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When we pull away, I can't even speak... Well, that's a first.

I'm speechless, the man I've been thinking about since I left Maine is in front of me. God, he's beautiful.

"You have facial hair!" Eddie yells as he starts gently stroking the pokey hair on my face. In any other situation, this would be weird. But, this is Eddie. I don't care. He can play with my hair and I wouldn't care. That's exactly what he does.

"Your hair... It's amazing!" He wraps his fingers in my longish curly hair. I can feel his fingerd wrap around certain curls.

"You... God, I missed you." Eddie hugged me again. I don't want to move.

"I-I'm speechless. I don't even know what to say. I've missed you so fucking much." I whisper.

"You don't have to say anything." Eddie whispers.

I loosen the hug, but still keep my hands wrapped around his waist.

I put one of my hands against his cheek and gently caress it. Baby smooth.

"Still no facial hair?" I tease.

"Shut it dick face." Eddie fires back with a smile.

"Your mom would like my dick in her face." I wink. Eddie slaps my shoulder and rolls his eyes.

I move my attention to his hair, "Slicked back? Never expected that." I say.

"I don't want it in my face." Eddie points out.

"I just wear a head band or put it up if I don't want it in my face." I state.

"I would kill someone to see your hair up." Eddie says.

"No keed to kill someone, I'll show you anytime." I wink.

Eddie sighs, "I missed this."

"I did too." I smile.



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