Chapter 8...

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A k u m u

Me, Kyoko and Makoto went to Sakura's lifeless body.
"Huh...? Sakura's... Sakura's...dead? She's...really dead?"
Hina said
I felt something wet roll down my face
"Seems like it."
I said
Kyoko turned to me and was a bit surprised
I said
"Your crying."
Kyoko said
"Oh I am? So these must be tears."
I said
"You've never cried before?"
Makoto said
"Generally no, I never really reason to, and I've never felt sad emotions either."
I said
"I have to go get them... I have to go get...the others..."
Hina said and went to go get the others
"Why...? Why...did this have to happen?"
Makoto said
"Well it just does I don't think even I could stop it, because it had already happened before any of us even passed by the rec room."
I said
Tears still rolling down my face
"I need to examine Sakura's body..."
Kyoko said
I said and backed up.
I wiped my tears away but they kept coming down.
I don't really feel sadness, I do have the emotion, but I just act emotionless, when I am, I don't feel despair I never have in general.
"Uwah! O-Ogre!?"
Hiro said
"Oh. So she's dead, huh?"
Syo said
"Sakura's been killed? I see..."
Byakuya said
I felt Kyoko hold my hand.
The tears seemed to stop.
I looked down where my tears fell.
Starflower petals were in its place.
Then the petals turned to nothing.
I looked back at the others.
"You heard the announcement just now, right? So you know what this means."
Kyoko said
"Sakura was murdered. And by someone in this very room... Is that what you were going to say?"
Byakuya said
"No. Whoever killed's not just 'someone in this room.'It was one of you... Hiro, Byakuya, Toko—one of you killed Sakura!"
Hina said
Hiro said
"You're accusing us before we've even begun the investigation?"
Byakuya said
"I don't need to investigate anything... Because you hated her. You hated the sight of her! One of you did it, I know it!"
Hina said
"You...know it?"
I hear Monokuma's voice say
He then appeared.
"Jeez, I didn't know your power level would increase by that much just by getting mad!"
Monokuma said
"What are you doing here...?"
Hina said
"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to hand out my little murder flyer. That's right! It's the next Monokuma File! And don't get so mad, Miss Asahina, or you're gonna ruin that lewd little face of yours! Now then! With that, I—"
Monokuma said
"Hold on... There's something I want to ask you..."
Makoto said
Monokuma said
Did they even try to think that it could have been suicide?
"It was you, wasn't it? You killed Sakura?"
Makoto said
"Huh huh?"
Monokuma said
"Sakura wanted to challenge the mastermind to a duel. Maybe you and her fought again, and then..."
Makoto said
"Then I killed her? Sorry, not quite! Actually, not even close. That whole thing is totally irrelevant now! Sakura came to a most regrettable end without even getting the chance to finish things with me... Which, thank God for that! It saved me the trouble of having to go through with our little fight. Cuz even for someone like me, it would've been no mean feat to take down a behemoth like that! I gotta tell ya, I was actually pretty worried! I mean, she'd violated a rule by attacking me in the first place, but I wasn't able to punish her! So I dunno who it was, but whoever the blackened is this time...I owe ya one!"
Monokuma said
"Y-You owe them one!?"
Hina said
"Oopsie! Before you get all pissy-potty at me, you better figure out who did it first! Cuz I mean...your lives are all on the line, right? Puhuhu... Puhuhuhuhu!"
Monokuma said and leaves
"What the hell...? He owes them one? I hate him! I hate this whole thing!"
Hina said
"All of us do trust me."
I said
"Well I, for one, am glad it was Sakura. She was working for the mastermind, after all."
Byakuya said
"H-How can you say that now...!?"
Makoto said
I said
"Sorry, I don't have time for your squabbling. The next game has already begun... If you want to be angry at someone, be angry at whoever killed Sakura."
Byakuya said
Hina was quiet.
"Right now, our top priority needs to be uncovering Sakura's killer. If we can't do that, we're all dead."
Kyoko said
I said and grabbed my note book.
"Then let's decide who will stand guard this time."
Byakuya said
"I'll do it."
Hina said
Byakuya said
"I'm okay... Just let me handle it...! Besides, I...I want to be here...with Sakura."
Hina said
"Okay, then Hina is guard number one. But we need one more. Kyoko, that's you."
Byakuya said
Kyoko said
"You're always a thorn in my side. This time just stand by and watch quietly. Consider that an order."
