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"Isn't it weird how we all decided to come here?" Changbin questions, looking over at Minho. "Dude, you're like a therapist."

"I came here because I feel comfortable with you," Felix says. "You always know the right thing to say. You're like an elder, wise and old."


"Yeah, I agree," Hyunjin speaks up. "You make me feel very comfortable when I'm having an issue. You have a nice aura."

"Um... thanks," Minho smiles, patting them on the back. "I have no clue what you guys are talking about, but cool."

"You know exactly what we're talking about, Minho," Changbin points out. "Don't think we don't notice how much you care for us. You're like the big brother. You care a lot, but you choose not to show it. Why?"

"I don't know, that's just how I am. I've always been like that."

"Just know we're grateful, hyung. Even if you always threaten us with shoving tissues into our mouths or putting us into an air fryer," Hyunjin smiles, looking at them.

"That's only you, Hyun..." Changbin points out, stifling a laugh.

"No, Jisung, too."

"Great, threatening the two who used to fight. I'm sure you threatened them to be nice, too," Felix sighs, shaking his head at the elder's antics.

"He did-"

"Shut up!"

"He did?"



"I told them if they didn't start getting along that I would make them regret ever living."

"Harsh," Changbin winces.

"But effective," Minho winks, laughing loudly.

Changbin's phone then rings, making his heart stop. He looks at the caller ID, hands trembling when he lifts the device. The boys stare at him, silenced.


"Changbin, oh god, I'm-"

He hangs up. His heart was beating erratically. He couldn't breathe. "I-I'm gonna go lay down."


"Please," He whimpers out, holding up his hand and walking out of the room. He gets back into Minho's bed, struggling to hold everything back.

It was his voice. How fucking desperate it sounded. How fucking guilty it sounded. How fucking hurt it sounded. Everything about the way he said Changbin's name. God, it pulled at his heartstrings. He was ready to accept any apology. And that was the problem.

"Changbin?" Minho knocks before walking in. "What happened? What did he say?"

The younger shakes his head. "It's not what he said. It's how he said it. How he said my name. He sounded so... broken. So guilty. So sad. I wanted to forgive him like that, but I know I can't. It- It shouldn't even be this big of a deal-"

"Don't minimize your issues, Bin. You... you should go home. I was wrong earlier. You'd forget everything you thought of by the time you saw him. I know you wouldn't forgive him easily, though. I have confidence in you."

"I don't have confidence in myself."

"It won't come easy. Please, Bin. You'll only hurt more and for longer." Minho sits beside him, brushing his hair. This was the best comfort method he knew.

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