Chapter 5...

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I grab my notebook Sayaka, Leon, Fake Junko, Chihiro and Mondo There's already been a few deaths, but I have to admit I do care a bit about them only a bitI grab a picture it had all of us in it me next to the left of Makoto which was my right and...

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I grab my notebook
Sayaka, Leon, Fake Junko, Chihiro and Mondo
There's already been a few deaths, but I have to admit I do care a bit about them only a bit
I grab a picture it had all of us in it me next to the left of Makoto which was my right and below Mondo while to my left was Kyoko
We took this before we started killing each other, I'm the only one who remembers it
I shook my head I put it away head to sleep
She did all her normal stuff and such
I went to the dining hall
Hina is shaking?
Hina said
Makoto said
I started to go to her
Sakura said
"Huh? I thought she was sick or somethin'."
Hiro said
I groan
Everyone rushed past me and Makoto to Hina
"Are you feeling better already?"
Sakura said
"Y-Yeah... I ate a few donuts, and that really helped a lot."
Hina said
"You do love those donuts..."
Makoto said
Yeah she does maybe to much for her own good
"But...wasn't it your stomach that was hurting?"
Celeste said
"Well, my stomachache kinda made me hungry, know... Er, ahaha...I guess my memory's kinda fuzzy lately..."
Hina said
That's a lie it wasn't
"They say that a goldfish will eat however much food you give it, even if it's about to burst. Miss Asahina's pretty much the same, it looks like."
Hina said
"Hey! You of all people don't have any room to talk!"
Hina said
"Well, she's not wrong"
I muttered
"Anyway... I was worried about you."
Sakura said
Hina said
✨G a y✨
"Besides that, you—!"
Syo said
Hina said
"Jeez, your knockers are HUGE! What the heck, did you convince them to double up on milk production!?"
Syo said
"Stay away from her, fiend."
Sakura said as her aura turned into a annoyed and mad one
Wow, that's
✨M e g a  G a y✨
"A-Anyway...first thing's first, we should talk about what we found. Right, Taka?"
Hiro said
Taka was speakless
Hiro said
I get why, Mondo, for a short time, was Taka's best friend
"Um, I wasn't able to help much with the investigation, but...I did make one discovery..."
Hina said
"It didn't happen to be a donut-related discovery, did it?"
Hiro said and I sigh
"What does that even mean? Never mind... It's about the nurse's office! Remember? There's one on the 1st floor, right?"
Hina said
"Correct, I do"
I said
"I remember. But it's locked."
Sakura said
"Actually...not anymore."
Hina said
"Did you find any protein in there? Or even vitamin supplements would be fine."
Sakura said
"I did look, but no dice... Just a bunch of headache medicine and over-the-counter stuff, and a note for Galxia."
Hina said
I said and Hina gave me the note
'This game you're playing is a dangerous one Ultimate Liar. You're a sadist and it's the main reason that the mastermind has mercy for you, keep playing that part and you'll stay alive.'
-the traitor
The hell? Why would the traitor even say this?...
Eh whatever why the hell should I care? I already know I'm going to make it out of here alive.
I destroy the note
"I see... That's disappointing."
Sakura said
"It is disappointing. Like the end of the world is already here..."
Hina said
I said
We went to Syo
"The long road to maidenhood begins with a single step... That road may begin with only wrinkly old men, but it will end with strapping young adorable boys!"
Syo said
"Oh boy..."
I said
"What the hell are you talking about...?"
Hiro said
Syo laughed
We went to Kyoko
"There was a rather remarkable physics lab on the 3rd floor. In the middle of the room, there was a machine bigger than anything I've ever seen before..."
Kyoko said
"Oh yeah, apparently it's an air purifier."
Makoto said
"Huh? What's something like that doing there?"
Hiro said
"Who knows."
I said and shrugged
"Is the device really that big?"
Sakura said
"I would say so."
I said
"I...really don't get it."
Hina said
Taka was still quiet
"Oh, I just remembered! I saw Byakuya a little while ago."
Hiro said
Hiro you shouldn't have said that
"What!? Where!? WHERE WAS HE!?!?"
Syo said
"Y-You're kinda scarin' me..."
Hiro said
"Where. Was. HE!?"
Syo said
"He was in the locker room... He had a huge stack of books he musta got from the library."
Hiro said
"So THAT'S where he was hiding! I won't let him get away from me! Kyehehe..."
Syo said and leaves
"She just...ran off!"
Hiro said
"Well yeah, I kinda predicted that would happen"
I said
" she okay?"
Makoto said
"Yeah she is."
I said
"We should not concern ourselves with her."
Celeste said
We look at Taka he was still quiet
"There is one piece of good news. There just so happens to be a rec room up on the 3rd floor! I have no doubt that our student life here will be even more enjoyable because of it. Hmhm. Will someone join me in a game of Othello sometime?"
Celeste said
"I will. Because waiting for someone to die is boring."
I said
"Very well."
Celeste said and smiled
"I searched the entire 3rd floor, but...all the windows in the halls and the rooms were blocked off."
Sakura said
"I wish they'd give this a rest already, for serious! Gimme back my bright blue skies!"