Byakuya said
"An o-order!?"
Makoto said
I sigh.
"Fine. I'll stay behind."
Kyoko said
"Then it's settled. Let's begin, shall we?"
Byakuya said
"Hold on! Before that, there's something I want to say."
Hina said
"Which is...?"
Byakuya said
"Hiro, Byakuya, Toko—none of you are allowed to step foot in the crime scene."
Hina said
Hiro said
"One of you killed Sakura! I won't let someone like that come anywhere near her!"
Hina said
"Don't be stupid. Our lives are in just as much danger as yours! We have every right to investigate."
Byakuya said
"I don't care what you say. I'm not letting the one who killed Sakura anywhere near her. Even if it means I have to use force, you're not getting in here...!"
Hina said
"Well, it appears further discussion would be a waste of time. How about a compromise? I won't ask you to let all of us in. Just let me."
Byakuya said
Hiro said
"You don't really care, do you? You're both useless, anyway."
Byakuya said
"Nope, don't really caaaare! I'd rather spend my time coming up with another splendid fantasy involving Master, anyway!"
Syo said
"And you, Hiro? Do you really object?"
Byakuya said
"I-If you're gonna go that far, what can I do? I mean, I don't have anything to hide, so why should I care?"
Hiro said
"Then it's decided."
Byakuya said
"Nothing's decided!"
Hina said
"I know how you feel, Hina, but you should agree to his request."
Kyoko said
Hina said
"We have to find out who killed Sakura. For those of us still alive, and to honor Sakura's memory..."
Kyoko said
Only if I could tell them. I do I really do but I don't them to die.
"Fine. I guess that's okay. But no matter what, Byakuya, you absolutely aren't allowed to touch her...!"
Hina said
"Naturally. Who would want to touch a filthy dead body?"
Byakuya said
"To check if their dead for one."
I said
"That's enough fighting. We need to focus on the investigation from here on out. Everyone, keep this in mind. If we can't uncover Sakura's killer... all of us face execution."
Kyoko said
I said
And if I die the real ones will die.
I open up the Monokuma File.
'The victim was Sakura Ogami. The time of death is estimated to be around 12 noon. The body was discovered in the rec room, on the 3rd floor of the school. There is evidence of a strong blow to the victim's head. No other injuries were noted. However, it seems that at some point, the victim suffered from violent vomiting of blood.'
"Poison then."
I said and wrote it down.
"I think the case this time might be...a challenge."
Kyoko said
"How so?"
I said
"Why's that...?"
Makoto said
"The only way into the rec room is the door we just came through. And that door had been jammed shut with the chair from inside the rec room. Which means the killed would have had to escape somehow, after barring the door."
Kyoko said
"So if the door was blocked from the inside, and there was no way in or out till we broke the window... There's escape, right?"
Makoto said
"Seems like it."
I said
"In other words, this is a classic locked room murder."
Kyoko said
"Hmm. Then there's a possibility that there's a secret entrance to here or something isn't there?"
I said
"Yes, it would."
Kyoko said
"L-Locked room murder...?"
Makoto said
"Are you curious to hear more about what a 'locked room' murder entails?"
Kyoko said
"S-Sure, if you don't mind..."
Makoto said
"When you break down this type of murder mystery, there are four basic types. The first type is when the locked room is created after the actual crime is committed. This simply means that the killer commits his crime, then through some special method seals the room. This mainly involves some sort of trick involving the 'locking' of the room. Basic approaches include using a string, or simple mechanism. There are a number of variations. The second type is when the locked room already exists before the crime is committed."
Kyoko said
Makoto said
I said
"Basically, the killer uses a special contraption or tool from outside to target the victim inside. You push a switch and it fires a handgun, you shoot an arrow through a gap in the door, something like that. But in this case, that doesn't seem to fit. There are no guns or arrows in the school, and the door doesn't have any gap that would allow it... The third type is when the killer stays in the room until it's opened up."
Kyoko said
"What do you mean by that...?"
Makoto said
"She means they stay hidden and when the door is opened, they use the confusion to blend in with the group. They pretend they showed up along with everyone else, and that's it."
I said
"And the fourth and final type is when it wasn't actually a locked room at all, the one Galxia described."
Kyoko said
"Not a locked room...?"
Makoto said
"By that I mean, there actually is an alternate escape route somewhere within the room. You see this a lot in novels and things, but in reality it's generally not possible."
