to drag me down to your level again. We're going to begin our search. Stop running your mouths and start moving your legs."
Byakuya said
By the time he said this Toki had finished eating the apple and had finished the water.
She let go of my arm.
I went with Makoto and we begin investigating the 5th floor.
This is a bit strange.
"For some reason, it feels...unpleasant."
Makoto said
I said
We checked the classrooms.
When we looked in the second one we found Toko.
"Toko...what's wrong?"
Makoto said
Toko tried to say something but didn't.
"I'm sorry, but...I have no idea what it is you're trying to tell me."
Makoto said
We went to another room.
We see Kyoko.
"Um, Kyoko...?"
Makoto said
"I'm not going to say anything."
Kyoko said
Makoto said
"I can't say anything... You understand why, right? We're finished here."
Kyoko said
"I see."
I said
We looked that the Sakura tree background.
Reminds me of when boys in my old school would always confess to me and when in my old school my friends and I would chill at random Sakura trees sometimes.
It also reminds me of Kura.
But back to the topic.
"It's quite elegant."
Kyoko said
"This is what you consider elegant...?"
Makoto said
"I lived overseas for a long time, so this kind of Japanese-style scenery is refreshing."
Kyoko said
We went to the lockers.
Nothing really useful.
We went to another room.
I look up.
It looks like it's the sky but I know it's not.
We went to Hiro.
"At first I thought I saw blue skies, but turns out they just painted the walls and the ceiling! Oh, but the plants are all real. It's been a while since I've smelled vegetation. It helps me relax."
Hiro said
"That's not what you're thinking, is it!? Don't you get it!? Don't you realize...the true horror of plant life!? It's there, just beneath the surface. Beneath their calm exterior, they're always watching and waiting... And when they decide they can't leave us in charge of Earth anymore... they'll put their plan for global human extinction into action!"
Hiro said
We were both quiet.
"I'm serious!"
Hiro said
We looked at a big flower.
Makoto tried to touch it I grab his hand.
"Don't. We don't know if this flower could kill."
I said
"Uwah! Wh-What is this...? Is this thing...real?"
Makoto said
Monokuma said as he popped out of nowhere.
Makoto said
"That's a Monokuma Flower. I came up with the name myself. Galxia here is right! Try and touch it, and you're in for some real excitement! Your heart's all like whoa! and the plant's all like snap! and your flesh is all like bluuuggh I'm dead!"
Monokuma said
"I see."
I said
"It's pretty frickin' amazing if I do say so myself! A student at Hope's Peak added improvement after improvement, and created this miracle creature! The Ultimate Botanist... Although, they don't go here anymore. They died during The Tragedy! By the way, despite how it looks, that flower is super practical! It can eat paper, plastic, even people! So it's totally good for the environment! Such an eco-friendly creation is vital for the future growth of a healthy society! Not that I'd know anything about that myself! Ahh-hahaha!"
Monokuma said
"Whatever it is, I'd better keep my distance."
Makoto said
I said
We walked around and see some kind of control panel.
"It's for the sprinklers!"
Monokuma said
Makoto said
"Yeah! It controls the sprinklers in the garden! The sprinklers are set to go off every morning at 7:30. Don't you dare change it without permission! Of course, the settings panel is locked, so you couldn't change it if you wanted to!"
Monokuma said
"So that means the sprinklers go off at 7:30 a.m. every morning?"
Makoto said
"Yup, you got it. It's super user-friendly, which sucks. So if you get here too early, you'll get drenched. So watch yourself! But you're not a little kid, right? You're too old to go running through sprinklers anyway. Or do you have some kind of water fetish!? I'm gonna tell everyone! Ahh-hahaha!"
Monokuma said
We find a chicken coop?
"It seems safe..."
Makoto said
"Oh, you like chicken too, Makoto!? Yeah, I love these little guys. They're seriously cute, right!? And there's exactly five of them here!"
Hiro said
Makoto said
"Five! You know, the number that comes after four and before six? At least, in terms of natural numbers... Anyway, whenever the number five pops up, that's a good omen! It contains the mysteries of the cosmos... It's a number of power! A refreshing number on par with hand-squeezed all-natural lemonade!"
Hiro said
We headed to the shed to check it out.
We see a pickaxe.
I pick it up on the side it said 'crazy Diamond'
Makoto said
I put the pickaxe down and we went to the halls and find Hina.
"This floor feels different compared to all the others. I'm not sure what it is... Is there some reason for that? I hope it's not anything too...creepy."
