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"Jisung, he's not anywhere. Oh god, he went back. He went back home. He's gone. No one has seen him. It's pouring rain, for fucks sake."

"Hyung, calm down. We will find him-"

"Where! Where? We looked everywhere. He's not here. He's not home. He left me forever."

"I'll try calling everyone again, okay? Just— breathe. Calm down. Changbin isn't stupid enough to stay out here. He probably found shelter or something."

Jisung dials Minho, the fear from Chan affecting him as well.


"Please tell me you've seen Changbin."

"Yeah, he's here. He just fell asleep."

"Yes, finally-"

"Tell Chan to go home and sit there until tomorrow. I'm not letting either of you see him. He needs some time and Chan needs time to really think over what he's done."

"But Min-"

"Don't argue with me, Jisung."

Jisung got goosebumps when Minho said that. He was lucky to have a sexy man, but damn, could he be scary.

"Okay. Love you then. Bye."

"Love you too."

Jisung sighs, looking at Chan.

"He's at Minho's."

"Oh, thank god. Let's go."

"We can't."


"Minho said Changbin needs some time. We have to come back tomorrow. He said you need to think over what you've done."

"What? No, Jisung. I'm going to get him."

"Chan, you're going to make it worse. Leave him alone for tonight."

"Jisung, please. I can't. I need him-"

"He needed you and you failed to be there. Give him some time. He will come back."

Tears fell onto Chan's cheeks, frustration and regret overcoming him. People say when you lose something, you realize you should've appreciated it when you had it. But he didn't lose Changbin, did he? It's only an argument.

An argument that could cost him everything.

"Hyung, it'll be okay. Just give him some time to breathe. He needs this."

"What if-" He couldn't even get it out. He was so scared he'd lose him.

"He'll be back, it's okay. I'll take you home, alright? We can go to Minho's tomorrow and you can talk to him."

"He doesn't want to talk to me. Minho probably just said that because he doesn't want to be in the middle of this."

Jisung sighs, not responding. Chan refused to believe that it would be okay. Every couple has their ups and downs. It's how it is.

He pulls into the driveway of the small, rented house. Parking, he looks at his friend. Maybe it would have been better if he lied and said Changbin wasn't there. Maybe it would've been worse. It probably would've been worse if Minho let them come over.

"Thanks." Chan says before unbuckling his seatbelt and exiting the vehicle.

The house was cold and quiet when he entered. Turning on the light made it worse. He stood in the middle of the living room, glaring down at the spot he had sat when Changbin was trying to talk to him.

He walks to his bedroom, noticing a slight crack in the doorframe from where his boyfriend had angrily slammed it. Clothes were thrown on the floor; Chan could almost picture his lover stuffing clothes in a bag while muttering swears to himself.

A play by play of remembering what happened broke Chan. He should've listened.


Hi :)
Early update because I'm in a good mood (unlike Chan- my bad lmao)
How was your day?•

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