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TW// Light abuse in this chapter

I nervously walk into my house. I don't want to see my girlfriend, Myra.

She's sitting in a chair staring at the door the second I walk in.

"You're late." She states.

"Sorry, traffic was crazy." I lie.

"It wouldn't make you an hour late. You're lieing." She accuses me. I mean, she isn't wrong.

"I was just far away and the traffic was bad. I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I don't want to argue tonight. My ass is sore and I'm tired.

"You're lieing!" She yells.

"Calm down Myra. I'm not lieing." I try to reason with her.

"Bullshit!" She throws something at me. I don't even have time to react, because before I know it she stands up and slaps me.

"What the hell?" I shout as I grip my cheek.

"You're lieing!" She yells in my face.

"Fine. You wanna hear the truth? Do you?! I cheated on you! I had sex in the back of that fucking limo and I don't fucking feel bad! Okay?" I can't stop my mouth. My confession leaves my lips without me controlling it.

Her eyes go wide and she steps back.

"Is that what you wanted? You wanted me to tell you the truth? Well, there! There it fucking is!" I shout.

"I'm leaving." She whispers. She walks off into the house, I'm assuming she's packing her shit.

"I'm leaving. I'm getting a hotel and I expect all of my stuff to be packed up-" I cut her off.

"No. You're gonna leave and you'll come here in the morning and get your own shit. I'm not packing anything for you. Get out." I open the door for her.

The second she walks out, I slam the door.

I can feel the tears run down my face, but I'm not sad.

I'm not sad.



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