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"So," Eddie start the engine, "What do you do for a living?"

I smirk, "A plumber."

He stares at me in shock.

"Kidding! I'm a comedian." I say with a proud smile.

"Rich! That's amazing, you've always wanted to be a comedian." Eddie smiles at me.


"Do you think I'd could be a comedian?" I ask as I stare up at the stars from my roof.

"Yeah, you're hilarious Chee." Eddie scoots closer to me.

"Really? Am I?" I question.

"Yes, absolutly. You are the funniest person I know." Eddie compliments me.

"I'm the only person you know." I smirk.

Eddie huffs and slaps my shoulder.

"As I was saying, you're hilarious. You can do whatever you want with your life, and if you want to be a comedian, than be a fucking comedian!" Eddie cheers me on.

It makes my heart beat faster knowing that Eddie believes in me. It's always nice to have people believe in you.


"Thanks for believing in me Eds, you believed in me before anyone else." I shyly say.

"You shouldn't thank me. This is all you Rich." Eddie points out.

"If you didn't give me that speech when we were thirteen, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be here. You know how insecure I was." I mention.

"Yeah... I know. But, it wasn't just me. I might have pushed you a bit, but you ended up believing in yourself. You did all of this. You started believing in yourself, you started your career." Eddie says, "This is all you Chee."

I don't even know what to say, Eddie has always had the best way with words.

"Still, thank you." I thank the short boy again.




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