What Did I get Myself Into?

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It has been hours since Clover walked into this draugr-infested hole in the ground. Why the hell did the ancient nords have to awaken while I was in here? It's not like I wish to rob you of an ancient relic that may or may not be here. Oh, wait yes I do, that's exactly as Farengar described it. Oops, my bad.

"Hey, watch the hair!" Clover yells as a draugr nearly takes her ponytail with it.

Clover sneaks through the chambers. Am I even going the right way? She has no idea but there are more draugr this way so she assumes she hasn't been here yet. The farther she gets, the colder she becomes. She never thought she'd be cold in a crypt let alone a crypt in Skyrim. She reached a door with three rings. The rings had symbols on them. Did they have something to do with this claw? She looks at the claw and turns the rings to match the pattern. Bear. Moth. Owl. That should do it, then she places the claw on the button and turns it. It worked and the door started to move.

"Yes!" Clover yells. She waits for the door to open completely then presses forward. She walks up the stairs with her bow in hand and dagger at the ready. She enters a large cavern and makes her way towards the far side where she hopes the Dragonstone will be. As she grows ever closer to the tomb, chest, and strange wall, she starts to hear weird chanting. It was barely noticeable at first but it grew louder the closer she grew to the wall. There were strange etchings on the wall. One of the etchings started to glow as Clover got closer. It was drawing her ever nearer. When she reached the wall she touched the glowing etching and wind blew from nowhere, and then it was gone, as was the chanting and the glowing light of the etching. What the hell? She turned around and made her way to the chest, as soon as she looted it the tomb beside her burst open. A draugr climbed out and started attacking her. After a few minutes, she had finally killed the draugr and for good this time. She tore the Dragonstone from it and exited Bleak Falls Barrow.

The good news is I didn't die. Yay! The bad news is shit was about to get even crazier. Damn!

After Clover exited Bleak Falls Barrow out of the back she made her way to Anise's Cabin.

Clover arrived and knocked on the wall outside of the doorframe. She heard shuffling from within and a robed figure emerged from behind the doorway.

"What do you want?" Anise grumbled.

"Anise it's me, Clover," she whispered.

Her eyes lit up as she looked at my face. "Oh, my dear!" She exclaimed pulling me into a hug. "I didn't recognize you through all of the dirt and grime caking your face Love. Please come in and make yourself comfortable," She said pulling Clover inside.

"I'm so glad to see you, Anise. You don't have any idea how hectic my life has been since we last saw each other," Clover said as she took a seat on the bed with Anise beside her.

"My dear do tell. I haven't seen you in a month, I wish to know what all has happened," Anise said with a grin turning to face her.

"Well it's a long story and I do have to finish a job soon but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to talk to you," Clover said grinning. "Well after a week of travel in Cyrodiil I had delivered the alchemical supplies and had made my way back to the border. After I had crossed back into Skyrim I was planning on coming back here to tell you I had finished the job. But I was caught in an ambush. Imperial soldiers had ambushed Stormcloak soldiers trying to cross the border. They took me to Helgen and were going to execute me even though I had done nothing. Right as the headsman was about to take my head a dragon came and disrupted everything. I followed some people into a tower then I followed and helped an Imperial soldier escape the burning town. We made our way to Riverwood and I was asked to speak to the Jarl of Whiterun so I did. Then they asked me to fetch a Dragonstone from Bleak Falls Barrow. So I have it in my possession and then I came here to talk with you," Clover finished as she turned to Anise.

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