"Do You Know Who You're Speaking To?" Blitzo/Stolas

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Ima try to make this short cuz ik y'all don't care bUt. Ik I'm kinda pulling the strings cuz Helluva isn't Hazbin and this is a Hazbin book but fuck off ok- be happy you getting something 😗✌ it is currently 2:21 when writing this. And this idea popped in my brain while I was in the bathroom and I have nothing else better to do and I don't wanna sleep. This might be shit cuz my writing might've gotten worse since the last time I wrote in here so don't expect much from this 🤣🤣enjoy?

Stolas' POV? Not really

Stolas watched as the liquor in his shot glass drifted from side to side as he moved the glass in circles. His mind kept replaying the events of the day like a broken record player. He gotten in another argument with his wife today.

He didn't even remember what started it, now that he thinks about it.. That's what been happening with their arguments for the past for weeks. He's just thankful Octavia got to school before they started fighting.

Speaking of Octavia, she's been growing up.. This is her last year in middle school. Then she's gonna be a freshman in the Royal High School this time next year. That's also been a thing causing his stomach twist.

He finally pulls himself out of his own mind for a few seconds to down the liquor in the small glass. He lightly slams it back on the table, causing a clink sound with the wood. He sighs and berries his head in his hands.

He needs to go back home.. But what if Stelle is still angry with him? But Octavia is gonna come home soon.. But he doesn't want to start up an another argument in front of her.

A loud slam at the front door was able to pull Stolas out of his thoughts. He lifts his head up and look behind him to see who caused the slam. It was a.. Clown? Stolas rubs his eyes to try and focus them. The stomping was approach the bar.

"Hey! Drop what your doing and get me a shot of vodka! I had a shit day and I ain't waiting for fucking 20 minutes for a drink!"

Stolas rolls his eyes. 'Must be one of those Imps...' He thought to himself, his head goes back into his hands.

"Oi, fat ass. Scoot over"

What time is it? Octavia should be at home soon, considering the fact that he left the house around 2..

"OI! Can't you hear?!"

Stolas opens an eye to see who the clown could be yelling at. He sees him looking towards.. Him? Wait- he couldn't be talking to-

"Um.. Excuse me?" Stolas murmurs. Being tooken back how strained his own voice is.

"I. said. SCOOT. " The redhead(?) forcefully shoves the owl down and he jumps up on the seat. Stolas being taken back by the sudden push. "Pardon me?? Do you know who I-"

"Ugh, don't tell me your one of those fuckers that think you automaticly have everyones respect cuz you dropped down here with some power? Or some shit? Cuz if you are, please. Do your worst on me. I'm so scared. Just quivering it in my oversized boots." He lifted his foot up and points at his clown like shoes.

He moved his fingers around in a..magic gesture? His other catches the shot glass that slided passes the owl. The Prince was taken back by the flat out disrespect from the other demon. He knew Imps didn't shy away with speaking what's on their mind. But this.. This shocked him.

"Um, no. I'm not an overlord." Stolas said. Taking a closer look at the clown. He saw the smudged colorful makeup covering his face. He saw a blue and pink wig on the counter. Must've thrown it down when he walked over. He had a ridiculous outfit on.

The closer he looked at him, the more and more Stolas realized how familiar the other males seemed. Like he'd seen him many times before. But he would've remembered someone with a mouth like his.

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