THAT Time Of The Month. (RadioDust) {Part 2}

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Alastor's POV:

"U-um..." I felt more heat hit me. I lost balance bUt I was able to catch myself. Angel's eyes widened as he grinned. "You're definitely not ok." He gripped on my shirt with his top two hands. "Excuse me?? Get your hands off me!"

I pushed him away, causing me to fall back on my bed. He smirked. "C'mon Al...~ I can see when someone wants...something~" He walked over to me. I crawled further down my bed. He followed "WhoaWhoaWhoaWhoa-AnGel!"

He was on top of me. His top arms pinning me to the bed while his other two was running down my chest. His fingers undoing my suit.. This was nOt helping my heat once so ever. I... Wanted it.. CURSE THIS. This is ridiculous!!

I shook my head violently. I was able to push Angel off me before he could do anything else. He fell off the bed entirely. "C'mon Al!! Its obvious you have a boner!! Anyone can see that dint in your pants!" My face felt warm. "Quiet you!"

"Let me heeeeeeEeelp!!" "I don't need it." I stood. But almost fell. But got back up. "Leave." "AlastoooooooOoorrrr!!" My bottom right eyelid twitched. "Angel." I shot a glare at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Fine. But I know something's u-" I threw a pillow at him. It knocking him over. "Hey!!" "Angel. Leave." I pointed to the door. He rolled his eyes and got up to leave. He slammed the door behind him as he cursed under his breath. Right when he shut the door I let out a ton of air.

I didn't even realize I was holding my breath. I panted slightly as I got off my bed again. Everything was hot... I hated it. I can't believe Angel even did that.. I can't believe I LET him do that! And how he easily was he was able to mess with my mind like that...

My member enjoyed it wAy to much though. It was practically begging for some kind of attention. I always had to help myself on these type of weeks... I mean I couldn't just turn to someone and force it on to them.

And I was never interested in doing it with some other human being. I mean... Who would? All these demons are just people to laugh at. How does Angel do it? How does he find it so pleasurable to let ugly freaks shove something in him?

Who knows...

Great. My nose is on fire now. I just decided to sleep for the day. Theres nO way I'm leaving this room after THAT.

-Day 5-

I think I figured out where the smell was coming from... After I left my room this morning I just kept running into Angel. The sent was always stronger when he was around... So it has to be linked to him in a way...

The sent had this... Bubble gum smell... Mixed with something else I can't put my finger on... But it was amazing... I want to deny it but I can't. Just a sniff gets me feeling like I smoked weed for the first time...

I felt my left ear twitch slightly when I shivered from the sent once again. I tried to walk away before anything else could get out of my control but Angel iS a little more annoying then that. "Hey deer daddy! Where ya goin'?!"

His voice did something to me too.. I don't know why! Why does all this go around AnGeL of all people?? Why could it be someone else?? Anyone else?! My legs stopped working when he called for me. And that stupid nickname.

"What now?!" I said in my annoyed voice. Struggling to keep a small grin on my face. "You're keep running away from me! Don't tell me your flustered about last night!" That smirk. I wish I could just slap that smirk right off his face.

"Flustered?? Me?? Pff- over something like that? No no no." "Riiiiiight." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away again. Right when I walked around the corner, the wind was knocked out of me when I bummed into someone else.

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