Hina said
A long ominous hallway their always good!
Eheh sarcasm.
We went to the door.
Makoto true to open it but failed.
I sense a death aura.
"A bio lab, that we're forbidden from seeing into."
Makoto said
Makes sense.
Maybe Junko, the real one, had Mukuro's body in there.
We went to a classroom.
Byakuya was in it.
Dry blood.
There were scratches everywhere.
"Why does this room seem familiar?"
I mumbled to myself
Maybe I can't remember because of amnesia? Probably.
"Wh-What the hell is this...!?"
Makoto said
"It smells awful, doesn't it?"
Byakuya said
"I've had my fair share of smelling blood but this is new."
I said
Why does it feel familiar?
Makoto said
"It must be at least vaguely familiar to you. After all, you've been around your fair share of corpses."
Byakuya said
"Are you saying...?"
Makoto said
"Yeah, it's dry blood. Well, just death in general.
I said
"But the smell here is strong, condensed. It's the smell of a battlefield."
Byakuya said
"If you think this smells like a battlefield you've seen nothing."
I said
"Monokuma must have—"
Makoto said then Monokuma appeared.
"What, my fault AGAIN!? Stop trying to blame everything on me!"
Monokuma said
"I-If you hadn't done what you did, this never would have happened!"
Makoto said
"No, no, no. It's quite the opposite!"
Monokuma said
"The opposite...?"
Makoto said
"Yup! Let me give you an itty bitty eegie squeegie little hint. As far as this room goes, I don't know a thing! I just left it exactly how I found it."
Monokuma said
"He's not lying. Plus if Monokuma did so it he would have cleaned the blood and such."
I said
"How's that for a hint!? Better than those stupid 'hints' you get from NPCs in those mean old RPGs! But it's pretty scary, huh? Blood all over the walls and junk... Of course, even in the outside world, people die bloody, gruesome deaths every day! So it's not really a big deal! Just keep your chin up and keep on livin', soldier!"
Monokuma said and left
"Um, Byakuya? About what Monokuma just told us..."
Makoto said
"Looks like he's spaced out, let's look around maybe I could find out how this is familiar to me."
I said
We look at a bloodstain on the floor.
"It appears all the bloodstains are dry. And their color has changed, as well. I think it's safe to assume these stains are considerably old."
Byakuya said
"This is all...really blood?"
Makoto said
"Dry blood but yes."
I said
"Of course. I wouldn't find it interesting otherwise. And it is interesting, I assure you. What on Earth happened in this classroom...?"
Byakuya said
I look at the chalk marks of where bodies would be.
My vision flashed and showed the bodies, it also showed Ace Reaper with blood on her boots and her scythe, she was with Junko, Mukuro, and one other person, it looked like he had long black hair with black eyes.
"This is getting boring."
"How boring."
Ace Reaper and a monotone voice said
"Aw come on Kamukura-Senpai and Ace Reaper!"
Junko said
"I'm walking out unlike you three I have a life beyond killing people and this is just a form. Now I'll be going"
Ace Reaper said and she started to walk away.
The male grabbed her hand.
"No, your coming with me."
The male said
"I can protect myself in my natural form Izuru."
Ace Reaper said
"No, you can't."
Izuru said
"Whatever I honestly don't care."
Ace Reaper said and went out of the classroom with the Izuru holding her hand.
I felt something or someone shake me.
My hearing to clear up
I hear Makoto and Byakuya said
I said
They both sighed with relief.
"When you didn't answer us we thought you died."
Makoto said
"Like hell, I would. I only had a flashback. But right now I guess me and Mako will have to explore more."
I said
We walked out of the room.
I grabbed a notebook not the one I use for investigations, I wrote my flashback in it so I won't forget.
"I guess we've seen what there is to see up here for now. We need to head back to the dining hall and find out what the others turned up. "
Makoto said
I said and used a portal to get to the dining hall.
Slowly people started to come in.
"It would appear everyone has returned."
Byakuya said
"But's just the six of us. That's barely enough for a decent volleyball team..."
Hiro said
"Only now you noticed?"
I said
"Hey! Don't be a sourpuss! We gotta think positive! Besides, even if one more person died, we can still field a basketball team!"
Hina said
"That's like...reverse positive thinking..."
Hiro said
"Anyway, there's no time to be depressed. For the sake of everyone we've lost, we have to do our best."
