Family Feud

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     I woke up the next morning and the bed was empty. I looked outside and the fire was out, and the truck was gone. Where did Jess go? He wasn't supposed to meet with his sisters again until this afternoon. And he doesn't work at all today. No note or anything. I start to panic.
     What if this guy took Jess? What if Jess was fed up with me and left for good? What if... I hear the truck pull up. I get up, change, and step out of the tent.
"Hey, Sorry, did I wake you?"
"No, I woke up a few minutes ago. Where did you go so early in the morning?"
     He walks over to the drivers side and pulls out two bags of food.
"I thought you might want some breakfast. I went to the diner and picked up some French toast, bacon, and eggs, and two coffees. One with sugar, and one black."
"What's the occasion?"
"Well while you were asleep, I figured the present I gave you last night wasn't enough after what you gave me."
     He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.
"And I just thought that, this and dinner in the city, would make up for that."
"Dinner in the city? How am I supposed to do that?"
"There are other roads you know. We'll just take the one that leads from here to the city."
     "And what am I supposed to wear? I don't have a dress."
"Ah, you can thank Mrs. Keller for that."
He walked around to the other side of the truck and pulled out a bag. Inside was a little black dress, all the make-up I would need, a pair of black high heels, and a clutch purse.
     "Mrs. Keller got all this?"
"Mmm hmm. She already knew your sizes. I'm guessing you went shopping with her before. And the make-up she said you left at their place."
"And of course I already have jewelry. Thanks to a certain somebody."
"Your welcome."
     "Okay, I guess we going out."
"After lunch with my sisters we'll come back and get ready to go."
"Okay. Sounds like a plan. The first time I've been out on the town in a long time."
"When was that exactly?"
"Oh...gotcha. So, I made reservations for eight o'clock. Lunch with my sisters is at two. And with drive time we should be in the city by seven forty five."
"Okay. So let's eat."
     Two o'clock rolled around and we were waiting inside a small cafe. First the twins showed up, then Cora, then finally Ashlyn. We were seated and then we placed our orders.
"So Jess, can you tell us more about Amber?" Cora asked.
"Well, like what?"
"Like how you two met, where do you live, how long have you been seeing eachother. That kind of stuff."
     "Oh, sure. Well actually we met on my birthday. I was walking one way she was walking another, and we bumped into eachother."
"That's an understatement. He knocked me down." I mentioned.
"Really? So you actually fell for him?" Blair asked. Practically laughing.
"Yeah I guess."
"How romantically comical. Go on."
     "Well we went on our first date the next day. After I fell asleep on her couch." Jess continued.
"I'm sorry you slept on her couch?" Ashlyn eyed me.
"Well after I picked her up off the ground, I walked her home. We didn't do anything I swear. We were just talking."
     "Sure. 'Just talking' is that code for 'we slept together'?"
"Ashlyn. Not all girls are like that. Please Jess go on." Bryn said.
"Anyways, we had our first date, and three months later we moved in together."
"Wait three months?! That's too soon. You're moving to fast here Jess. At least with Thalia you waited a year before proposing." Ashlyn snapped.
     "I'm Sorry who's Thalia?"
"His ex-fiance. They were high school sweethearts but they weren't serious until after graduation." Blair explained.
"He never mentioned her."
"Well no shit Sherlock. She ended the relationship to go to college." Ashlyn said.
"Guys that's enough you can't talk to Amber like that." Jess defended.
     "Jess is right Ashlyn. We barely know her." Cora said.
"Ashlyn you need to calm down, and stop acting like mom and dad." Bryn said.
"I'm just trying to get an idea if what she wants from Jess."
"Nothing! Believe it or not, like it or not, I love him! I love him for who he is not for what he has." I snapped.
     "Oh and that necklace you're wearing, I suppose you didn't have anything to do with that purchase?"
"No Ashlyn, she didn't. I gave it time as a Christmas gift. She had no clue." Jess said.
