Gosh Darnit. (Authors Note)

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I never wanted to post a thing like this in here, but I guess I kinda have to if I actually want to do this.

Hii. Author here.

Hey- hey- calm down, calm down. I can already hear you typing out your cries in the comments. Don't panic, this isn't a goodbye message.

I know I know, I'm sorry to disappoint. No update/story today. BUuUuT..I HAVE AN IDEA..?

I made this stupid thing abooouuut.. 2-3 years ago? Somewhere in 2020. A while ago. And, like many other people who post shit on this app, I WASN'T EXPECTING IT TO GET AS MUCH TRACTION AS IT DID. I was just a bored teenager in quarantine going through a Hazbin Hotel phase.

But I never really wanted to discontinue this thing, knowing how many authors just dip and leave after a few updates. Even though I go through months (years) without updating.

I never died. I never deleted this app. Even when I had to switch phones. I always downloaded this app with the intention of continuing this. I get every notification. I get them every day. I never really forgot about it. I just- never got back into Hazbin. But when Hazbin FINALLY releases more episodes, I can guarantee this is gonna get SPAMMED with new chapters.

This isn't a goodbye thing; I don't think I ever will 'finish' this book. I just, don't leave fandoms like that. The past few years I've been obsessed with BatJokes and SpideyPool honestly. (And just recently got into musical Beetlejuice yaay.)

ANYWAY. The whole reason why I'm typing this out is because I finally sat down and read some comments from my "THAT Time Of The Month" story. While reading the comments, I reread the story too.

It's been a few years I know that but- how did it get so popular??? IT'S NOT THAT INTERESTING. THERE'S SO MANY PROBLEMS WITH IT.

-Alastor is confirmed to be asexual
-Angel is taller than Al.
-I never specified what the "smell" was till like the second chapter.
-It's in first person?? For some reason??
-omg the typos.
-Angel had moments of coming off a lil rapey.
-It wasn't an omegaverse thing, it's not really a problem, just confused a lot of people.
-But most of all, Al was soooo uncharacteristic. It ruined the whole reading experience for me.

And that's only a few problems I can come up with at the top of my head, if I reread it again, I could probably pick up more issues with the story.

Why am I posting this? Why am I ranting about a story I was bored enough to write and only finished because people were expecting/begging more chapters of it? (Don't get me wrong it was super fun to do.) Why? Why Author why!?

And it's because I was hit with an idea.. A light bulb of some sorts.

Why can't I just.. Rewrite it?

I always wanted to go back and edit the things I never liked about the story, but never did it because the comments seemed to have so much fun with it.

So I just thought- why not just repost the whole story entirely? IT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN TO DO. I would love to dip my toes back in the mindset of RadioDust. And it would (hopefully) be written SOO MUCH BETTER. AaAnNnD would (hopefully) motivate me to actually, y'know, update. 

Why didn't I just post the rewrite? Why did I type out this big useless message? That's a good question. Because THAT'S WHAT I WAS GOING TO DO BuUuUt I mainly did it for the people who's just scrolling and they have no idea what's happening, I didn't really want them to be confused thinking "Why is this story posted here twice??"

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