Off To Windhelm We Go~

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Clover awakens to snow being brushed off her cheek. She opens her eyes to find Inigo dusting the snow from her face.

"Good morning," She croaks. "At least I think so. It's really bright."

"Windhelm is a snowy place," Inigo chuckles.

"No kidding, it's so bright you'd think you were dead," Clover laughs, hopping out of the carriage.

"Would you like to get some food? Maybe a drink? Or hear me out, we could go shopping?" Inigo says enthusiastically.

"Are you stalling?" She asks, making her way towards the city gates.

"This one? No never," Inigo scoffs. "Well, maybe a little bit. This one does not like this city."

Clover pauses hand outstretched to the gate. "Why don't you like Windhelm?"

"I was turned into an insect here. She wanted to eat me," he says trembling.

"Shhh, it's okay. You're safe with me I promise. I won't let anyone hurt you," Clover hugs him.

"Thank you, My Friend," He sighs. "I'll be fine. Let's go learn about you."

Clover smiles, taking his hand and walking into the city. Upon entry, they find two nords firing a barrage of questions at a dark elf. It ruffles Clover's feathers but she continues forward with Inigo in tow.

"If it isn't our furry, blue friend," They hear a voice grumble.

Clover pulls Inigo behind her. "And who might you be?"

"Oh, we're the Ironwing brothers," The biggest smiles. "We haven't seen you here in a while, cat."

"And we won't be here for long. Now if you'll excuse us, we have something to attend to," Clover smiled, turning away.

"But why not let us catch up with our friend. You could come over for food and a warm bath. The night is soon to fall," The tallest says.

Clover feels Inigo squeeze her hand. He loosens his grip and Clover feels him trace the word "NO" on her palm.

"That's okay, we wouldn't wish to intrude in your home. We can find a room in the inn," I smile.

"But we insist," The buffest said, taking her other hand and pulling her to him.

In a panic, Clover yanks her hand back to herself and shouts, "Fus!" The three men are hurled backward and land in a pile of snow.

"I said we would find a room in the inn. Now scurry along," She growls.

"We insist. Mother misses our friend and it will be free of charge," The tallest explains.

"Let's make a deal shall we?" Clover smiles mischievously. "After we get done speaking with the Jarl, we'll meet you in the inn. Then we can move from that point."

The brothers nod to each other. The tallest turns to them. "We will be waiting in the inn."

They shuffle past and walk to the inn. Clover sighs in relief and turns to Inigo.

"Inigo? You're as white as a sheet, what's wrong?" She inquires worriedly.

"Why? Why would you agree to anything with them?" He whispers.

"I panicked. But fret not, I won't let anything go past meeting in the inn. Though I want all the details on them later," She says, taking his hand again. "It'll be okay, they can't hurt you while I'm at your side."

Inigo nods and follows her to the Palace of the Kings. But freezes when a guard puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?" He grumbles.

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