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"Now what?" Changbin questions, it being the three of them sitting the apartment again.

"Now, we drop you off and hopefully, Seungmin will let this dumbass back in. Get your stuff, let's go."


Minho pulls into Changbin's driveway, parking it and looking at him. They ended up dropping Hyunjin off first because it would give the middle kid more time.

He takes a deep breath, feeling his heart pound against his rib cage. He felt like he was going to break. Glancing at Minho, he sends the younger a reassuring nod.

"Want me to walk you up?" He offers, setting a gentle hand on his thigh.

"No," He breathes out, "I'm okay."

"Have confidence. It'll be okay. Hear him out. Be stern, but listen. Call me if you need anything."

"Thank you. For letting me stay, talking to me, and overall just being there."

"I will always be here for you, Binnie."

He smiles, feeling a bit more relaxed. "Alright. Time to go, I guess. Thank you. See ya."

"Good luck. See you."

He gets out of the car onto shaky legs. He swallows the deep emotion of fear and begins to walk up to the front door. It takes him a minute to unlock it, but he makes it inside quickly.

It dark, to say the least. The curtains haven't been opened since he was last here. He makes his way over to the living room, reaching up to push them open. Light blinds him quickly, but he blinks it away.

A noise in another room startles him, making him turn toward it. Here we go. He enters the kitchen, an uneaten plate of... whatever, is sitting out on the table.

He sighs, not understanding anything anymore. He walks to his shared room, confused as to why Chan wasn't here. The door was closed. Maybe he was in here.

He knocks quietly first before entering. The bedroom was a mess. He rolls his eyes, annoyance beginning to build. Half of it was his fault, though. The clothes thrown everywhere. Oops.


He screams, jumping forward and spinning around. Chan stands there, bags under his eyes. He wore a baggy shirt... the same outfit from yesterday.

"You scared the shit out of me," Changbin holds his chest, chills having passed through his body.

"Sorry," he smiles, but then it drops. "Changbin, I'm..." He looks down. "I'm so sorry."

He stares at him before sighing. "Have you eaten today? Anything besides that... mush?"


"Idiot," He mutters. "I'll make some lunch and we'll talk, okay?"

"W-wait, you're not... you're not leaving me, are you? Please, Binnie, I-" Tears had already built up in his eyes, but Changbin was quick to settle them.

"No, Chan, I'm not. Please, just go sit."



Extra update 😚

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