Accidents Happen

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     I woke up and Jess wasn't there. I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I saw a note on the mirror.

I left early to go to the station. They really needed me today. Sorry couldn't be there when you woke up. I love you and I'll see you tonight if possible.

Well, that answered that question. I made some coffee and sat on the couch.

Around noon I took Topher for a walk. I thought I'd stop by the station to surprise Jess. I got to the station and no one was there. Maybe they went on a run. So I left a note saying I stopped by.

I took Topher back to our duplex. A few minutes later the kids came over and we watched Disney movies and played with Topher. I was cleaning up after they left when there was a knock on the door. I knew I couldn't be Jess, he has a key now.

I opened the door and there was the captain. He was covered in ash and soot.

"Are you a miss Amber Reynolds?"


"My name is captain Woods. I came here to escort you the emergency room. There was an accident at the burn sight today...Jess was involved."


"I'll explain on they way to the ER. We need to go."

The ride to the hospital seemed like it would never end. Apparently Jess was the last one in the building as he was looking for people. Then a beam from the ceiling and hit him hard on the head.

The only reason he made it out was because someone came in with him. So they got him out before the building collapsed. We arrived at the ER and I bolted for the door. I saw some of his buddies sitting in the waiting area.

"What happened,where is he?"

"The doctors said that it was a minor concussion. But due to the fact it was a five pound beam, it knocked him out cold. I'm Sanders by the way."

"A minor concussion... that's all?"

"That and some cuts and bruises. But other than that he's fine."

"Okay. Did they say when he can see me?"

"Shouldn't be too long from now."

"Okay." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Waiting was absolute torture. I just wanted to see Jess and make sure he was okay. They said it wouldn't take long, but I bet they just said that to make me feel better.

Finally the doctor came out.

"Is anyone of you an Amber Reynolds?"

"That's me. Is everything okay?"

"Well he's awake now, but we want to run some tests on him."

"Okay then."

"However, he's refused any tests unless he knows your here. His words exactly ma'am."

"Oh...okay...take me to his room."

"Follow me."

The doctor lead me to his room and said to let him know when to come back. I pushed the door open and I swear my heart stopped. Jess was lying on the bed with IV's and scrapes all over his face.

"Hey." He said looking up at me.

"He...Hey." I could feel the tears coming.

"Come here."

I practically ran to his side. He motioned for me to sit next to him. When I did, I lost all control over my tears.

"Jess...I...I w..was so scared...I...I didn't...I..."

Jess wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back.

"Shh... it's okay. More importantly I'm okay. Shh." He whispered in my ear.

"Then let them run some tests. Please Jess."

"Okay, I will. I just wanted to make sure that you were handling this alright."

"What am I gonna do with you?"

"I dont know. Sell me?"

"Rhetorical question."

We just sat there for what seemed like a few seconds.

"Excuse me, Ms.Reynolds, but we would like to run those tests now." I heard a nurse say.

"Can you tell me what kind if tests?"

"Just a CAT scan to see if his skull was injured."

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit. Smile for the camera." I joked.

"Like this?" He smiled just to see me laugh.


"Shouldn't take too long miss. If everything is alright then he can go home." The nurse said.


The tests weren't too long. Everything was Fine with Jess. But just as a precaution I had to wake him every three hours and ask him questions.

But I didn't get much sleep that night. I kept thinking "what if...". What if no one found him, what if I wasn't home when the capitan came to find me?

"Amber, you okay?"

"Hmm, oh yeah im fine go back to sleep."

"Your lying. I can always tell. Whats eating you?"

"I could've lost you today Jess."

"Amber, sweetheart, it's okay. I'm still here. And it was a small accident. Accidents happen. Especially in the profession I'm in. Don't worry about it."

"But it still happened Jess. And I can't forget about it." I was on the verge of tears and a nervous breakdown.

"I know. Right now I'm home, with you like I promised I would be. Okay? Just relax."

I breathed in deep and everything was gonna be okay. Jess was right next to me. I was in his arms and he was home like he promised.

"Can you promise me something?" I asked.


"Never go in early again."

"Sure thing sweetheart."

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