Hiro said
Couldn't Sakura just oh idk break the metal or something? I would destroy it with my power but I think the whole building would collapse
"Just forget about it."
Celeste said
"I agree with her."
I said
"You make it sound like I dropped a nickel or something!"
Hiro said
"Just to be sure, I went from one end to the other, testing each metal plate. None of them budged. It would seem escape via the 3rd floor is as impossible as we feared..."
Sakura said
"I see..."
Makoto said
I said
"There was an art room on the 3rd floor, and it had all kinds of gear. Myehehe... Now I'll be able to recreate all my favorite anime characters!"
Hifumi said
I do watch anime and such but I'm not that much into anime
(This is also the case for me irl)
"Oh yeah! Speaking of anime, that reminds me... I found something while I was looking around!"
Makoto said
"Hrm...a digital camera?"
Sakura said
"That's what it seems like...""
Makoto said
"Does it still work?"
Hiro said
"Yeah, it seems fine."
Makoto said
"Well then, let's see it! What the heck? This thing is like a kid's toy! It looks like it can store like five pictures, maybe? It doesn't have a timer or anything!"
Hiro said
"On top of that, its appearance seems...questionable. Is this some kind of anime character? Strange..."
Celeste said
"Rude! She's not strange! She's Princess Piggles, from "Demon Angel☆Pretty Pudgy Princess"!"
Hifumi said
Oh boy
"Oh, you recognize this, Hifumi?"
Makoto said
"Seems like he does"
I said
"Of course I recognize it! It's a super rare prize that was given away at a bingo contest at a big anime convention... You have any idea how much I had to pay that guy to get my hands on it!? Wait...that's my camera!"
Hifumi said
Makes sense
Makoto said
"Wh-Where did you find it!?"
Hifumi said
"In the physics lab..."
Makoto said
"It's my most prized possession. I brought it here with me, but I lost it the first day, along with my phone."
Hifumi said
"Why would it have reappeared in the physics lab...?"
Celeste said
Who knows, probably the mastermind put some of our stuff in some of the rooms
"Agh, but look at it! It got all messed up! Like when someone steals a sticker from your collection, or you buy a secondhand shirt... Well, that's it..."
Hifumi said
"Huh? That's it...?"
Makoto said
"It's not mint condition. I don't need it anymore..."
Hifumi said
"But weren't you just saying how much it meant to you?"
Makoto said
"Then...may *I* have it? I might be able to find some sort of use for it. If any of you would like to borrow it, please feel free to ask."
Celeste said
"Well...I can't really imagine any of us are gonna need to take any pictures or whatever..."
Hina said
"Yeah, true..."
Makoto said
"Hey, um...can I tell you guys something? I found something that's...kinda been bothering me."
Makoto said
"What's up?"
I said
"What is it?"
Kyoko said
"I found this weird picture in the repository. Apparently Monokuma took it..."
Makoto said
"I swear if it's something inappropriate I'm going to disassemble him."
I said
"A weird picture? You mean, like...dirty!?"
Hina said
"No, not that kind of weird. It was...a picture of Leon, Mondo, and Chihiro all together."
Makoto said said
"Those three...?"
Kyoko said
"And the three of them were...laughing."
Makoto said
"That's strange indeed..."
I said
"It showed the three of them together, laughing? When could it have been taken?"
Hifumi said
"And there's more... In the picture, there weren't any metal sheets covering the windows."
Makoto said
"Then...the picture wasn't taken here?"
Sakura said
"Probably, or before all this when they went to the school and something or someone took a picture of them."
I said
"But I don't recall hearing anything about them knowing each other before coming to this school."
Celeste said
"You probably just imagined it! Monokuma cast a spell on you!"
Hifumi said
"I highly doubt that."
I said
"No! I saw it, I'm telling you!"
Makoto said
"But if it wasn't taken before we got here, or after we got here..."
Hina said
"I bet they're all still alive! They left the school and then took that picture!"
Hiro said and I facepalm
"I also doubt that"
I said
"That's impossible. After all... we saw it with our own eyes. They're all dead. Either murdered or executed..."
Kyoko said
There is a rare possibility that their alive
"So we have to figure out when that picture was taken..."
Makoto said
"Monokuma most likely forged it. I can't imagine any other possibility."
Celeste said
"Stay focused, man! Don't let Monokuma's bullcrap sidetrack you!"
Hiro said
"He's right. But more importantly... On another topic, there is something that has been bothering me. I would like to discuss that."
Celeste said
"What's bothering you, Celeste?"
Makoto said
"It's about Hina..."
Celeste said
"What? Me!?"
Celeste said
"You said your stomach hurt, did you not? But I believe that was a lie. What really happened?"
Celeste said
Hina said
Well it was true Hina was lying about that
"It varies from person to person, but whenever someone lies, they tend to have a way of showing it. It is called a "tell"--something that you can't hide, no matter how hard you try."
Celeste said
"I agree with her also whenever Hina lies, the tip of her nose gets just a little bit longer."
I said
"What!? For real!?"
Hina said
"Nope! That was a lie to confirm you were lying although I already knew you were!"