Kyoko said
"Then you think we can cross that one off, too?"
Makoto said
I said
"I believe so, yes. So, when it comes to locked room mysteries, those are the basics."
Kyoko said
"So there are four possibilities... Then...Kyoko, which of those four choices seems the most likely in this case?"
Makoto said
"That's a good question. Answering that should be our primary focus during this trial. But right now...I can't really say."
Kyoko said
"I see..."
Makoto said
We went to Sakura's body
There's blood on her lips, she definitely vomited blood.
I wrote it down.
"Maybe her getting hit on the head somehow caused her to start vomiting blood?"
Makoto said
"I doubt it."
I said
"Not a chance."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
"However, your eyes have landed on a most interesting location."
Byakuya said
Makoto said
"Yes, most interesting. Don't you agree?"
Makoto said
"N-No, I don't think I'd call it 'interesting.'"
Makoto said
I said
We went to Kyoko.
"But for Sakura to have been killed..."
Kyoko said
"Yeah, she's not the type who would go down without a fight."
Makoto said
"And she certainly didn't, I would say. She was the Ultimate Martial Artist, strong in body, mind, and spirit. So how was the killer able to get the upper hand on her...? I wonder... did someone get the upper hand...?"
Kyoko said
"They must have taken her by surprise, right?"
Makoto said
"Certainly, they would've needed to if they expected to stand any chance against her."
Kyoko said
I see a wrapper net Sakura's body and pick it up.
"Ah, that's—!"
Hina said
"Do you recognize it, Hina?"
Makoto said
"Well yeah. I mean, I gave it to her... That's a candy wrapper. Sakura got super upset when she found out Genocide Jack had attacked me, right? So after we left the nurse's office, I gave it to her. I thought it might help her calm down a little..."
Hina said
"So you gave that candy to Sakura..."
Makoto said
"I found a big box of it in the warehouse. I...really like 'em... Actually, as soon as we could get into the warehouse, I took the entire box back to my room. I made sure nobody else could get their hands on 'em."
Hina said
"You really like them that much?"
Makoto said
"But I wanted Sakura to get a chance to try one for herself. That's why I gave it to her... But now...they've lost all their flavor."
Hina said
Makoto said
I hugged Hina, she hugged my back
"I-I don't want to lose you to Galxia..."
Hina whispered to me
"You won't I 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮"
I said and we stopped hugging
After I wrote what happened.
We went to the locker.
I said
"What's a handprint doing here?"
Makoto said
"It looks like someone touched the inside of the locker, and it left a handprint in all the dust..."
Makoto said
"And it looks quite fresh, too. I'd say someone was hiding here in the locker, and they left behind a little something extra..."
Kyoko said
"So then...! Maybe the killer hid in here until the locked room was opened, don't you think? And during all the confusion, they popped out and joined the rest of the group!"
Makoto said
"Highly doubt it."
I said
"She's right. Unfortunately, that's not a possibility."
Kyoko said
"Huh? Why not?"
Makoto said
"Think back. Before we opened the door, we looked inside the room, right?"
Kyoko said
"Oh yeah... And the locker was already open at that point..."
Makoto said
"So there's no way someone could have hidden in there until after we opened the door."
Kyoko said
I wrote it down.
I looked behind the chair to see glass shards.
Definitely suicide.
I wrote it down.
I see a figure and I pick it up.
A Monokuma figure.
Kichi and a few other of my friends would collect these.
I wrote it down.
I went to the self.
"It's no different from your standard ship in a bottle."
Kyoko said
Makoto said
"You know, where the bottle's opening is smaller than the boat placed inside? You've never seen that?"
Kyoko said
"Oh, yeah...maybe I have."
Makoto said
"So this is the Monokuma version of that. A...Monokuma Bottle, if you will."
Kyoko said
I wrote it down.
"I feel like I'm finally starting to make sense of things, little by little..."
Makoto said
I went to where the blood stain was.
It's far from where Sakura died while in front  of a magazine self.
I wrote it down.
We went to where a protein cup was
"It looks like...a protein drink. And it's empty..."
Kyoko said
"No shit."
I said sarcastically.
"Sakura must have drank it. Everyone knows how much she loved her protein... And she mentioned more than once how protein was good for all sorts of ailments."
Makoto said
"I wouldn't take that to heart, if I were you..."