Makoto said
I said
"Can we stop all this group hug nonsense? We need to find out what everyone discovered."
Byakuya said
"I checked all the windows on the 5th floor, front to back. That used to kinda be Sakura's job, but... Anyway, no dice. There were metal plates on all the windows, just like everywhere else."
Hina said
"Nothing new with the windows."
I said
"Which means no chance of escape on the 5th floor, either..."
Kyoko said
"But when I was looking around, I realized something about the layout of the school..."
Hina said
"What exactly did you notice about the layout of the school?"
Makoto said
"You took a good look around the 5th floor yourself, didn't you Makoto?"
Kyoko said
"Huh? Why do you ask?"
Makoto said
"Because if you did, you must have noticed. The 5th floor is lacking something every other floor has."
Kyoko said
"Are you talking about...stairs? There aren't any stairs leading up from the 5th floor. That's what you're talking about, right?"
Makoto said
"Does that mean...the 5th floor is the end!?"
Hiro said
I said
"We're finally starting to get a clear picture of this school."
Kyoko said
"All that's left now is to solve the underlying mystery."
Byakuya said
"But that's the hardest part..."
Hiro said
"Even if it's hard, we still gotta do it!"
Hina said
"Yeah, Hina's right! Everything will be okay. As long as we work together, I'm sure we'll make it out of this...!"
Makoto said
"Well...there's a big garden up on the 5th floor. And I found more than one thing to be worried about... A stupidly large plant, a chicken coop, and—I know what you're gonna say, but...a toolshed!"
Hiro said
"Monokuma said that was called a...Monokuma Flower. Even touching it seems dangerous, so we have to be careful."
Makoto said
"It's totally a man-eating plant! I'm pretty sure it's different from the one that lives in the pipe, though. Anyway, that thing must benefit from the sprinkler system as much as anything else in there..."
Hiro said
"Oh yeah. Apparently, the sprinklers come on every morning at 7:30 on the dot."
Makoto said
"Yeah, remember that! You don't wanna get drenched and catch a cold!"
Hiro said
"Well, you don't have to worry. They say idiots never catch colds, ya know."
Hina said
"Of course not! Cuz idiots never get wet!"
Hiro said
"Hiro, I think you're thinking of ducks."
I said
"I'm starting to worry about you, Hiro. Can you tell me what ten plus ten is?"
Hina said
I won't be surprised if he's that stupid.
"Hey, come on! You don't ALWAYS have to call me dumb! I may have been held back three times, but that doesn't make me stupid! But if it'll make you happy, I'll answer your dumb question...! So! Um...what was the question again?"
Hiro said
"Don't worry. You just answered it..."
Hina said
"There were a bunch of chickens in the chicken coop, right?"
Makoto said
"That's right! Five! Five chickens!"
Hiro said
"I love chickens! Let's raise 'em up big and fat. Then we can make fried chicken! Oh, or barbeque! Decisions, decisions... Oh! Oh! Or how about raw! Cuz there's nothing fresher than raw, right!?"
Hina said
"I'm pretty sure that'd kill you..."
Hiro said
"You noticed it too, huh? That pickaxe..."
Makoto said
"Huh? What about the pickaxe?"
Byakuya said
"Well, there was a pickaxe in the toolshed. And the words Crazy Diamond had been carved into the handle. Haven't we seen that phrase somewhere before...?"
Makoto said
"Crazy Diamond? Hmm... Yeah, that does sound kinda familiar, I think..."
Hina said
"I don't just think, I know. We've definitely seen that phrase before."
Kyoko said
"Huh? Where!?"
Hina said
"Ah now I remember, it was on the back of Mondo's jacket it said crazy diamond."
I said
"You're absolutely right..."
Byakuya said
"But why would that be on the pickaxe in the garden?"
Hina said
"Mondo must've snuck in there and done it, right?"
Hiro said
I said
"And we didn't have access to the garden until today."
Byakuya said
"Then...maybe Mondo brought it with him when he first came here, and Monokuma confiscated it?"
Hina said
Maybe. But I do know that the real Mondo is in my top hospital in a coma with the others as well.
"Whatever the reason, that's what stuck out to me in the toolshed—the pickaxe connected to Mondo."
Makoto said
"Well, what stuck out to me wasn't the pickaxe at all!"
Hiro said
"Huh? Then...what did?"
Makoto said
"What I noticed was the lawnmower! I'm thinking maybe we can use it to call for help..."
