The 38% (RadioDust) {Part 1}

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This story is inspired/based on an episode I saw on Netflix, the tv show called 'Marlen'. So.. Shoutout to that 😂

Basically Al and Angel we're married but went to divorce, but there's no angst! I promise ✊

Angel Dust's POV:

Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, Al, and me we're all in the lobby playing a card game Cherri gave to be I while back. Never have I ever. Charlie picked up a card. "Never have I ever used my sexuality to get out of a situation..?"

I laughed as I took a sip of my wine. Vaggie picked up her glass and did the same. "Wh- what's that even mean??" Vaggie put down the glass. "Well.. I got pulled over from a female police officer for speeding, I caught her staring at my breasts and she left me off with a warning." She laid back on the couch.

Charlie opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She only closed it again. Then looked at me. ".. What?" She waved the card in her hand. "... I'm a gay porn actor." Charlie looked up at the ceiling. "True." I laughed again while picking up a card from the pack.

"Never have I ever had sex in public?" This brings back memories. I laughed and took another sip of my wine. "Ew! Angel!" Charlie yelled. "What?? He was a cute guy! And I don't know why but I've always wanted to fuck where everyone can watch! Not only behind a screen."

"You have fucking issues." Husk said in his raspy voice. "Oh yeah? When's the last time you slept with someone??" I put my lower hands on my hips and crossed my upper ones. "Can we not turn this into another argument?" Al said while picking up a card. Husk glared at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

I sat back down in my chair. "Never have I ever slept with an ex?" I laughed while I chugged the rest of the wine. Charlie picked up her glass and took a sip, Vaggie did too. Husk laughed and drank some of his wine too. Al put the card down and sat back in the couch.

I looked over at him. "Uh. You're supposed to drink the wine if ya done it. You know that right?" I asked him. "Yes?" He replied back. Charlie gasped. "You never slept with your ex before??" She scooted toward Vaggie a bit. "No? Why would I? And plus, I never started 'sleeping' with people until Angel rolled around."

"He lost his virility to me!!" I yelled while almost falling off my chair. "I Did not!" He yelled back. "Suuuurrreeeee." I laughed and got back in my chair. "Then who'd you lose it to?" Charlie asked. "Someone back in high school. It was so long ago." Al scrunched his face up in discussed. But still having that smile on his face..

"Hey Al. We can like. Change that never have I ever answer..~" I stuck my left foot in the air while laying my head back to face him. "No." He said without hesitation. "Actually- 38% of divorce couples still keep there sex life alive. And it's completely healthy." Vaggie said while putting her hands on her lap.

"Really?" Charlie asked back. "Don't ask me where I got that info." She stood up from the couch. I smirked and looked at Al again. "Ooohhhh Al-" "No." He said without hesitation aGaIn. Heartless mother fucker- "Come oooooonnnnnn. Please?" "No."

He got up and went over to the bar. I got up to chase after him. "Allllllll" I flopped on the counter and put up my left foot again. "Pwease?" "You saying 'please' isn't gonna change my answer." He snapped his fingers for his cane to appear. "Why not??"

"We are no longer married." "So?? Apparently 38% of divorced people still fuck with their ex!" He turned back to me. "So?" He said in a smug voice. That deer. He used my words against me. "We can join that 40%!" He started laughing.

I'm not gonna be able to convince him like this. I need to think. How can I make him give in to seeeexxx.... Wait.

... Ah ha..~

I smirked and put my lower arms on my hips again and crossed my upper ones. "I know why you don't want to do it." He stopped laughing a bit to look at me. "You're afraid to get all caught up in the feels again." I turned my back to him.

"Excuse me?" he said to me. "I'm the one who devoiced you." He crossed his arms. "So?" He gave me a weird look. "There are no more feelings!" I laughed. "Yeah yeah, whatever.

He gave me a playful glare. " I know what you're doing.." I look back at him. "Do you?~" He threw his hands in the air. "FINE. We'll play your little game! And I promise your pretty. Little. Head. That I will NOT. Gain feelings for you again my dear!" He crossed his arms.

"Mhm. We'll see~" I laugh as I walk away. When I was fully up the stairs. Out of Al's vision. I throw a fist in the air from excitement. "YES" I whispered yelled to myself. ONE FREE NIGHT OF SEX. WITH ALASTOR OF ALL PEOPLE. I clapped to myself. I just hAd to get ready for this~

I ran down the hall but bumped into someone. Causing me to flop on the floor. "Ow?! What the fuck?!" I held my head. "Why the fuck are you running?!" "Uuuggghhhh Huuuussssk what do you waaaannnt?" I knew it was him just by his voice. So deep and raspy and meAn.

"You to stop-" I shushed him with my foot. Still on the ground (I got pretty long legs omg-) "I wasn't wanting an answer." He glared at me. "Why were you running anyway??" "To get away from you!! How'd you get up here so fast?! You were jUst down stairs!!"

"No. You and your husband walked to the kitchen and the rest of us left!" I got back up to my feet. "He's not my husband!" "He was!"
I stuck my tongue out at him and continued running down the hallway.

I ran into my room and shut the door behind me and ran to my closet. It hazbin for ever since I've worn one of Al's favourite outfits. So I had to look dEep in my closet in an attempt to find it. My closet was a mess itself so I was already a struggle. I started to grab clothing and yeeting them out of the tiny room and it either landed on my bed or floor or anywhere else in my room.

I kept looking till my closet was practically empty but still nothing.

*posts a chapter that was supposed to be one chapter only but got to lazy and making it in 2 parts* 😐 it's been a while..

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