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The second I open my eyes I reach over to my phone and type in the phone number Eddie gave me the night before.

He picks up after only three rings.

"Hello?" I hear Eddie's lovely voice say through the phone.

"Eddie spaghetti! Hey buddy." I excitedly say into the phone.

"Don't call me buddy the day after we have sex." Eddie chuckles.

"I can call you whatever I want, isn't that right Eddie bear?" I tease.

"Sure." I can practically hear Eddie roll his eyes.

"So... I have a show tomorrow at the Jaxx Venue. Wanna come?" I ask.

"The Jaxx? That's a huge fucking deal!" Eddie says.

"What can I say? People think I'm funny." I chuckle.

"I would love to come." Eddie says.

"Well, I have a VIP ticket with your name written all over it." I smile knowing that Eddie will be backstage watching me.

"Sounds perfect. I'll talk to you soon, okay?" Eddie says.

"Yeah, bye Eds."

"Bye Chee."



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