Kyoko said
"I know..."
Makoto said
'Chem A-2'
Must have been from the chem lab, and where the possible poison came from as well.
"But that's strange..."
Kyoko said
"Huh? What is?"
Makoto said
"You see what's scattered around the can?"
Kyoko said
"Shards of light blue glass..."
Makoto said
"I did have some shards on me maybe they fell onto the cup."
I said
"But they aren't just scattered around the can. They're also underneath it."
Kyoko said
"Why does that matter...?"
Makoto said
"I can't say for sure yet, but you're probably going to want to take a note of it. I feel like it'll become an important clue later on..."
Kyoko said
I wrote it down.
We went to Hina.
"We already know who did it...! Byakuya, Toko, or Hiro—it had to be one of them! They couldn't stand the sight of her! You agree with me, don't you Galxia!? Makoto!?"
Hina said
"We can't be sure about it Hina, until we have more evidence."
I said
"Then let me help you find out more. You see, Sakura asked all three of them to meet with her. You know where? Right here in the rec room."
Hina said
Makoto said
"After I went to the nurse's office this morning, Sakura and I both left together, right? Well, eventually she went off on her own. But when I saw her again after that, she told me... She said she'd left a note for each of them. She asked them to meet her in the rec room by noon. I'm telling you the truth. I heard it right from Sakura herself. And...I tried to stop her. But she wouldn't listen. She said not to worry, that she just wanted to talk to them. And this is what happened... If I'd stopped her, by force even, this never would have happened...
Hina said
Hmm alright.
Makoto said
I wrote it down.
We went to Byakuya.
"What do you want? You're bothering me."
Byakuya said
"Um, there's something I'd like to talk to you about."
Makoto said
"Make it quick."
Byakuya said
"Is it true that Sakura asked you to meet her in the rec room?"
Makoto said
"So you found out. Interesting."
Byakuya said
"Then it's true?"
Makoto said
"I did receive a note to that effect, yes. But what fool would do what it said, and risk being killed by that monster?"
Byakuya said
"So you didn't go see her?"
Makoto said
"Of course not. I ripped the note to shreds and threw it away. I haven't seen Sakura today at all."
Byakuya said
"If you're all finished, please remove yourself from my sight."
Byakuya said
"O-Okay. Thanks..."
Makoto said
I wrote it down.
We investigated the door a bit.
"I don't see anything suspicious about the door itself."
Makoto said
We went to the chair that I removed from the door.
"In other words...there's no reason to think the chair had anything special done to it."
Makoto said
I wrote it down.
"Well, Galxia? Makoto? Have you both finished with your general investigation?"
Kyoko said
"Yeah, I think so...for the most part."
Makoto said
I said
"Then you should probably go talk with people now. I'm on guard duty, so I can't leave. Which is why I've decided you'll go in my place."
Kyoko said
"Alright then."
I said
We went out of the rec room.
We went to Toko's room.
We pressed the door bell and a bell sound could be heard.
"Huh? Wh-Who's there? Well? What do y-you want?"
Toko said
"I got this Mako."
I whispered to Makoto said
Makoto moved away some.
"I see Syo isn't around currently."
I said
"D-Don't even say her name... It makes me s-sick to my stomach... I was in such a g-good mood, too...!"
Toko said
"Ah, sorry Toki."
I said
"S-since it's you G-Galxia, I guess I-I don't mind."
Toko said
"Alright, is it alright if I ask some questions?"
I said
Toko said
"I wanted to talk to you about Sakura asking to meet with you."
I said
"Wh—!? I-I-I don't know what you're t-talking about!"
Toko said
"You're lying, and Byakuya already told me she had asked to meet with him."
I said
"I a-admit, I did get the note... B-But I didn't go see her! I was s-scared, so...I couldn't bring m-myself to go! Is that g-good enough? Then I'm going back to m-my room..."
Toko said
"Yeah it is thanks Toki."
I said
I wrote it down.
We then went to Hiro's room and pressed his door bell.
"What's up, Galxia, Makoto? Did you need something?"
Hiro said
"Yeah, actually...I just wanted to check something. It's about how Sakura wanted to meet with you..."
Makoto said
"H-H-How'd you know about that!? Uwah! Did you maybe...gaze into my soul? Have your special abilities awakened in you!?"
Hiro said
"No. Hina told us and we confirmed with the other two."
