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I had barely made it to school before the bell rang out its battle cry warning. I wiped the stray tears from the funeral and shoved a sob back down my throat. I was going to make it through the day.

I ran through the crowded hallway, dodging flailing limbs and straying backpacks, trying to get to my homeroom that was coincidentally in the back of the school. But there was suddenly a warm, stone barrier in my way. I bounced off of it and clumsily landed on my butt, nearly getting trampled on. But that stone, with curly brown hair and a faded blue tee, turned, and revealed his shocked expression obvious in his bright green eyes. He was suddenly on the ground beside me helping me pick up the books that had clattered to the floor like a cliché chick flick.

I quickly stumbled to my feet, feeling like an idiot and blushing like crazy. He was on his feet as well and he laughed through his nose as he handed me my books saying, “Sorry ‘bout that.” I took the books gingerly in my hands. I tried to give him my best smile back, but I felt like an idiot again and quickly stopped. He reached down again and picked a red rose, full and beautiful, off the floor and set it on top of my stack of books. I forgot I had grabbed it when I had left the car. I blushed even deeper. “Thanks.” I managed with another cheesy smile.

“See ya ‘round, then?” he said with anticipation in his voice. A grin tugged at my lips, “Definitely.” I replied before we parted ways.

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