Chapter 8

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Art by juli95
Chapter published on April 5th, 2021

Lucy's POV

I started tracing words onto Natsu's arm. First I explained the ambush and how Levy and Gajeel were there. Next I explained the ride in the cart. I was very weary about telling Natsu what they did to me. How they helped me get dressed, so to speak. Sighing I went ahead and told him anyways. When I was done explaining he surprisingly kept his cool but said he wasn't going to hesitate to kill them all. It was so unlike him.

I've never seen him in a state such as this. I wanted to fear it but something made me attracted to it.

After telling him about what the men did to me I then talked about the train. After the train it was onto a cart again where I explained how I somehow contacted my spirits and they rescued me.

"It seems you have an extremely strong bond with them. I've never heard of that in a celestial wizard before. Cool!" He smiled brightly at me. I then went on to tell him that my keys had fallen off when I was escaping and that I needed to find them.

He agreed and said that we better find those things as well and first of all find a way to get the spell off and secondly find out why they captured me in the first place.

I was very eager to go find my keys but Natsu said I needed to eat first, and he said he knew exactly what to eat. He picked himself off the ground and stretched his hand out towards me. I took it and stood up alongside him.

"Follow me, I'll get you some food." He took my hand and started walking. I blushed furiously, I don't even think he knew that he had grabbed my hand and was now walking with me. It felt like we were a couple, but that's crazy, Natsu couldn't possible like a weak wizard like me.

I tried to pretend like nothing was happening and just continued on walking with him. "When I was coming to find you I flew over a small body of water and I can guarantee that there's fish in that water."

We walked for about 20 more minutes before finally reaching said water. It was beautiful and peaceful, like Natsu said it was just a small body of water. It probably hand some kind of underground current keeping it from going stagnant.

Without a seconds thought Natsu let go of my hand an started to strip. If I could I probably would have shreiked. Instead I just stood there staring, or rather gawking at him.

He was standing in nothing but his gitch. It's not the first time I've seen him practically naked but something about this time was different. This time I noticed his muscular and toned arms. I noticed his chiseled chest and solid abs. I even noticed his sharp jaw and the way his hair stuck up in a cute way.

I've never seen him this way before. I slapped my face. Snap out of it Lucy! It's just Natsu, there's no reason to get flustered.

Then he did something that I would never forget and that I think made me drool a little. He looked back at me, smirked and dived into the water. When he surfaced again his hair was slicked back and there was water dripping from his jaw.

I immediately sat down cross legged and tried not to squirm too much.

"Hey, Luce, come join me. I can't get all the fish by myself." His smile was so adorable. I wanted to go out there and press my cold body against his warm one but I also knew those were only fantasies. I just shook my head no.

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