Hiro said
"How are you gonna call for help with a lawnmower!?"
Hina said
"I dunno! Maybe I can use it to make crop circles or something! Yeah, that's it! I'm gonna make crop circles! And we can use those to call for help!"
Hiro said
"What the heck's happened to you...? You weren't like this in the beginning, you know."
Hina said
"Well, back then my personality hadn't quite solidified yet...!"
Hiro said
"I didn't think it was possible, but I'm more disappointed in you now than I've ever been..."
Hina said
"I'm with Hina on this."
I said
"My concern is with the bio lab. That was the only place on the 5th floor that we couldn't access."
Kyoko said
"The bio lab, huh? I wonder what's in there..."
Hina said
"If this were like, a cliche horror game, it'd be some kind of creature. The final boss, or Tyrant, or—!"
Hiro said
"We're...not in a horror game, though..."
Hina said
"Either way, we don't need to worry about it at the moment. Don't bother thinking about something that can't be understood no matter how much you think about it. Your tiny brains can only do so much, so focus on utilizing them efficiently."
Byakuya said
"I don't really like how you said it, but what you said is probably right."
Hina said
"No, how I said it is right, too."
Byakuya said
"Yeah kinda figured you would say it like that."
I said
"By the way, did any of you find it? The other strange room on the 5th floor. Well, no... 'strange' is a massive understatement. The smell of flesh and fat and blood... The white outlines of countless corpses... It was more dreadful than anything I've encountered here so far... and it triggered something for Galxia."
Byakuya said
"Wh-What the hell are you talking about!?"
Hiro said
"The smell itself was horrific. Far beyond any normal murder scene. Everybody's smell, concentrated..."
Byakuya said
"God, I'm glad I didn't see it... I feel like I'm gonna barf just hearing you describe it..."
Hina said
"But I mean...what the hell happened in that room?"
Hiro said
"Well, murder. But from how much blood and how much of a reck it is, I would have to say about 15 or 16 people died in there or somewhere near."
I said
"A bunch of people were...killed in there?"
Hiro said
"Well yeah,"
I said
"Stop, seriously... I'm gonna throw up..."
Hina said
"Perhaps that's what was meant by the biggest, most awful, most tragic event in human history."
Kyoko said
"That would explain why I thought it was familiar."
I said
Hiro said
"Because although I was in the event, I don't remember anything after it happened all I know is that I was in the event and that's it."
I said
Makoto said
"You're thinking the same thing, then. My theory is the mass murder that took place in that room is the incident said to have happened one year ago."
Byakuya said
"The awful scene in that room... That was 'The Tragedy' that happened a year ago?"
Makoto said
"Seems like it."
I said
"Precisely. The Tragedy is another name for the genocide of the student body of Hope's Peak Academy. If that's true... that would explain why Hope's Peak was forced to close its doors."
Byakuya said
"I mean, I guess that all makes sense,'s all awful."
Hiro said
"Not just awful... Super awfully awful!"
Hina said
"Hey, seems like Toko wants to say something."
Makoto said
"So? Why are you telling me?"
Byakuya said
"Well, cuz you told her to zip it or whatever..."
Hiro said
"Ah. I'd forgotten about that."
Byakuya said
"Jesus, man! I know you like torturing her, but come on!"
Hiro said
"Well, Toko. If you want to envelop us all in your putrid breath, I won't stop you."
Byakuya said
"Y-You honor me, Master... And d-don't worry... I took care of the o-odor problem..."
Toko said
"Hahaha, seriously!? You're just gonna take it?"
Hiro said
"Sh-Shut up! And don't interrupt when M-Master and me are talking!"
Toko said
I felt someone hold my hand.
I look to see it was Kyoko holding my hand.
I pay attention to Toko again.
"Okay, so, what did you want to tell us?"
Hina said
"Well, I was in a c-classroom on the 5th floor, and s-something caught my attention... It"
Toko said and showed a survival knife.
I got a vision.
Ace Reaper said was there and Mukuro and Junko were both there.
"What do you two want?"
Ace Reaper said
"To kill you! Oooor, you can be on despair!"
Junko said
"I'd like to see you try, even if you do it'll be a boring outcome."
Ace Reaper said
Mukuro had the knife and went to kill Ace Reaper, she just grabbed Mukuro's wrist and shoved it at the wall, making Mukuro get thrown at the wall.
"Pathetic, really."
She said and got up and walked away.
I shook my head returning back to what was happening.
"A knife!?"