I said
"B-But! I'm not the only one she wanted to meet with! Ogre told me herself that she asked Byakuya and Toko to come, too!"
Hiro said
"What? When did Sakura tell you that?"
Makoto said
"Oh—! W-Well...! When she asked me to meet with her, of course!"
Hiro said
"But...didn't she write you a note? Yeah, uh...a note...she uh... She gave it to me in person! And she happened to mention the others, like, in passing!"
Hiro said
"So then you went and met with Sakura?"
Makoto said
"N-No way, I totally didn't! Why would I ever do that!? The last time I saw Ogre was when Hina got hurt and I took her to the nurse's office! I haven't seen her since then!"
Hiro said
He's acting suspicious.
"While we're here, could you show me the note she gave you?"
Makoto said
"Oh, I still have it...? Let's see... Ah, sorry! Looks like I don't have it anymore!"
Hiro said
Something then fell out of his pockets
Makoto said
"Ah... Aahhh—! Ehehe. Sorry, just a bit of trash I forgot to throw out..."
Hiro said
Makoto said
"A-Anyway! I can't deny that Ogre asked to meet with me, but I never went... So, well, if you'll excuse me...!"
Hiro said and went back into his room.
I wrote it down.
"So...where should we start?"
Makoto said
"We should check the crime scene again or check the chem lab, I think it was Suicide, so if it was poison it would be in the chem lab. I'm not saying that some couldn't have put poison in her protein when she wasn't looking but still."
I said
Makoto said
We went to the chem lab.
"Makoto...did you have your eye on the chem lab, too? Just make sure you don't get in my way."
Byakuya said
"Yeah, we got it."
Makoto said
"I think what you meant to say was, 'Yes, sir. I understand.'"
Byakuya said.
"It really wasn't, if you want me to say something else I'll be glade to say 'Fuck off we said what we said and meant it'!"
I said
We went to the shelves before Byakuya tries to scold me.
I open the one labeled 'A'
I picked up the chem 'C-9'
"The hell is this doing here, it's a dangerous poison..."
I said
Could someone put it here on accident? No I don't think they did.
I put it in one of my bags on my belt.
I looked at more of the chemicals.
Wow they really do almost or everything here.
But nows not the time to be distracted.
"They're reagents. Put simply, they're used in experiments to bring about a chemical reaction. How have you lived in such ignorance for so long? It must truly be bliss..."
Byakuya said
"I-Isn't that kinda harsh...?"
Makoto said
"What, you think studying science and mathematics has no practical application in the real world? The words of a lifelong loser. Which, I suppose, suits you well."
Byakuya said
"Shut up before I flip you over me and into a wall."
I said
Byakuya froze and stopped talking.
"What I thought."
I said
I then opend the one labeled 'C'
I see poisons and dangerous chemicals.
Nothing we really need, but still useful information.
"We should try to find out more about this shelving unit."
Makoto said
I said
I wrote it down.
I kneeled down to the poison powder.
"Would you like to hear something interesting? I was on the 4th floor this morning, checking things out, and at that point...this room wasn't like this."
Byakuya said
"Then...this powder must have been spilled..."
Makoto said
"Yeah no kidding if it was thrown the powder would have been everywhere."
I said
"That's right. It could only have been around the time of the incident."
Byakuya said
The bottle says 'C-4'
I stand up and write it down.
I look to the end of the powder and see footprints.
"How do these footprints relate to the scene as a whole? We may need to sketch out the floor plan..."
Byakuya said
"By 'we'... Do you mean me and Galxia?"
Makoto said
"How kind of you to offer."
Byakuya said
"Well? Let's go, chop chop!"
Byakuya said
Makoto said
I flip my notebook to a different page and draw on it.
"Not bad. For you, I mean. So, when you look at it like this... Interesting... It would appear that whoever left these footprints only had business at the leftmost shelf. They came in, went straight to that shelf, did whatever they had to do, and then left. That's what the footprints tell me. These footprints must be..."
Byakuya said
"Makoto, are they yours?"
Byakuya said
Makoto said
"Okay. Then let me see your shoes and I'll confirm their size for myself."
Byakuya said
Makoto did as he said
"I see... Your feet do appear to be too big. Unfortunately, I must admit these are not your footprints."
Byakuya said
Makoto said then put his shoe back on.
"But with how clear these prints are, it should be quite easy to determine who they do belong to."