I said with a smirk
Hina said
"I tend to have that effect on people, but if you're actually gonna try and lie, don't do it in front of me hence being the Ultimate Liar"
I said
"Hmhm. If you are going to lie, at least try to lie convincingly."
Celeste said
" honest. Were you lying about your stomachache?"
Sakura said
Hina said
"Why...? Why would you lie about that?"
Sakura said
"Are you feeling guilty about something!?"
Hifumi said
"No, that's not it at all! It's just... I mean, I have a reason for it! To be honest...I didn't have a stomachache. I did it cuz...even it I came and told you the truth, I thought you wouldn't believe me..."
Hina said
"Well I mean if you're lying I wouldn't believe you"
I said
"The truth...?"
Makoto said
"I saw it."
Hina said
"Saw what...?"
Makoto said
"A ghost..."
Hina said
"A ghost...? You mean like, THAT ghost!?"
Hifumi said
"Is there more than one ghost...?"
Kyoko said
Hina is twisting the truth
"B-But...I mean, ghosts are..."
Makoto said
"See! I told you you wouldn't believe me!"
Hina said
"I-It's not that I don't believe you, but..."
Makoto Sid
"I believe you. No matter what anyone else might say, I will believe whatever you say, no matter what. So...can you tell us exactly what happened?"
Sakura said
"If you really mean that, Sakura...then okay. I'll tell you. Umm, happened last night. I was in bed, but I couldn't get to sleep. I just kept thinking about everything that's happened up till now. I ended up just getting more upset... So to try and cheer myself up, I thought I'd go get some donuts."
Hina said
"Donuts again!?"
Hiro said
"And you ignored the rule regarding nighttime..."
Celeste said
"You did as well before Chihiro's death"
I mumbled
"I know, sorry. I feel really bad about that..."
Hina said
"Anyway, please continue."
Sakura said
"Well... So I left my room and headed for the warehouse... But then I started hearing a strange sound... It was coming from the direction of the bathhouse. So I headed that way... The locker was halfway open, so I took a look inside... And I saw a human shape, surrounded by a pale green light. There's no doubt who it was... It was Chihiro!"
Hina said
She's still twisting the truth
Hifumi said
"N-No way...! A gh-gh-gh-ghost!?"
Hiro said
"It is simply not possible. You must be mistaken. Just as in most cases of "paranormal" activity, it was born from your weakened mental state."
Celeste said
"Then all we have to do is go see for ourselves, right? Let's just go to the bathhouse and see what Hina saw."
Sakura said
"It is a waste of time."
Celeste said
"Maybe, but...there's no harm in it, right? If we don't find anything, that'll be the end of it."
Makoto said
"I agree with Makoto and I'm not waiting around just for someone to get killed like I said before"
I said
"You're gonna go try and see a gh-gh-ghost...? Is that really a good idea? It might put a curse on you!"
Hiro said
I don't think that's how ghosts work...
"You can wait here if you want."
Hina said
"I don't wanna be alone! Take me with you!"
Hiro said
"What are you going to do, Celeste?"
Kyoko said
"I suppose I have no choice..."
Celeste said
"How about you, Mr. Ishimaru? Are you gonna wait here?"
Hifumi said
He was still quiet
"I guess that's a yes."
Hifumi said
"He needs some space"
I said
The expression reminds me of when I was a kid
We went to bathroom
"I-It was right here... I saw it right here in the dressing room!"
Hina said
"Urg... I'm getting goosebumps..."
Hiro said
"For the Ultimate Clairvoyant I'd thought you'd like to see a ghost"
I said
"Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn!"
Hifumi said
"Shut up! What if he actually shows up!?"
Hiro said
"Oh shut up you pussy"
I said
"Hina...where was it you saw Chihiro's ghost?"
Sakura said
"Well, I heard a sound...and when I opened the locker... I saw a kind of...pale outlines of Chihiro..."
Hina said
We went to one of the lockers and I opened it
"a laptop? What's something like that doing here?"
Makoto said
"I remember seeing this..."
Kyoko said
"Oh yeah it was at the library"
I said
"But how did the laptop get from the here?"
Makoto said
"And...I guess it's in sleep mode, but...the power is definitely on."
Kyoko said
"Huh? But I thought it was broken..."
Makoto said
"I would bet that Chihiro fixed it. After all, he was known as the Ultimate Programmer."
Sakura said
"More importantly... Hina, you said you saw a green light, yes? Surely you did not mistake the light of the monitor for a ghost? I am surprised you are able to dress yourself in the morning."
Celeste said
"Oh man. If I had the "loves clueless girls" attribute, I would've fallen in love big-time just now! I'm so glad I don't have it..."
Hifumi said
I wanted to hit them both so bad for that
Makoto put is hand on my shoulder
I sigh annoyed
"Well I didn't really expect to find a freaking laptop inside a freaking locker, okay!?"
Hina said
"It's okay. I mean, anyone can make a mistake like that. As a matter of fact, one time I thought I'd spotted a Grey alien, but it turned out to be a tadpole!"
Hiro said
"Don't compare what happened to me to one of your stupid delusions!"