Makoto said
"Whoa, that thing is huge! It's like, Rambo size!"
Hina said
"It's a survival knife of some type..."
Byakuya said
"But...what was it doing in a classroom?"
Makoto said
"How would I kn-know...?"
Toko said
"What're you gonna use that knife for...? What're you planning to do to us!?"
Hiro said
"I'm not g-gonna do anything! I j-just picked it up! I didn't wanna leave a kn-knife just laying around..."
Toko said
"I'd rather have it laying around than in the hands of a serial killer!"
Hiro said
"D-Don't compare me to...her! I'm n-nothing like her!"
Toko said
"Listen, more important... Now that we have the knife, what are we gonna do with it?"
Hina said
"We can't let Toko keep it, that's for sure. We dunno what she might do..."
Hiro said
"I don't w-want it anyway! It's too dangerous..."
Toko said
" what to do...?"
Makoto said
I said
"Why don't you and Galxia hang on to it, Makoto?"
Kyoko said
"Huh? Me!?"
Makoto said
"Oh yeah, I totally trust Galxia and Makoto to take care of it!"
Hiro said
"Then that's that!"
Hina said
"H-Hold on! Don't we get a say!?"
Makoto said
"It just shows how much they trust you. You should do as they ask."
Byakuya said
"Okay, s-so here you go, Mistress, Makoto..."
Toko said
Makoto said
Toko gave us the knife.
"Anyway, th-that's all I wanted to say...
Toko said
"Hey, Toko."
Byakuya said
"Ah! D-Do I still have bad b-breath!? Sorry sorry sorry! I'm sorry it stinks! I'm sorry it stinks! I'm sorry—!"
Toko said
"You made a valuable discovery. Good job."
Byakuya said
Well, that's something you don't hear every day.
"Huh...? Huh...? Huh...? Did Master just...p-praise me?"
Toko said
"Hey, good for you!"
Hina said
"Ng...! NgaaAAaAhh! I-I'm dreaming... I must b-be dreaming! Ahh...that I would ever e-experience such a dream... Aha... Ahahahahaha! I feel...s-strange...! strange...! R-Really strange! Oh no...! Aha...hyah...hyeehahaehea!"
Toko said
"Whenever I look at Toko these days, it makes me feel...sad."
Hiro said
"Well, I think that's all the new information we have for now."
Byakuya said
"So? Now, what do we do?"
Hiro said
"Well... Starting today, you're all under my command. But before we proceed, I need to figure something out."
Byakuya said
"Jeez, how cocky can you be!? You're gonna bust through the ceiling if your head gets any bigger!"
Hiro said
"So...what is it you wanna figure out?"
Hina said
"Kyoko's identity..."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
"Kyoko's identity? But Kyoko is...Kyoko...right?"
Hina said
"Yes, but who is she? The rest of us have a clear, definable reason for having been selected to attend Hope's Peak Academy. Hina's the Ultimate Swimming Pro, Hiro's the Ultimate Clairvoyant... Even Makoto is the Ultimate Lucky Student, and Galxia's the Ultimate Liar. So what about Kyoko? Can anyone tell me what she is?"
Byakuya said
Ultimate Detective.
"Now that you mention it...she's never told us."
Hiro said
"Well, Kyoko doesn't really like talking about herself anyway, right?"
Hina said
"It's not a matter of what she likes or doesn't like. This is a matter of trust. Can you trust someone who's unwilling to reveal their true identity? Even Galxia revealed her true identity. We need to avoid raising any more unnecessary suspicion. So Kyoko, it's time you told us..."
Byakuya said
"I can't."
Kyoko said
"What!? Wh-Why won't you tell us!?"
Toko said
She has amnesia as well, I see.
"I didn't say I 'won't.' I said I can't."
Kyoko said
"Wh-What do you mean...?"
Hiro said
"Because...I don't remember."
Kyoko said
Makoto said
"I have no memory of what I am."
Kyoko said
"You have no memory...? You mean..."
Makoto said
Hina said
"Well she's not the only one. I also have amnesia, usually I take pills for it, but since I don't have them I have to write some stuff on my note book."
I said
"If I thought you had a sense of humor, I'd say you were joking. But if this is a joke, I'm not laughing."
Byakuya said
"Y-You can't be serious right now, c-can you?"
Toko said
"I knew you wouldn't believe me. That's why I didn't say anything. But it doesn't matter. Either way, the truth will make itself clear before we're done. So you have no intention of telling us? Then I can no longer stand by and do nothing..."
