Secrets Revealed

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“The reason why I did what I did was to protect Kei from someone who had attacked him before,  but also because he’s lost so much, and has a lot going on, someone has to be there to support and  protect him. I looked to Kei once again and smiled before continuing, we’ve been together since  we were little, and have been through so much together, that we are like brothers, he saved my life,  so I’m doing my best to protect his while I can, that’s when pain from my head hits me, I put my  head in my hand and take deep breaths, I know why, it’s because of the injury I sustained that  night, Kei comes over and pulls my head to his chest, and holds me until I’m ok again, then I  continue again, that boy that I beat up, he had already attacked Kei once, I found out about it when  I was trying to talk to him about a separate problem, he’d been acting differently around me so I  1st talked to my older brother Ezrin to try and better understand why he might be acting differently, after hearing what my brother had to say, I took time to fully process it before going to talk to Kei, it was then that I realized there was something more going on, something was causing him serious suffering, so I tried to find out what that was, and after reassuring him that it was ok, that I wouldn’t be mad or leave him, he finally revealed what had happened to him in tears” “and what happened?” I looked to Kei 1 more time, he nodded again letting me know that it was ok to  continue “he told me that the older student had assaulted him sexually” “be more specific please?” the conversation I had with Kei before when he told me came to my mind. I felt the tears return to my eyes, and the warmth as they fell and hit my hands resting in my lap, I looked at my feet trying to regain control of my emotions, but the tears just kept falling, as parts of the conversation played in my mind, and the way Kei looked so hurt as he told me. “Kei” “yeah Sion, what’s up?” “we need to talk” “oh ok what about?” “your change in behavior” “Oh” “Kei it’s ok, I’m not mad just confused, and worried, regardless of that we still need to talk, because even if I  think I know why, I can’t know for sure unless you tell me Kei.” “I.. I... I’m sorry I don’t want to talk about it ok!!! So just leave me alone!!!” “Kei please” “I told you I don’t want to talk about it, SO LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” “Kei you can’t fool me, I can tell there is something more bothering you, it’s not just about what happened that night is it?” “Kei, I won’t be mad or leave you behind no matter what happened, but please, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s causing you so much pain” “he... he...” “he who?” “the older student who likes me more all of a sudden” yeah  what about him?” “he, when we were separated because of our different classes, he seen me, grabbed me by my wrist, it hurt, I tried to fight him off but he covered my mouth he was so strong,  he.. he dragged me into the deserted hall’s bathroom and forced me into the big stall, he touched me all over, I hated it. It felt so gross, I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn’t listen, when I tried to get out he pulled me back by the collar of my shirt, it choked me, I hit my head against the brick wall then he put his hand around my throat, and held me against the wall that way, he focused his other hand on my privates, I.. I... I didn’t want to, but I came in his hand, then he cleaned his hand and left, my knees buckled and I slid down the wall and cried. Why Sion? Why  me? I’ve been acting differently, because yes, I’m worried about you and don’t want to lose you, but also because of what happened, I feel safest with you that’s why I’ve been clingy, but I’ve been quiet because I’m scared you’ll hate me now that you know, and that you’ll leave me behind, and he’ll be able to do it all over again” “No Kei, of course I don’t hate you, and I won’t leave you either, I love you as if you are my own brother, and I’ll stay even closer now, so that he can’t hurt you again I promise” “but what.. what about when we have different classes?” “I’ll walk you to your class you’d just have to stay close with your teacher and classmates, and if he tries again scream as loud as you can to attract attention, if it gets worse we have to tell your teacher and the principal, and possibly the authorities, but 1st would you feel better if you told Ezrin as well? or my  parents?” “no, I… I... I want to keep it between you and me for now” “ok Kei but promise me if  he tries or does it again you will speak up, I’ll help you of course, but Kei the longer this goes on the worse it will get, and the more he thinks he can, and will, get away with it” “I… I understand, Sion thank you” “of course, I’ll always be here for you no matter what, I promise you that” as the  previous parts of conversation finishes playing in my head, I raise my head back up and wipe my tears. I have to do this to put a stop to that kid before he hurts Kei or someone else, ever again. I find the courage to continue and tell them everything. How Kei had saved my life, and what happened that day when he told me the truth about what that kid did to him, about why I’ve been late to my classes because I’ve been walking him to and from classes to protect him, how I found Kei, before losing control and beating the older student, and how all this is why my behavior has changed. When I finished I was an emotional wreck. Kei came over and hugged me. He grabbed tissues and wiped away my snot and tears, before hugging me and telling me thanks, and that he was proud of me. I hugged him back. Me and Kei were escorted out and told to wait in the principal’s office, as the adults made their decision on what to do with me.

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