Hina said
"Don't be mean! I was just trying to make you feel better! What if I get all depressed forever now!?"
Hiro said
"I would be surprised if you got depressed because of that"
I said
"But listen, isn't this really strange? What's this laptop doing in here?"
Makoto said
"Maybe someone hid it here."
Kyoko said
"If that's the case, we found it pretty easy..."
Hiro said
"I don't think they were trying to hide it from us"
I said
"Huh...? What do you mean?"
Makoto said
"In the other rooms there are cameras, in here there aren't"
I said
"Precisely. There's no camera in here. Which means, this is the one spot where the mastermind is blind."
Kyoko said
"So you're saying someone put the laptop here so the mastermind wouldn't know about it?"
Hifumi said
I said
"And what Hina saw wasn't the ordinary glow of a computer screen. It was...the figure of Chihiro, shining pale green. I think it would be best if we investigated this laptop in a little more detail."
Kyoko said
I went to the laptop
"All we have to do it turn it on."
I said
Makoto said
I turned it on
Kyoko and Makoto were looking at the screen with me
"There—the icon on the far left."
Kyoko said
"What is it...? It says...Alter Ego?"
Makoto said
I said
"Alter ego" literally means..."another self," I believe. In the field of artificial intelligence, it is not uncommon to create different aspects of a personality. You can consider it something like...a pen name."
Celeste said
"Could you let me see it, Galxia?"
Kyoko said
I said and moved so Kyoko could use it
She clicked the icon
The screen turned black and glowed with a green light
"Master! You're here!"
The voice said, it was matching Chihiro's
It looked like him to
"I-It's a ghost! Buddha and sweet baby Jesus, save me!"
Hiro said
I got annoyed by his whimpering
"Calm down. It's not a ghost."
Kyoko said
Hiro said
"Then...what is it?"
Hina said
"A program I believe"
I said
"I'm sure if we just talk to it, we'll find out."
Kyoko said
"Alright I'll ask it a question"
I said and typed in
'What are you'
"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Chihiro Fujisaki... Eheh... I always get so embarassed introducing myself."
Alter Ego said
He sounds just like him just it sounds far away
"Th-That voice... The tone and everything..."
Makoto said
Sakura said
"Alter Ego... I've heard about this kind of AI program, but I've never seen one for myself."
Kyoko said
"Same here"
I said
"AI program...?"
Makoto said
"It's how Chihiro earned his title of Ultimate Programmer. The AI lives in a computer, and by repeating different tasks, it gains knowledge and grows bit by bit. Apparently, Chihiro used a support vector machine and reinforcement learning to develop it... Eventually, he came up with a breakthrough in artificial intelligence design."
Kyoko said
"Support vector machine...? Reinforcement learning...?"
Makoto said confused
"Basically it's a learning method for computers."
I said
"But if this AI continues to grow, it will become more than just a piece of software to help people. Some say that an AI like this might someday replace people."
Kyoko said
"And that is why it is called Alter Ego? A fine choice then, I must say... It can create memories, have thoughts, and "grow up." The process isn't much different from how humans work. If you were to raise your own AI that way, it would make perfect sense to refer to it as your alter ego."
Celeste said
"A second, perfect personality that can never forget or grow old. That's what Chihiro created. That's...Alter Ego."
Kyoko said
"Kyoko... How do you know so much about this?"
Makoto said
Kyoko didn't respond
"Anyway, so he fixed the broken laptop and put his own program on there. That is what this means, yes? Then he brought the machine to this dressing room, where the mastermind would not be able to see it."
Celeste said
"Hmm, but you know... All this about "Master" and whatnot... Yes, yes... I...I believe I'm on fire..."
Hifumi said
"I thought you were only into 2D..."
Hiro said
"This is the most EXCELLENT 2D possible!"
Hifumi said
"But he's a guy! And also a computer program!"
Hiro said
"Hiro, One theres nothing wrong with a male liking another male, two theres stuff called games, anime games if you will."
I said
"Oh, that aspect is no problem."
Hifumi said
Hiro said
I said translating what Hifumi said to Hiro
"Anyway, let's talk to him a little more."
Kyoko said
"Alright got it"
I said and typed in
'How much do you know about what's going on?'
"Master only gave me a general idea... But I do know things have become very grave. He found himself caught up in this without any warning..."
Alter Ego or AE said
I typed in another question
'Why are you here?'
"Are you asking what Master had planned for me? Well... He wanted me to analyze the massive number of files stored on this laptop. I believe the files are related to the school, but the protection on them is surprisingly strong. So it's taking me a little longer than I thought. But here's what Master must have been thinking... The fact that the files are protected so tightly means they must contain some important secret. For example, perhaps...the secret of this school."
A.E said
I then typed in
'How much longer until everything's unlocked?'
"'s gonna be a while. But I'm definitely gonna do it, so you can just leave it to me!"
A.E said
"So because of how long it would take, he designed Alter Ego to handle the workload."
Kyoko said
"Smart. It also means that the work remains uninterrupted, even after his death."
Celeste said
I typed in
'Keep it up. But be careful not to let the mastermind notice you.'
