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I hate my job, I hate my girlfriend, I hate my mom, I hate my house, I hate it all.

My job sucks and it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I work as a fucking limo driver. I drive cars for drunk, nasty, germ filled idiots in California.

My girlfriend is just like my mother, controlling, abusive, and an overall bitch.

My mom calls me every other day to "check up on me" but it's really just to tear me down. She wants to hurt me.

My house is a fairly nice house, but I live there with my devil of a girlfriend.

Yeah, I might be being harsh, but I don't fucking care anymore.

I want to dump her, I want to have my own house, I want to be indeopendent. But, we don't always get what we want.

I want many things. I want to get taller, I want to become independent, I want to see Richie again. That's the main one. If I could just see Richie one more time, I'd be happy.

I sit in my living room staring at the wall, my girlfriend doesn't allow TV. She thinks it'll rot my brain out.

All I can think about is Richie. I wonder what he looks like, did he get taller? Did he bulk up? Does he dress the same? Is he still funny? Does he still remember me?



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