Chapter 7

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Chapter published on April 4th, 2021

Natsu's Desire POV

My gut was telling me to head west of Magnolia, towards the mountains. I'm not sure how far west I would have to travel but for all I know Lucy has been gone for the whole day and could be very far.

My wings were outstretched as I soared across the land. It felt good to be free like this, to fly through the air.

Lucy I'm coming, and I'll be there soon. Please just hold on for me.

Lucy's POV

My lungs were burning. I had been running for so long, trying to get a good distance away from Silver and his henchmen.

When I felt like I was far enough away that I wouldn't be found, at least not for a good while, I stopped to catch my breath. As I was bent over, calming my breathing I began to think about my situation.

I was definitely extremely far from home. My spirits had come to save me. It was definitely Aries who created the fog, and no doubt Virgo who stopped the cart in the first place, probably a hole and of course Loke got me out of there. But now I'm alone, alone and mute.

I dusted off my pants. Oh my god, my keys, they're not here, but I had them? Where did they go? Did they fall off when I was running down? Fuck.

I'm going to have to backtrack my way up the mountain and find them. I started my slow trek up. This was such a pain in my ass, how could I have dropped them. I'm so stupid. Those are my beloved keys.

To make matters worse it was the dead of night. The moon was bright tonight and that's what I'll be relying on to get me through the trees and find my keyring.

It was so creepy here at night, I could hear various animals, some near and others far. They all sounded like they could eat me, or at least harm me. I shivered as I continued on through the trees.

After sometime of walking I felt that I was at least half way up to the point in which I got my keys back.

A stick broke behind me. My heart began to race. With my fight or flight kicking in I booked it up the hill as fast as I could. I didn't want to be face to face with whatever was behind me. I could feel the twigs and branches brushing against me as a ran, some leaving cuts.

The noise behind me got closer and I could have sworn I heard a growl. When I looked back to see if I could spot anything in the night I tripped over a tree root. I felt to my side but that wasn't going to stop me from trying to get away. I still scrambled forwards on my hands and knees, cutting every part of myself that came into contact with the ground.

The growling got louder and closer. I panicked and tried to scream but forgot about the necklace. I looked back once more and once again I did something I shouldn't have. When I looked back I couldn't see what was behind me and now I was backed into a tree with nowhere to go.

With my hands at my sides and my knees locked together I watched as the animal stalked forward. The animal looked huge, with large horns and a tail. It looked like it was on all fours and the shadows were hiding what kind of animal it was. I was large but with the horns I just couldn't tell.

Before I knew it, the creature was before me. I shut my eyes and turned my head. When I realized I wasn't being torn to bits I looked back at the animal.

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