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A group of drunk teenagers flood into the limo.

"To Anderson Club!" A drunk girl shouts.

I wordlessly nod and start driving.

I feel bad for Richie, he has to sit with me and deal with these drunk teenagers.

But, when I look over at him. He's looking at me.

I smile and quickly put my focus back onto the road. But, I can still feel his eyes on me.

I nervously tap my fingers against my knee, but I quickly stop when I feel Richie's eyes on my hand.

My breath hitches when I feel Richie's hand on mine. Our fingers lace together.

My heart speeds up, in a good way? I never thought having a fast heart beat would be good.

I felt my shoulders relax and I release the breath I didn't realise I was holding.

Thankfully, the Anderson Bar was close by. The teenagers paid me and clumisily ran to the club.

"You know..." Richie starts as I drive out of the parking lot. "I had a huge crush on you when we were kids." Richie says.

My eyes go wide, he did?

"You did?" I question.

"Yeah. A major crush." Richie chuckles at the memory.

"I-I did too." I felt Richie's hand squeeze mine.

"Yeah?" I could hear the smirk in Richie's voice. But, I refused to look at him. Keep my eyes on the road.

"Well... You aren't too bad looking currently Eds." Richie whispers.

"...Y-You look good too." I shyly mutter.

"Hmm... That's good to know. Good to know." Richie whispers. "Is your shift almost over?"

"Yeah, I only have ten minutes left." I state.

"Pull over." Richie demands.

I just do as he says, there's no point in questioning it.

I find an empty parking lot and pull in.

I finally turn over to face Richie.

"You've grown a lot since we were kids." Richie says.

"Well, yeah. That's how getting older works." I tease.

"Yeah... You're looking good Eddie." Richie winks.

I gulp and my eyes went wode.

"T-Thank you." I stutter.

Richie's fingers tilts my chin up, "Don't thank me."

We stare into each other's eyes. I didn't know what to say. Was this really happening?

"Can I... Can I kiss you?" Richie finally asks.

"Yes, please." We both lean in and meet in the middle.

Our kiss was frantic and passionate. Like we've been waiting our whole lives for this, well we kind of were waiting our whole lives for this.

Richie pulls away for air, but he quickly found a place on my jaw. He placed light kisses across it and down my throat.

Richie effortlessly picked me up out of the driver's seat and places me in his lap. God, he did bulk up.

I couldn't help myself. I felt all over his torso, his muscles were more defined. His shoulders, oh God his shoulders, big and broad. His hair, think and curly. His biceps, fuller and bigger.

He grew just right.

"Fuck, Chee..." I whine.

"Do you wanna..." Richie trails off. But, I know what he means.

"Yes, God, yes." I practically beg.

"The only time a limo is useful." Richie effortlessly drag me into the back of the limo and gently lays me down on the comically large back seat.



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