Chapter 16

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Chapter published on June 2nd, 2021

Natsu's POV

"Oh boy!" I chatted with myself as I counted up all my money. "5,000 jewel?? I can't believe I made that much in one day!" I was walking along the street with my wad of cash in hand. It was almost time to meet up with Lucy again for our job.

The house was only a few blocks up and I was strolling on by, watching the children play.

"Wow, mister, what's that?" I little boy ran up to me and pointed at my guild mark.

"Oh, that's my guild mark. It shows that I'm a part of Fairy Tail." I smiled at him and then three other kids ran up and alongside.

"Wow" they all exclaimed. They ran off chatting and giggling.

I continued down the street till I made my way to the house. Once I got there I found Lucy. She was sitting on the deck in the back yard.

"Oh hey, Natsu," she smiled, "the old woman said she would be busy and then heading off to bed later. She told me we can do our job as we please and report back to her in the morning."

"Sounds good!" I sat down beside her and she pulled out a basket. "Hey what's that?" She opened it up and inside was a meal. It look so delicious I bet she spent at least an hour preparing all of this. She gave me some and in return I have her a huge hug and ate happily. It was an amazing meal and after that I was definitely all fired up.

We were sitting on the deck peacfully, the sun had now set and the stars were starting to come out. It was beautiful, we just sat there in silence, enjoying each other's presence.

Lucy's POV

It had been three hours of sitting and waiting. Natsu was passed out of my shoulder, sleeping like a baby. He seemed to really have enjoyed that meal I made him and it made me happy. I gazed up at the stars, thinking about our future.

In the distance I heard a rustling noise. I froze and stayed as silent as possible. Then from the bushes I saw a small tail. It was orange with a white tip.

"Oh," realization dawned on me, "it's not some burglar it's just a little fox." The little thing poked it's head out from the bush and started to stalk around the coop. I stood up and scared the small fox off.

I thought of what I should do and then had a brilliant idea. While Natsu was still passed out, now laying on the deck, I would summon my spirits and they would help me make a taller, stronger fence to keep the foxes away.

Very quietly I whispered. "Open! Gate of the golden bull, Taurus!" Taurus appeared and we got to work on collecting wood and other supplies for the fence.

After two more hours and three more spirits the fence was finally finished. I figured since that was all taken care of I could take Natsu back home and we could finally sleep.

"Wake up sleepy head," I said as I rubbed his shoulders.

"Mm, morning already?" His eyes stayed shut as he brought his hands up to rub them.

"No silly, it's still night. Let's get going home, we need to sleep in a real bed." He groggily got up, not fully understanding the situation as a dragged him back home.

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