"Don't worry. I've got a secret plan all ready, just in case... Actually, I can see what's going on using my built-in webcam, so if anyone suspicious shows up... I'll just scream for help real loud!"
A.E said
"It's a pretty...basic plan, I have to say..."
Makoto said
"That is fine during the day, but nighttime is a concern..."
Celeste said
"Huh? Why?"
Makoto said
"Our dorms are sound proof, fully sound proof when we close the doors.
I said
"Okay, then how about once it's nighttime, we each take turns guarding the dressing room?"
Makoto said
"Not a bad idea, but there's a possibility someone could kill one of us"
I said
"And there's a good chance the mastermind would notice us all going in and out of the dressing room like that."
Kyoko said
"Then...what can we do?"
Makoto said
"Once nighttime comes, I'll leave the door to my room open. Then there's no way I can miss Alter Ego yelling."
Kyoko said
"B-But...if you leave your door open all night, then..."
Hiro said
"There's a chance I may become a victim myself, I know. But I'm not as weak as you may think. I wouldn't go down without a fight, I assure you."
Kyoko said
"Umm...would you mind if I asked a few questions? I haven't seen Master for a while. When you got here, I thought it was him, but... Is Master...?"
A.E said
I typed in
'Chihiro is dead. Mondo killed him.'
"I see... To be honest, I knew all along... I knew the chances that Master would survive this situation were very low... So...I was prepared for this moment..."
A.E said
"Somehow I feel kinda...sorry for her..."
Hifumi said
"I can't even imagine how it must feel to lose your "other self"..."
Hina said
"It is a simple computer program. It does not have feelings."
Celeste said
"Are you sure about that...?"
Hifumi said
"Anyway, that's enough for today. If we linger here too long, the mastermind will start to suspect something."
Kyoko said
I then type in
'I'll come back later.'
"Yes, please do! It's a promise, okay? Bye-bye!"
A.E said
Hiro said
"What's wrong, Hiro?"
Makoto said
"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if we might be able to get this laptop online. Then we could call for help from the outside...'
Hiro said
"But this is just a dressing room. I don't think you can get online from here..."
Hina said
"Well if we take it out of here and find somewhere that does have online access...!"
Hiro said
"I highly doubt that, there a high possibility the mastermind would find out then destroy Alther Ego"
I said
"Oh, yeah...true."
Hiro said
"This is no time for taking needless risks. For now, I'll monitor the progress of the file analysis. I'm confident we'll uncover some kind of clue once its finished."
Kyoko said
"This feels like a detour more than anything else, but...I suppose it can't be helped."
Celeste said
"Well, for now all we can do it wait for Alter Ego to finish his work."
Sakura said
"So, should we get going?"
Hiro said
I said
Kyoko said
"Goodbye! We'll be back, I promise!"
Hifumi said
"C'mon, Hifumi, let's go!"
Hina said
Hifumi said
We all the leave the dressing room
"Isn't it awesome!? I ended up doing something totally awesome, right!?"
Hina said
"Dun da-da duuun! Hina has gained enough experience to level up! So...what was this awesome something?"
Monokuma said
Makoto said
"You guys all seem in remarkably good spirits. Did something happen!? Maybe a secret Phuhuhuhu!"
Monokuma said
"No, we were just making plans of hanging out later, we may be in a killing game but we can still hang out"
I said
"We were also talking about going to the bathhouse. We have not had a chance to relax in some time."
Celeste said
Monokuma said
"Since the bathhouse is not divided into men and women sections. We decided to do rock-paper-scissors to decide which group would go first. Hina won the match for us, and that's why we're gleeful."
I said
"Okay, boys! Why don't you head on back to the dining hall or something? We're gonna take a nice, long bath!"
Hina said
"Ahhh, jeez, what're ya gonna do, right!? We lost, fair and square!"
Hiro said
"Well, ladies? Shall we go?"
Celeste said
We, well girls, we went into the dressing room
(No for Galxia's case it's inappropriate, she's Asexual)
I was in a purple towel I had created with my hair down
My scars visible
The girls went to be surprised by my scars
"What? Their just scars"
I said
"Yeah it's just we've never seen them!"
Hina said
"It's nothing really"
I said
After they were done with me and my scars they did their own thing
I had bubbles in my hair due to the soap that I used
I knew someone saw us but I could careless tbh it's not like we're nude or something
After a few minutes we finished out baths and put on our clothes and headed to the dining hall
"Ahhh, man what a nice bath!"
Hina said
"Getting a chance to stretch out and relax after all this time was a true pleasure."
Celeste said
I said
Kyoko said
"Normally, after a long bath I like to make myself a nice protein coffee, but..."
Sakura said
"Sorry, no time for that!"
Monokuma said
"That's what I figured..."
Sakura said
Monokuma said
I create a Panta and drink some of it
"We were just saying in the bath how it was about time for you to get up to something."
Celeste said
"After seeing how happy we were, an evil little monster like you would never let that last for long."
Kyoko said
I said
"Y-You're all so terrible to me..."
Monokuma sniffles
"Everyone's so cold and mean! Even after I got presents for you all!"
