Chapter 17

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Chapter published on June 5th 2021

Lucy's POV

Well that was easy. I explained to the old woman what happened and how it was a fox. She was surprised but did end up giving me a bonus 250 jewel for building the fence. Now I have 750 jewel.

I think I'll go drop this money off at the shop where that rock is and then find some work for the day.

I strolled over the antique store. I walked inside and the little bell ringed, the old shop keeper greeted me.

"How goes it?" He smiled with his weathered face.

"Good! I've got 750 more jewel for ya. That should bring down the total to around 3,800 jewel." I handed him the cash. He counted it up and cashed it in.

"Yup, only 3,800 more jewel to go miss." I thanked the man and walked out of the shop, not before stopping and looking at some jewelery. There were some really beautiful rings here.

Natsu's POV

My entire body was stiff as a board as I walked to town. A ring, make some money and find a ring. It was simple right? I just had to pick one out, find Luce and propose? Not too hard. But wait! She won't let it slide if I simply propose out of random. I'm going to have to do more, like a picnic or something.

Yeah that's it! I'll set up a beautiful picnic and then propose! She'll love it! This is great.

For now my anxiety had gone down but now I had to find some more jobs so I could actually buy a ring. I made my way to the town hall and picked out some jobs. They really weren't the greatest and I was starting to miss the big, scary and dangerous high paying jobs back at Fairy Tail.

Such is life. At least with these seven jobs I have picked out I'll make decent pay. Now to get them done as fast as I possible can.

*Six hours later*

"Oh man, I can feel the sweat dripping of my forehead." I panted as I stood at the doorway of the house where my final job had taken place.

"Here, have some nice cold water." A kind woman handed me a glass. She was the one who had the job. All she wanted was a bunch or random things fixed and repaired. She was widowed with three kids and one on the way so she couldn't do very much on her own.

"I'm surprised you even took this job." She said, "I'm only offering 100 jewel for how many different jobs around the house. No one has wanted this job." She chuckled.

"Hey it's no problem at all! I understand your circumstances and I just wanted to help out. Plus with this 100 jewel I'll be at an even 10,00! I'm gonna pick out the best ring ever for my Luce!"

"Oh are you proposing?" She took my empy glass.

"Sure am! Got any suggestions?"

"Well," she paused thinking, "what are you planning on doing."

"A picnic."

"Oh how sweet, with that I do have some suggestions. Make as much of the food yourself. You want to let her know that you're a dependable man but also that you'll also put your time and effort into her. And try a sunset picnic. There's a hill not far from here with an amazing view just above a nice pond."

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