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I sit at my desk, the dim lamp is my only source of light. I have to write a comedy sketch and turn it in by Tuesday to my boss, Bill.

He's a nice guy, but very strict and doesn't take shit from anybody. His stutter doesn't stop him.

Sometimes, I think I should leave this industry. I'm only twenty-three and I'm stressing myself to near death every single day. But, I still love my job. Hell, I have everything I've ever wanted. Fame, money, friends. I got all that I need and want.

I look down at my wrist and stare at my smiley face tattoo.


"Richie! What the fuck did you do!" Eddie grabs my wrist and stares at the tattoo.

"I gave myself a tattoo, it isn't a big deal Eds." I state.

"Don't call me that, and yes it is! You're only fourteen and you're giving yourself tattoos!" Eddie was panicking. I never intended for this to happen.

"Hey, hey, hey... Breathe Eds. I'm okay, I'm not dead, it's not infected. I made sure to take extra care of it so you don't worry yourself to death." I pull Eddie into a tight hug.

I can feel Eddie's breathing slow down, "Are you sure? Did you wrap it up in plastic wrap and clean it as much as possible?" Eddie questioned me.

"Yes, I did Eddie. It's okay. Plus, it's pretty cool." I chuckle.

"It is pretty cool." I hear Eddie whisper.

"What?" I ask. I just wanted him to say it again.

"Nothing." Eddie muttered.


I miss him. We didn't keep our promise.

Over time, the letters stopped. I don't blame him, people move on. I have too, but not fully. I still think about him. A lot. I wonder what he looks like. I wonder if he still acts the same. What if he's mean now? What if he's grown? What if he has a beard? Ha, doubt it.



Smiley Face Tattoo- ReddieWhere stories live. Discover now