Kyoko said
"So you have no intention of telling us? Then I can no longer stand by and do nothing..."
Byakuya said
"What are you going to do? Torture me?"
Kyoko said
"Nothing so barbaric as that. I will simply...limit your options. I can't allow you to engage in any further suspicious activity."
Byakuya said
"Limit my options...?"
Kyoko said
"Give me the key to your room."
Byakuya said
"But...if she gives you her room key...!"
Makoto said
"She can't go to sleep in her room! She'll be breaking a school regulation!"
Hina said
"And if she doesn't want that, she'll talk. It's easy, all she has to do is tell us about herself."
Byakuya said
"Just hold on...! A threat like that..."
Makoto said
"Fine. I understand."
Kyoko said
"Good, you're finally in the mood for conversation."
Byakuya said
Kyoko hands him her key to her room.
"You damn fool... Why do you refuse to talk...!?"
Byakuya said
"Whether I want to or not, I can't. All I can do is keep telling you that."
Kyoko said
"M-Maybe she really did lose her memory..."
Hina said
"If you really think about it, it doesn't sound totally impossible. This is the worst school ever, where only the worst stuff happens, right? Amnesia would fit right in."
Hiro said
"The worst school, where only the worst things happen? Do you really mean that?"
Kyoko said
Makoto said
"Can you really be sure that life here has been filled with only the worst things?"
Kyoko said
"Wh-What do you mean...?"
Makoto said
"Perhaps I've said too much, Galxia knows what I mean."
Kyoko said
I do.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Byakuya said
"Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything to harm any of you."
Kyoko said and then she left.
"Wh-What's her deal...?"
Hiro said
"I think you went too far, taking her room key like that..."
Hina said
"I agree with Hina on this."
I said
"F-For her, that wasn't far e-enough...!Or m-maybe she gets off on the attention. I can't believe her, e-enjoying getting yelled at..."
Toko said
Hina held my hand
"You're getting noisy again, Toko."
Byakuya said
Then Toko was quiet.
"Sorry, I can still hear you. The sound of you breathing, of your heart grates on me."
Byakuya said
"Are you telling her to die...? I mean, I know how you feel, but...!"
Hiro said
Me and Hina saw Monokuma.
Hina said
"Uwah! Wh-What the hell!? Why're you yelling all of a sudden!?"
Hiro said
"Cuz...! Cuz! Look!"
Hina said
They looked towards Monokuma.
"I-It's you... How long have you been standing there!?"
Hiro said
"I'm very...very... AAAAANNNGGGRRRYYYYYY!!!"
Monokuma said
"Angry at what...?"
Hina said
"At the thief! Yes, that's right. I'm very sad to have to tell you, there's a thief in your midst!"
Monokuma said
Hiro said
"Myyy PRECIOUUSSS! They stole it!"
Monokuma said
"Your precious?"
Makoto said
"Your teacher had such faith in you... And this is how you repay me? With betrayal? Reality is filled with so much hardship, isn't it? No wonder people run away into their fantasies..."
Monokuma said
"But...what the heck is your 'precious'?"
Makoto said
"Shut up! I hope all of you get stuck in a hiring freeze and die penniless on the street!"
Monokuma said and left.
"And he's gone... What the heck was that all about?"
Hiro said
"He said something about his 'precious' getting stolen. Does anyone have any idea what that might mean?"
Hina said
"Something of his got stolen."
I said
"It likely has something to do with Kyoko."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
"Who else other than her would be willing and able to steal something from Monokuma?"
Byakuya said
The TV made some noise.
"Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..."
Monokuma said
"Uh-oh. We need to get out of here..."
Hina said
"We can talk about this more tomorrow. And about Kyoko..."
Hiro said
"However, after what just happened with Monokuma, and Kyoko, I feel like there's...something in the air. I would suggest you take extra precautions tonight. Stay in your rooms, don't go wandering around..."
Byakuya said
"Not like we need you to tell us that..."
Hina said
"Well then, let's disperse. I'll see you all tomorrow."
Byakuya said
We all went to our dorms
"So which one of us will take this to whom's room?"
I said
"It would be safer with you."
Makoto said
"Alright then, see you tomorrow Mako."
I said
We went to our separate rooms.
I put the knife in my belt's bag.
What can I do...
I summon my phone.
I mean, I might as well get more information about who this Izuru Kamukura is.
I searched it up.

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