Chapter 11

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Chapter published on April 20th 2021

Lucy's POV

"Oh Natsu that feels so good!" I practically moaned out. "Mm, please don't stop." I could feel myself overwhelmed with feeling. His body pushed into mine as his hands roamed everywhere. I felt exposed but comfortable. I loved everything Natsu was doing and didn't want it to stop.

"Ok, Luce, I think that's enough for today. If I rub too hard you'll just end up sore again."

"Awe but I wasn't finished with my massage yet. It was really helping with my back." I whined. My back has been hurting ever since Natsu rescued me and he offered me a massage, I loved it but I don't want it to end.

"Tell me how you're feeling tomorrow and I'll see." I just huffed at his response. "Besides we should start moving along, we need to either find a better place to recover or find our way back to Magnolia." He was right, we have been living in this cave for three days now and it was time to get a move on.

"Fine," I said, "but first let's gather some more food and take anything we need, like the moss beds or the fish stabbing stick." We started to gather everything up. There wasn't much but that just meant less things to carry.

I wound the moss into a nice sack to hold all the berries and fish we had. This way if we have to travel for awhile before finding water or somewhere to stay we would at least have food. By now most of my injuries were feeling alright and I was able to move around and help Natsu.

"Ready to go, Luce?" He had his own sack full of stuff to bring along.

"Yes," I replied, "let get a move on." We walked away from the cave and pond into thick brush. We tried to follow natural paths, made by the animals that lived around here. It was beautiful to walk through. There were many different kinds of trees, some littered with different moss. A few trees even had mushrooms on them, which I had to strongly advise Natsu not to eat.

We also passed plenty of bushes with berries and would stop to pick them. Our goal for today was to find somewhere to sleep a few hours before dusk. That way we would have time to set up, get a fire going and get any food we might need. One thing we haden't figured out yet was water. I thought about calling my spirits for help sometimes but with the condition I'm in I wouldn't be able to keep them in this world long enough to help.

Oh well, we will figure something out. I'm sure we can find a small stream of some source of water. If not, we will be fine for a day or two with the water content in our berries, even if it's minimal.


We have been walking for a few hours now, we take breaks here and there for food or whenever we find a small patch of water. It's hard staying hydrated out here with nothing to carry water. Nonetheless we make do with what we have and the strive to make it home.

Now and then we see wildlife, a squirrel, deer or bird here and there. It's actually nice and relaxing once you get past the reason why we are here. We don't always talk when we are walking and I find in those silent times I am often thinking about the whole mating season thing.

Natsu admitted that he was my mate but he hasn't really done much to prove that he cares. Sure he's kissed me in a few places and held my hand but I want more. I need more passion from him. Unless he was lying about the mate thing, that grim thought hurt my heart.

"Wow, what is that?" Natsu's questioning voice broke my thoughts. He started to pick up speed and I followed him. We broke through the trees and before us was a quaint little house. It looked extremely run down but it was a house. "Let's go check it out, Luce." He ran to the door.

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