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Changbin had gotten in contact with a talk therapy clinic. He set up an appointment for his boyfriend, doing everything he could to help. Currently, he was on the phone with Minho explaining the situation (of course, after he had gotten permission from Chan to tell him).

"So... that's why this entire thing happened."

The other line was silent.

"I-I don't really know what to do, Min. I called a clinic and got him an appointment. What if he has a major disorder or something? How am I supposed to help him? Or what if it's nothing and he's just lying to me? I mean, I really doubt that. He's a good person. He wouldn't..."

He already had lied to him once. But... it was just because he was trying to protect him. Or was it?

"I believe him, Minho. He sounded so sure of it. Something is clearly wrong. But did I forgive him too easily? Give in too quickly? I said I wouldn't do that. I did set ground rules, but is that enough? Am I just defending him again? Oh, god, I am, aren't I? I'm defending it when I shouldn't be. Minho? Please say something."

He hears the elder take a big breath of air. "Changbin, you did the right thing. Like you said, you set ground rules. Did he look like he was truly sorry?"


"Then okay. If you feel he is sorry, then you responded right. And you set the ground rules; that's important. You shouldn't doubt yourself so much. I do believe he might have something, but we can't be too sure until he goes in a few times. Try to not overthink so much, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you. You should really think about going into the psychology department or something," he laughs.

"Ah, I've been told that many times. I'd really like a physical job, though. Oh, actually, I forgot to tell you. This high school has an opening for a new gym teacher. I sent in an application a few days ago."

"Oh, wow! That's great! I hope you get the job."

"Thanks," he chuckles. "I could always see if they wanted a new music teacher too~"

"Uhh, no, I'm okay," Changbin laughs, not fond of the idea of working with kids. It's not that he didn't like them, they just... didn't... like... him.

"Whatever, whatever. I'll let you go now, I'm sure you're doing something important."

Changbin looks at his kitchen and then gazes into his half empty coffee cup. "Yeah, sure. Talk to you later then, bye."

"Bye bye."



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