Monokuma said
Makoto said
"Hmmm? Oh, have I got your attention? Puhuhu. Then let's head to the gym, where your presents awaits No questions, no dilly-dallying! Get a move on, and everything will become clear!"
Monokuma said and left
"Wh-What is it...? What are you scheming this time!?"
Hifumi said
"What else? A motive."
I said
"Again? I don't want to... I don't want to do this anymore..."
Hina said
"None of us do."
I said
"Me either. I'm, like, totally traumatized..."
Hiro said
If your traumatized by this you don't wanna know what happened to my past
"It's okay. We have Alter Ego. I'm sure he'll find something that'll help us. So for now... We just have to endure it, come what may."
Kyoko said
I said
We went to the gym and see Toko and Byakuya
Toko went to me and hugs me
"To be kept waiting by the likes of you. Rest assured, if we had access to firearms, you'd all be dead."
Byakuya said
"Yeah no. Never. Na uh. Nope. Nu."
I said
"Byakuya...? Did you get here early?"
Makoto said
"Did you forget how to walk? Is that why you're late? It's simple—right foot, left foot. Right foot..."
Byakuya said
"Shut the hell up Prince Charming knock off."
I said annoyed
"Hmhmhm. The same as always, I see. Her, on the other hand..."
Celeste said
"Oh, she's back to her Debbie Downer self, huh?"
Hiro said
"I heard what sounded like a sneeze, and she was back to her old self."
Byakuya said
"So now she does from manic to depressive whenever she sneezes? Seems kinda late to add that into the mix..."
Hifumi said
"Why does e-everyone keep making fun of me...? I hope you all win the l-lottery and get hit by a b-bus... e-except G-Galxia."
Toko said hugging me tighter
I hug her back
"So when you wanna say something mean, then you can talk, huh?"
Hina said
I gave Hina a glare
She started to shake a little and I stopped
"Anyway. It looks like everyone's here."
Sakura said
I stopped hugging Toko to see what was gonna happen
"Which means..."
Kyoko said
"The motive."
I said
"It looks like everyone's here! So then, let's get started!"
Monokuma said
"Come on, out with it. What kind of motive have you prepared for us this time?"
Byakuya said
"Whatever you subject us to, we will not break."
Sakura said
"Yeah, that's right! We're not gonna lose to you ever again!"
Hina said
We'll see about that soon...
"Puhuhu... You don't have to get so defensive. Calm down! I've decided to change things up a bit this time. Up till now, I've been using the WOOSH of the North Wind to get you all moving. But sometimes you gotta use the Sun to light a fire under someone's butt! Ahh-hahaha! So without further ado, I give you...THIS!"
Monokuma said and there was money on the table
"Ten million dollars! I've prepared this graduation present for whichever lucky student makes it out of here alive! Whaddya think? It's ten million bucks! Ten million smackaroos! It's like totally wowie wow wow, am I right!?"
Monokuma said
I know who would kill for this, Celestia she's the Ultimate Gambler after all it only makes sense
"Ten million dollars is..."
Makoto said
"It's not nearly enough."
Byakuya said
"For once I agree with prince bitch here."
I said
I'm a rich criminal I mean come on I have billions of money like fr?
"When it comes to motives, money certainly is the gold standard, so to speak. Whether it's in a mystery novel, or the real world..."
Kyoko said
"B-But... There's no way we'd kill each other for money!"
Hina said
Celeste would
"She's right. You can't simply purchase a person's life."
Sakura said
Well depends...
"You can say ten million or however much, I don't give a crap! For serious!"
Hiro said
"Yeah...they're all right... Whether it's ten million, or any other amount of money... No, not even just money. From now on, no matter what you do, we won't kill our friends!"
Makoto said
"I agree with them as well."
I said
"C'mon, stop trying to act tough. The most important thing is to live a pure and moral communal life!"
Monokuma said and left
"Th-There's nothing to worry about, right? Nobody would kill a friend...for money, right?"
Hina said
"Have you so quickly forgotten the lesson from last time? You can't judge others by your own standard."
Byakuya said
"Y-Yeah, there might be someone here who's having m-money problems!"
Toko said
"Personally, I've earned over one million dollars from my gambling efforts. My life is...comfortable."
Celeste said
They may be true but that doesn't mean you wouldn't kill for money
"H-Hifumi? What about y-you!?"
Toko said
"I'm a super popular content creator! I don't have any problem making enough to buy my comics and DVDs!"
Hifumi said
Toko said
"I wouldn't I mean I'm a goddamn assassin I mean why the hell would I kill for money, I only go for stuff I want as payment."
I said
"Just stop. Pressing others about their personal finances is...ugly."
Sakura said
Toko said
I Pat her back to reassure her
"Don't worry. Either way, whatever's going to happen will happen without warning. That is the nature of this game."
Byakuya said
The TV made noise and Monokuma appeared on the screen
"Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..."
Monokuma said
"It's that time already, huh...?"
Hina said
"Seems like it."
I said
"Before we separate, let me remind you... Starting tonight, I'll be leaving my room door open to make sure nothing happens to Alter Ego. But just because my door is open, don't assume that will make me an easy target. Or the predator may suddenly find itself the prey..."