Byakuya said
"We should probably take a good, hard look at that powder..."
Makoto said I nodded and kneeled down.
It's nothing really new. Yellow powder, footprints in the powder etc.
I got up and wrote it down.
"Galxia, Makoto. I admit, you both have a good eye for spotting useful clues. But you also need to learn how to make use of those clues."
Byakuya said
We walked out of the chem lab and to the crime scene.
"So Galxia, Makoto, how's your investigation going?"
Kyoko said
We told her what Toko and Hiro said.
"I see... So along with Byakuya, they're both claiming they didn't go see her. But it's all too convenient. Someone must be lying."
Kyoko said
Well no duh someone is lying.
We went to the magazine rack.
Makoto said
I grabbed an upside down magazine, and flipped trough it.
It said Toki's name.
"Th-This is...! a dying message!?"
Makoto said
"Then it would appear you've found it."
Kyoko said
" this...?"
Makoto said
"It is indeed a dying message. Someone used their finger to write it."
Kyoko said
"But just to be clear, I'm not the one who put it back upside down. It was already like that when I found it a little while ago. I made sure to put it back exactly as I found it, for the benefit of others who might come looking."
Kyoko said
Hina came to us
"H-Hey... Is that...? That says...Toko, right?"
Hina said
I said
"Y-Yeah, it looks like it."
Makoto said
"Then...she's the killer! Right!?"
Hina said
"W-Well, it hasn't been confirmed yet..."
Makoto said
"It's settled! She's the killer for sure! That's conclusive evidence, right!? We can use it to corner the killer!"
Hina said
"Not exactly."
I said
I write it down.
We went to the Monokuma bottles.
"So? Did you figure it out? There's a hidden correlation between all the bottles. Pay careful attention and you're sure to find it."
Kyoko said
Wait were they moved? It seems like it.
They all have different chess pieces as well.
Is that possibly what she's talking about?
"Hey, Kyoko...can't you just tell me what it is?"
Makoto said
"I don't mind guiding you toward clues, but giving you my conclusion isn't a good idea. Each person needs to come to their own conclusions, so that everyone can have confidence in the outcome."
Kyoko said
"And it's not just because you don't trust me...right?"
Makoto said
Kyoko was quiet.
"No answer!?"
Makoto said
"I do trust you, to a degree. Otherwise, I wouldn't have told you anything to begin with."
Kyoko said
You gave us hints in all the trials.
I update the Monokuma bottle note.
"Actually, there's one other thing about the Monokuma Bottles that's bothering me... I'd like to do an experiment to confirm it. You don't mind helping me, right?"
Kyoko said
I said
"An experiment...?"
Makoto said
"Can you gather up all the pieces of the broken Monokuma Bottle? Try to get the smaller pieces, too."
Kyoko said
"Huh? Are you sure it's okay to mess with the crime scene like that...?"
Makoto said
"I've already done a thorough investigation, so it's fine. And that obnoxious Byakuya's not here, so... Anyway, I need to get something from the chem lab. While I'm gone, try to gather up all the glass."
Kyoko said and leaves
"I really don't know what this is about, but...what choice do I have? I'd better just do it."
Makoto said
He grabbed a broom.
"No, no, no. Let me handle this Sweetheart."
I said flirting a little
Makoto blushed
I laughed a little.
I make the glass shards go up, and into my hand.
Makoto and Hina were amazed.
" Telekinesis, one of my powers."
I said
then after awhile Kyoko came in.
"Sorry to keep you waiting. Is everything ready? Then let's get to work."
Kyoko said
"So...what kind of experiment are we doing?"
Makoto said
"I got a scale from the chem lab. We're going to use it to compare weights."
Kyoko said
"Compare the weights...of what?"
Makoto said
"The pieces of glass you collected, and one of the Monokuma Bottles that's still intact."
Kyoko said
"Why do you want to do what...?"
Makoto said
"That's the point of the experiment. It'll make sense when we're done. First, let's compare the weight of two of the normal Monokuma Bottles."
Kyoko said
Makoto said
"I see."
I said
"Which means, each Monokuma Bottle weighs about the same."
Kyoko said
"Which makes sense... The Monokuma figures inside are basically the same, and nothing else could really affect the weight."
Makoto said
"Now, here comes the important part... Put all the pieces you picked up on one side of the scale. Now, what might we expect to see?"
