Chapter 2

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Chapter published on March 27th 2021

Natsu's POV

I left the guild hall with Happy and walked over to Lucy's apartment.

"Hey Natsu!" Happy called, "redy or not, you're it!" And with that Happy flew away as fast as he could.

"Hey wait little buddy I wasn't ready." I called back. Oh I'll get him all right.

Happy looked back at me and stuck his tongue out and went "pttttt, last one there's a rotten egg!" He laughed as he swerved around town.

I chased after him, laughing as well. I wanted to let him have this one and win for once.

I ran up close behind him as he cheered in excitement and anticipation. Then right as I was about to tag his tail I tripped on a rock placed oddly in the middle of the path where anyone could easily trip over it. Damn I was planning to let him win but not to make a fool of myself in the process.

All is well that ends well, I'll just get up, brush off, and keep on chasing him. And that's exactly what I did.

I looked ahead to see if I could spot the blue fuzz ball. There were a lot of people out and about and it was making it extremely hard for me to find Happy.

"Hmm at least he knows the way to Lucy's...I think?" I mumbled to myself. Well if anything I'll just head there myself and hope for the best.

I kept on running down the street looking for Happy as I went. "Happy where are you?" My call came to no answer.

I was only a block away from Lucy's apartment now, I really hope he's there.

As I ran across the bridge over the canal, I thought I saw a blue tail waving around, it must have been my imagination or something.

I'm at Lucy's apartment now but Happy isn't outside. I guess I'll check inside, I really hope he's ok, but I know he can surly fend for himself.

I climbed up the wall and opened the window to Lucy's bedroom. There on the bed all nice and curled up was a tuckered out Happy sleeping peacefully.

He was mumbling in his sleep, "I'm not the rotten egg, you are!.... Mmm fish, Carla do you want to share?"

What in the world is he babbling about, I laughed to myself. Though I do believe Happy has the right idea, a nap seems like a good plan. But first a snack!

I went to Lucy's cupboard and found some noodles. "Mmm ramen, oh it's spicy too!" Grinning to myself I took a pot from the drawer and got some water from the sink. Then I turned the gas on the stove. I snapped my fingers together, a little flame appeared, good enough to light the stove.

I help my finger to the gas under the burner and lit it. I increased the gas till the flame was blue and hot. Yes I could have boiled the water myself on my own hand but I felt the serenity of traditional cooking might be nice.

When the water boiled I took the noodles out of the packet and let them cook. Then I mixed all the sauces and flavourings into a big bowl. Once the noodles were done cooking I drained them and threw them into the bowl.

"Chopsticks, chopsticks, where does she keep them? Aha there they are." I snagged them out if the drawer and stuck them into the bowl mixing the noodles and sauce.

"Mmmm smells soooo good." I picked up some noodles and shoved them in my mouth. Tasty, but not spicy enough.

Such is life, they are still good and I am thankful for Lucy's food that she bought with her own money that I am now stealing and eating.

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