episode 19-bestfriends are nosy

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denki carried me back to my room, i was on his hips. he kept trying to seduce me, im not going to lie. it works, but thats not important. i hop down and sit on my bed

"bed here now" i demand pointing to the empty bed in front of me

"as you wish" he sits in front of me

"i will leave your 'work of art' untouched only if we make this" i signal to the two of us "official, because honestly denki, i like you a lot. you make me feel safe after what happened, you've still managed to make me laugh and smile." i state looking him in his eyes

"y/n, i really like you too. i want you to be mine, and not have to worry about bakugo being able to please you bett-" i cut him off "why the hell-"

he continues "i want you to be mine, darling, i want to hold you in front of the world and proudly state, y/n l/n is mine and mine alone, with that being said, y/n will you be my.. girlfriend?" he says and grabs my hands in his

"denki you idiot, yes i would love to be yours." i say hugging him

he hugs me back, "that being said, i think i still might cover these up tomorrow" i say looking at him

"that's so not fair y/n" he says, i laugh at him, knowing damn well i want to show these off just as much at him

"the only way ill not cover up mine is if you dont cover yours," i say and pounce at his next leave pink marks, that will bruise into purple hickeys

"deal" he tackles me and lays on top of me, i can tell he is tired

"text your mom and tell her you're staying over" i run my fingers through his hair

"this was my plan all along princess, i already did mwahahah" he abrupts into an evil laugher, and relaxes his body, slowly drifting to sleep in my arms

this idiot, why is he so lovable-

i playback what i just thought to myself 'loveable'? i question, do i love him... its too early to tell, thats what i tell myself at least. i drift to sleep in his embrace, letting his body act as a weighted-blanket



*smack* i turn off my alarm

denki and i had switched places and i was now lying on top of him, i stretched up not realizing i was now straddling him

"denks, wake up we got school" i kissed him lightly

i feel something grow beneath me

"you perv" i throw a pillow on his face and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth

he walks in after me, and you can se his reflection hug me from behind, "i cant help it, morning wood" he shrugs and beggins brushing his teeth aswell

i splash him with water and he pouts, i get my school uniform from my closet and begin undressing, he walks out and sees me putting on my bra "stop staring its nothing you havent already seen" i roll my eyes and put on my white undershirt, he does the same

we continue getting ready and walk out the door, hands intertwined we near the school building. "you ready?" i ask denki looking at his very obvious hickeys "yes darling, lets show the world whats mine" we walk into school and people whisper, but its not about me and denki more about home my mom is connected to the worlds greatest villian but what ever

we reach class 1-a and denki opens the door throws his hands in the air, which brings mine up aswell and shouts "I GOT LAID LAST NIGHT BOISSS" the boys in the class come up and point out his and my hickeys, i turn a deep shade of red and releas myself from his grip, talk about embarrassing

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