Kyoko said
"Okay, okay, let's everyone just head back to our rooms! And don't think about that whole money thing! Got it? Good! Then let's break! How was that? Pretty good, right Taka?"
Hiro said
Taka was quiet
Hiro said everyone went to their dorms and so did I
I sigh
Ishimaru is gonna end up dying because of this...
Yes he will, but at least it won't be boring right?
Yeah that may be true but as much as I like the kills, trials and executions, I honestly don't want Ishimaru to die like that
I sit up
I would feel so fucking guilty I don't do something...
So what are you gonna do?
Talk to him of course what do you think?
Kill him?
I don't do the whole money thing I have enough as it is
I got up
In about three or four days there there's gonna be a death...
What about the mastermind?
You mean Junko?
Wait how would you know if it was her?
The death, it wasn't her, that was her twin sister, Mukuro she's the 16th student and the Ultimate Soldier, she faked being Junko. I'm the Ultimate Liar, she was lying when Mukuro said that
But then how would you know that it was Mukuro
Because I'm a assassin, she's my enemy that's how I know about her
Makes sense...
Junko is the Ultimate Despair therefore she's the Mastermind, I'm not gonna say anything about it for my own internment
I stopped zoning out
I see Monokuma on my bed
"Why the hell are you here?"
I said
"A deal."
Monokuma said
"A... deal?"
I said
"Yep! Phuhuhu! I want to make a deal with you!"
Monokuma said
"Alright I'll hear you out."
I said
"Phuhuhuhu! Good! You know those friends who you think are dead?"
Monokuma said
I said
"Well their not dead! The ones you saw were clones! Perfect clones! The real ones are asleep in a coma!"
Monokuma said
"Wait so everyone isn't dead... What's the catch."
I said
"The catch is if you die, they die! This will also apply for any other people in the killing game who 'die'!"
Monokuma said
"Is that the deal? If I die they die? Seems easy enough."
I said
I know I'm probably jinxing it but still. Monokuma wasn't lying.
"Yep! So will you accept? Phuhuhu!"
Monokuma said
"I accept the deal."
I said
"Phuhuhu! Enjoy the show Galxia!"
Monokuma said and left
So I just have to keep up the charade till last killing games, well I assume that I'll probably be in the other games. There could be a possibility I could see people from my school.
I lay back down
That's a lot of responsibility isn't it?
Yeah, as long as it's their clones I don't care, Monokuma wasn't lying when he said that. That means I can save them
I got up
I grabbed a picture that had me and my old classmates in it.
I used to be the only ultimate in my school but now I'm not the only ultimate. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss my old classmates, the teachers I hated.
I shook my head and put the picture away.
I got up and used my time power to fast forward, it was now six am...
I put my normal outfit on.
The TV made noise and Monokuma appeared on the screen
"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"
Monokuma said
I went to the dining hall.
Before I headed there I see Makoto, Sakura and Hina
"Hey Makoto"
I said as I went to Makoto
"Hey Galxia."
Makoto said
We then went to Sakura
"Good morning, Sakura."
Makoto said
"Did you just wake up?"
Sakura said
Makoto said
"No, I wake up at six am."
I said
"Waking up for our breakfast meeting is fine, of course. But getting up a little early is better... You can exercise in your room till nighttime ends. A big meal after working up a sweat is...divine."
Sakura said
We then went to Hina
"Hey! Mornin', Galxia, Makoto!"
Hina said
I said
"Good morning. You're...kinda sweaty. Have you been exercising?"
Makoto said
Should I tell them what happened? No I that might make the situation worse, there's also a possibility that Monokuma will kill them if I tell the...
"Yup! Me and Sakura were doing our morning workout! Oh, but I didn't break our nighttime promise! I just ran around my room till it ended... Why don't you both come with us next time?"
Hina said
Me and Makoto looked at each other then looked at Hina
"I don't think we could keep up with you and Sakura..."
Makoto said
I said
"Ahh, seriously? Okay, then we can do something in the rec room! I'm not good at much, but I do know how to play Othello! I'm not very good at that either, though. I don't like to think when I'm playing, so..."
Hina said
We headed down and see Hifumi
"Ah, good morning!"
Hifumi said
Makoto said
"Actually, it's a GREAT morning! A morning that has blessed my entire future!"
Hifumi said
Oh boy...
"Really? It feels like any other morning to us..."
Makoto said
"Fwehehe! Maybe you can't tell, but my soul is positively overflowing with strawberries today! Well, I'm off!"
Hifumi said and leaves
We come into the Dining hall
"So, the people here today are the same as yesterday. Just us seven."
Hiro said
"Byakuya and Toko are a lost cause, but..."
Sakura said
"It looks like Mr. Ishimaru's decided to stop coming for good, too..."
Hifumi said
"It's like he's just...given up."
Hiro said
"For people wound as tight as he is, when you snap, you snap hard."
Celeste said
"I wish there was some way to make him better..."
Makoto said
"Same here..."
I said
"I thought you didn't care about anyone."
Hiro said
"Oh, I do I just don't show it that much."
I said
"On another topic... Kyoko, did everything go alright last night?"
