episode 16-peppermint boy

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"oh how iv missed you n/n" she pulls me into a cold emotionless embrace

"hey mom.." i sit there and let her hug me

"isn't this just great i got the league to find you! and they got you back without all the court mumbo jumbo" she says with fake enthusiasm

"oh how i love reunions like these~" shigaraki lets out

"isn't this great honey this nice young man is your real dad! not that coward back at where you live" she says going over to shigaraki who brushes her off

"i take it you know what's going to happen since you found out? you're coming to live with mommy again" she says, i wince at these words "i know your training to be a hero and i would be fine with that if you wouldn't have gone snooping in mommy's things, now you are going to have to study to be a villain just like your daddy here" she giggles out "soooo tomorrow im going to get you pulled out of UA and were having you transferred to a smaller lesser known public highschool" she giggles and gives me a kiss on the cheek

"no mom." i let out studying my feet

"what did you just say to me darling?" she asks through gritted teeth

"i said no mother. im not dropping out. i made friends. im not stopping my dreams because my real dad turns out to be a villain" i stand up to her, i know it will only make her angrier but it made me feel good at the moment so ill deal with it

she grabs me by my wrist and pulls me out of the room and into the car she drove here in

"who do you think you're talking to young lady? I'm your mother and you will not talk to me like that. what i say goes and that's final." she angrily starts the car and i practically now the words she will use no matter what i say, so i just go with the ones that will get me in less trouble with obedient 'yes ma'ams' and 'no ma'ams' with the occasional 'im sorry ma'am'

we pull up to our old house it's just like how i left it there's only one good thing about being here and I will get to experience it in just a few hours, but until then i will have to deal with the beatings









these beatings continued for what felt like hours, i starting coughing up blood i know i was crying but with the feel of blood, covered up any tear that fell.

she left me in my old room crying and bleeding i curled up in a ball and went to sleep when i woke up mother was in my room with ibara, mom was acting concerned while ibara was really concerned

"how did you get these n/n" ibara asked

mom shot a piercing look at me

"Someone at school found out i was *cough* pagan" i let out hoarsely holding my stomach

"This is unacceptable. we are pulling you out of that school imminently i cannot believe this" mom stormed out of the room cursing. ibara would've gone after her but stayed to help me "come on lets get you to the bathroom, we have to clean these up" she used her quirk to make a bed that would carry me to the bathroom, she cleaned me up and took me back to my room and laid me on my bed "who was it ill report them" she said concerningly "no need they were caught" i said weakly in between breaths holding onto my side

"i think one of my ribs are broken" i said grabbing my side and wincing

"ill get mom" she ran out of the room and they both came back

"ibara is going to stay here to do homework, come on honey lets go to the doctor" she said lovingly(though that tone was fake)

i hobbled out of th door and got inside of her car, she pulled out of the driveway and got a bag from the back seat, inside was a wig and a change of clothes

"you know the deal, change" she demanded, i obeyed and started to put my hair up and put it in the wig cap, i changed into the extra clothes and put my old ones in the bag, she made me do this every time i had to go to the hospital because of what she did to me

we got to the hospital and they took me to a check-up room, i did in fact have a broken rib she left the room and went to talk to the doctor outside

3rd person pov~

"she got into an altercation at school and it ended pretty badly," miss l/n said "miss l/n" a boy stopped in his tracks to listen "those just don't see like offensive and defensive wounds to me, we going to talk to her with the recent attack on the u.s.j at UA high school we have to take extra precautions" the doctor guided her to the waiting room

the boy who stopped to listen snuck inside while the doctor was away, came inside and whispered "y/n" y/n sat up revealing all sorts of bruises

y/n pov~

i sat up to look for the person who said my name i see a dual-colored boy with a scar on his eye i think he is in my class,

"y/k what happened?? we thought you were kidnapped" h exclaimed looking at my bruises

"i don't have a lot of time to explain todoroki, i need help, my mom did this now leave and when you come back. come back with all the heroes you can gather

he slipped out of the room and speed-walked away

i wonder what he was doing here

todoroki's pov~

her mom- she- holy fuck, i have to go get the teachers, they will know what to do.

i have to finish what i was here for first, i walk to the elevator that takes me to the top floor, the psych ward...

y/k pov-

the doctor walked in and asked if my mom or someone i knew did this, asked questions about all sorts of things i wanted to go to sleep... im so tired...





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