"Ashlyn calm down. It's his life let him live it the way he wants." Cora pleaded.
"He would be living a great life if he stayed with Thalia. I don't know why he let her go."
     "Because she wanted to leave, I didn't. I wanted time stay here. And she doesn't matter anymore. She's happily married." Jess answered.
"I'm just saying she would've been better than her." She pointed at me.
"You know what, I'm done. Come on Amber. No one makes fun her, ever."
And just like that we left.
     We were back at camp within the hour. Jess was so tense. Ashlyn was just relentless. And the thought that she like this Thalia person more than me, hurt.
"I'm sorry about my sister. She had no right to say any of that."
"It's fine. But, maybe she's right."
"No. Amber sweetheart, don't let her get to you. She was wrong about everything. As usual. Come on, look at me."
     He put my chin between his index finger and thumb.
"I love you. Don't doubt that. Sure, I should've told you about Thalia, but then this would've been different. You and me."
"Okay. I love you too."
Jess leaned forward and we kissed. This one was different. It was simple and sweet. Almost like an apology.
      "So, are we still on for dinner?" He asked.
"Yeah we are."
"Okay. So let's get ready."
"Mind if we interrupt plans for a second?"
We turn around and there stood Jess's sisters. All of them.
"How did you guys find us? No one knows where we are."
"Mrs. Keller." Cora said sheepishly
     "Ashlyn has something to say." Bryn said pushing the eldest forward.
"I'm sorry for lashing out towards Amber. Mrs. Keller filled us in on your situation, and we didn't know."
"And just what didn't you know?" Jess asked.
"That Jess is the reason you're alive today. The fire, how he saved you."
     Jess and I looked at eachother in relief. She didn't know the whole reason.
"Well, you didn't know. So all is forgiven."
"But I do know that Jess must really love you, if he's living like this for your sake."
"I like to think he does." I say.
"You know I do." Jess responded.
     "We would like to start fresh with you Amber." Blair said.
"You must think we're bad people for assuming the worst." Bryn followed.
"No, not at all. You're all just really concerned for your brother."
"It's just that our parents left us a lot of money, and sometimes people use you to get to it." Ashlyn explained.
     "I didn't know about the money when we started dating. Now that I know, I don't care. I never cared about money."
"Your not just saying that?"
"Well I guess we can all relax and enjoy the time we have here."
"I agree." Jess said.
"Girls, why don't we leave. Let them get ready for their date tonight." Cora said.
     "We'll see you guys tomorrow for brunch?" Bryn asked.
"Definitely. Oh and... don't tell anyone that we're out here. The fire wasn't accidental. It was intentional."
"Oh, don't worry. We won't tell anyone." Blair said.
"And Sorry for bringing up Thalia. I just wasn't thinking."
"Don't worry about it. It's all good now."
     "That was an amazing dinner. Thank you."
"I just wanted to take you out without hiding."
"Well you did an excellent job."
"Thanks, I tried."
"Can you unzip me please?"
     I turned around and lifted my hair off my neck. I could feel Jess's fingers on my back. Once he finished with the zipper his fingers lingered on my back for a while.
"Don't get any ideas back there." I say.
Before I could say anything, he kissed my neck and rubbed my shoulders.
     "Jess, we have to get up early tomorrow."
He sighed.
"Sorry." I said.
"Not your fault. While I'm back here want help with the necklace?"
"Don't get distracted."
"I won't."
"Today was pretty eventful."
     "Yeah. That's for sure. Again, sorry.
"Don't worry about it. Although it felt like I was on a reality TV show."
"Yeah, 'the Travers un-cut'. Sounds catchy."
"But thank you for defending me."
"You don't have to thank me for anything. Your my girlfriend, it's my job to protect you."
     "Well thank you anyways. For everything. "
"Any time."
"Hey, how about 'Travers Family Feud'?"
"Better than what I got."

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