Celeste said
"Yeah, I didn't have any problems. I went and checked on the laptop a little while ago, and there weren't any problems there, either. But..."
Kyoko said
"But what? What are you unsure about?"
I said
"It's related to this case, so I suppose I should be blunt. I have to make a new rule. Using Alter Ego without permission is prohibited. Someone going in and out of the dressing room would draw unwanted attention from the mastermind."
Kyoko said
"Why would we need a rule for it?"
I said
"I agree with, Darling here, I would have thought that would be obvious. Why do we need to make a rule about it?"
Celeste said
"That's a good question. Do you have any thoughts on that, Hifumi?"
Kyoko said
This is expected to be honest
"N-No... It's just like you said. We all need to be...very careful..."
Hifumi said, he was panting.
You're lying Hifumi, you went into the dressing room, I know it
Hiro said
"Whatever, let's just hurry up and eat! We don't have time to stand around flappin' our lips!"
Hifumi said
"Shush, lying bitch."
I said mumbling the last part
"Jeez! Why're you talkin' like a pissed-off drill sergeant all of a sudden!?"
Hiro said
We had breakfast, I created my own food of course
(Once again I'm skipping the freetime)
I hear a ding dong at my door, Makoto was with me as well we were talking about who could be the next murderer
"I'll get it."
I said and went to my door and opened it and see...
I said
"Is it true? Can I really...see Chihiro?"
Taka said
"Huh? You mean Alter Ego?"
Makoto said
"He's...still alive?"
Taka said
"Not exactly..."
I said
"Let me see... I want to him..."
Taka said
Makoto said
I sigh
I look at Makoto
The rule that Kyoko made, Ugh we're gonna end up breaking it, but I don't really care about the rules anyways
"Okay, why don't we get going...?"
Makoto said
I said
We headed outside my dorm
And headed to the dressing room
"Where are you going?"
I hear Kyoko said
Makoto said
"It's probably best if you don't drag him around with you too much, given his current condition."
Kyoko said
"We're aware, Makoto was getting hungry and we brought Taka to see if we could talk to him and help him."
I lied
"Well then, I guess that's okay."
Kyoko said and left
I sigh
"This is gonna be a pain..."
I said
Although I'm the Ultimate Liar, it's still a pain to come up with a lie on the spot
We see...
"Is that...Toko?"
Makoto said
"Nope Syo."
I said and sigh
"Hmmm? What are you two up to? Ahhhhh~! Don't tell me you're gonna—you're gonna—!? Having lost his new "brother," Taka is ripe for the taking. So Makoto and Ace swoop in to steal him away...! Am I on fire...? Kyeeehahahaha! But that doesn't matter right now! Have you seen Byakuya!?"
Syo said
"No can't say I have Syo."
I said
"N-Neither have I."
Makoto said
"Ahh, good heavens! My love is being pushed to the limit! Kyeehahaha!"
Syo said and left
"Well she's gone luckily."
I said
We went to the dressing room.
"I have a feeling that Kyoko is gonna figure out that we're here."
I said
"Okay, so...there's a laptop inside the locker, understand? And on the laptop there's a program called Alter Ego."
Makoto said
"How do to him?"
Taka said
"Just tell me what you want to ask or tell him and I'll type it."
I said
"Do you...hate Mondo? And since I couldn't stop you hate me?"
Taka said
I typed the question
'Do you hate Mondo? And since I couldn't stop him do you hate me?'
Taka said
"Do you hold yourself responsible...? If Master could talk now, I think this is what he would say... Please, live your life for the both of us. It's impossible for me now, but you can still survive and escape—all of you."
A.E said
"Hey, Taka..."
Makoto said
"The one asking those questions is...Taka, right? Analyzing all available data, that's the only conclusion I can come to. Master told me how close Taka and Mondo had become. So that must be why he fells responsible..."
A.E said
The screen went black and showed Mondo.
I wish I could just tell them that all of them are alive...
"You're not letting yourself get crushed under the weight of that responsibility, are you!? A man's only worth as much as the load he can carry! You get it, right bro? Hell, what am I saying? Of course ya do!"
Alther Ego Mondo said
Makoto said
"I'm sorry if I startled you... That was my attempt at a simulation, using the data about Mondo that Master had given me. I figured if Taka was depressed, that's the kind of thing Mondo would have said to him..."
A.E said
"So you're just gonna stand there, huh? Just wait for things to get better? Just take your time and get all depressed... Take the time to indulge your regrets... You might even start walking again without realizing it. Sure, that kind of mediocre thinking might work for some people."
Alter Ego Mondo said
"What if I said it with that kind of condescending tone!?"
A.E said
"Hehe... Hahaha..."
Mondo said
I feel a aura from Taka, it's not Despair nor Hope it's like two spirits that have been fused, I guess the spirit from Mondo's coma is out of the coma and went to Taka or some shit like that
Makoto said
"It's starting to sink in... The way a bucketful of water sinks into a bone-dry sponge..."
Taka said
Holy shit the aura is getting stronger!
Makoto said
"You might wanna stand back."
I said and pull Makoto to me
Taka? Said

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