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"Shit," Chan exclaims, knowing Changbin wasn't going to come home anytime soon. He had called him and messaged him once, but it sent him to voicemail.

He grabbed his keys and headed out, dialing Jisung's number. He needed to find his boyfriend and apologize.

"Yo, what's up?"

"Is Changbin there with you?"

"No, why?"

"We got into a fight and he left."

"Oh shit... uh, I can call Minho. He might have gone over there."

"I'll call him. Thanks anyway."

"No problem. Update me."

He dialed Minho.


"Is Changbin with you?"

"No, why?"

"Never mind."

And that continued with the rest of his friends, yet none had seen him. That's when he started to panic. He wasn't with them. He couldn't have gone back to Yongin, could he? That's hours away. That's too far.

Worry pooled in Chan's stomach, forcing him to call Jisung back.


"I can't find him Jisung. I've called everybody. What if he really left? What if he went home? He couldn't have. That's- it was... he couldn't. Jisung, could he have?"

"Of course not. His parents are on vacation. Didn't he tell you that?"

"No... fuck, he did. Fuck. Fuck!" Chan screams, whimpers coming out right after. "This is all my fault. I didn't listen."

"Hyung, calm down. Take a deep breath. I'll come over right now and you and I can look for him together. Have you tried calling his phone?"

"Straight to voicemail."

"Okay, so it's off. Where does he like to go? Places he likes to sit at and think. Favorite restaurants. Anything."

"Um... he likes to go to that music shop by the river. Maybe he's near there."

"What music shop?"

"The one that Mr.Kang owns. He has a big grand piano in the center."

"Hyung, that's not by the river."

"Yes, it is."

"That's in Seoul by the sushi restaurant Minho likes. That's not by the river."

"You're kidding."

"You really don't pay attention, do you? Why did you guys argue?"

"I guess I was ignoring him for awhile and he got fed up with it."

"What do you mean 'you guess'? Why the hell would you ignore your boyfriend?"

"I just didn't feel like talking, okay? I don't know. I didn't feel like it."

"So you ignored him instead? Nice communication, Chan."

"Shut up. Are you almost here?"

"Yeah, down the road."

Chan hangs up, clenching his jaw and tapping his foot impatiently. He didn't need someone else to dog him when he was doing it himself.

"You're a bitch. Hurry up and get in. I have a few ideas since you're no help whatsoever."

"You don't have to be rude."

"And you didn't have to be a dick, yet here we are."

"What are your ideas?"

"Wow, such a subtle subject change."

"Jisung, I swear-"

"Save it. He's mentioned a few times this studio place he goes to or he could have easily gone back to work. He could be at the dance studio, but I highly doubt that one though. Or finally, the park."

"Why the park?"

"Do you even know what your boyfriend enjoys?"

"Of course I do!"

"An example?"

"He likes... sushi."

"You better fix this when we find him. It's going to rain soon. Do you really want him stuck in a storm at night?"

"He's not stupid... he'll go somewhere. Maybe he'll go back home."

"After we check everywhere, we can go back to your place and see."

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