Kyoko said
"Well, a normal assumption would be either they'll balance out, or the pieces I collected will be lighter. We did our best to get them all, but there's a chance we could have missed some here and there."
Makoto said
"Okay, then let's give it a try."
Kyoko said
"Huh...? The broken pieces are...heavier!? H-How is that possible...?"
Makoto said
"Just as I thought..."
Kyoko said
Kyoko said
"The results of our experiment, and the correlation between each of the bottles—put it all together... And I believe you will arrive at one very persuasive conclusion. So? What do you think? It's all on you."
Kyoko said
I wrote it down.
We went to Sakura's body.
"Just staring off into space isn't going to help you figure anything out."
Kyoko said
"W-Well, yeah, I know. But..."
Makoto said
"Don't you think you might need to actually examine the body?"
Kyoko said
Makoto was quiet.
"There's no getting around it."
Kyoko said
"I can't believe how calm you and Galxia are. No matter how many times I see a dead body, I can't get used to it..."
Makoto said
"That's totally normal."
Kyoko said
" can you...?"
Makoto said
"I imagine it's because I've had plenty of opportunities to touch dead bodies in the past."
Kyoko said
"Since I'm an Ex-assassin I've had to put on hand on the bodys heart to make sure their dead. Unless I used my scythe."
I said
Makoto said
"Sorry, never mind. More importantly, look here..."
Kyoko said
Makoto said
"You see that yellow powder on her instep?"
Kyoko said
"Yeah, it really stands out..."
Makoto said
"That powder is clue number one."
Kyoko said
Finally we're getting somewhere!
I wrote it down.
"Next is the wound to her head. Look carefully... Actually, even telling you that, it's incredibly difficult to spot. So let me just explain... It would appear that she didn't suffer a single blow...but instead, received two blows to the head."
Kyoko said
"Two blows...?"
Makoto said
"Interesting, wouldn't you say? And there's one more interesting thing... Both of her hands were spotless. There's absolutely no trace of blood on either one. So, that's what I learned from examining her body in detail."
Kyoko said
I wrote it down
The TV made noise
"Oops! Ya caught me sleeping. Your investigation was just so boring, I couldn't stay awake! Should I do it? Is it okay? Can I? Can I can I can I? Okay, then let's begin the class trial! You know where to meet, right? Please go through the red door on the first floor of the school! Puhuhu. See you soon!"
Monokuma said
We walked to the red door.
The others were already inside except us two.
"No...not whatever happens. We have to MAKE something happen!"
Makoto said
"Right. Let me say this first. No one murdered her."
I said
"Wait you mean it was—"
Makoto said
"Yes it was suicide, now let's go."
I said
We went inside.
"The ultimate martial artist! *emoticon* A locked room murder mystery! *emoticon*"
Monokuma said
"What the...?"
Kyoko said
"Oh, I've just recently discovered the power...of emoticons! Like, no matter how awful something is, if you toss in a smiley face, it turns positive! For example... You're at a picnic and you find a dead body!"
Monokuma said
(I'm to lazy to put emoticon over and over again.)
"This is just plain creepy..."
Hiro said
"And how about the reverse? No matter how great something is, if you put in a sad face, it makes it look super negative! For example... Do you have a hundred friends?"
Monokuma said
"He's right! That does make it seem sad!"
Hiro said
"Now then, please get on the elevator!  I'll see you all down there!"
Monokuma said
"Wh-What the hell was that...?"
Toko said
"I don't get it..."
Hiro said
"I don't get you guys! How can you act so casual after murdering someone!?"
Hina said
"I-I...don't think I'm acting casual. Er, I mean...! I didn't murder anyone!"
Hiro said
"Yeah, I'm c-completely innocent... How d-dare you call me a murderer!?"
Toko said
Hina said
"Either way, the truth will be revealed soon enough. Because there can be no doubt, one of us is the culprit."
Byakuya said
"We'll see."
I said
"Come on, it's time to put an end to this..."
Makoto said
I said
We went inside the elevator.
We were now in the trial grounds.
"Hmm... Just the six of you, huh? Really... That's so few! You must be so lonely!"
Monokuma said
"You say that like it's not YOUR fault we're all that's left!"
Makoto said
"I wonder, will the class trial end with one less classmate again? Or... Will your school life come to an end completely? Now then, are we ready to begin? You know the drill! Find your assigned seats!"
Monokuma said and I did so.
I went over my truth bullets.

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