~smoking prank~danny+C4

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Danny-15(just pretend!! I know he's 19 but pretend for the story)
Backstory-parents kicked him out so he lives with C4 now and jc has custody of him!
I woke up today and got dressed into some jeans,a big hoodie,and my beanie
Then went downstairs
Danny-take me to boba??
Danny-ughhh where's jcs car keys
Will-u can't drive headass
Danny-well I will today
I grab his car keys
And try to drive and got the hang out it so I left to
Get boba then jc called
Jc-wtf! Danny bring back my car now
Jc-yes! Ur going to crash my baby!!
Danny-Wtf what about me
Jc-I don't give a shit!! Come back
Then I got a idea..what if I prank them by fake smoking
So I went to my friends house because he vapes so
I asked him to give me a vape with a lil nic  in it a
And he did
So my plan is to drop the vape and see if they noticed!
So I left and put the vape in my pocket and started driving back home
When I got there jc was waiting outside
So I parked and got off
Jc-u scared me Danny!
Danny-chill out
I give him his car keys and went inside to my room
To start recording my prank
Danny-hey guys welcome back to my yt channel!! And today I will be pranking the whole C4 house that I vape so here I have a vape with a lil juice so it can seem real and as u guys know I DONT smoke! So we are going to see their reactions!! Will is first because he didn't take me to get boba! Let's go
I set up the camera in the living room because everyone else were in their rooms
Then I sit down
And go on my phone
For about 30 minutes and I get up and drop the vape going into the kitchen
I see will look at it and then look at me
Will-uhhh is that urs
He pointed to it
Danny-oh yeah shit
I grab it and put it in my pocket
Will-wtf...does jc know about this??
Danny-uh why does he need to know?
Will-because ur 15..? And where did u get this anyways
Danny-my friend.it's not that big of a deal! U smoke weed
Will-but I'm 26! Ur 15,ur underage I'm not
Will-give it ur not supposed to be doing that
Will-give it Danny
Will-now!!or I'll get jc
I go closer to him
Danny-because it's a prank bitch!
Will-headass!! Oh my gosh
Danny-haha I have to go get the others
Will-hopefully they beat ur ass
Danny-they probably will
Will-hope they do slap the shit out of u!
Danny-fuck you
Next person is Oscar
So I go into he's room pretending to get clothes from him
Oscar-dude ur like a small I'm a medium
Danny-I'm not!
Oscar-are to!
Danny-I'm offended!
I grabbed a hoodie I liked and took off the godson and had so the vape can fall and it did
Then put on oscars hoodie
Oscar-uh is that urs?
Danny-shit yeah
I grabbed it
Oscar-are I serious?
Oscar-Danny..UR 15
Oscar-ha give me it or throw it away ur to fucking young to be doing that shit
Danny-I'm not!
Oscar-u are!
Danny-ha no
Oscar-ha yes
Danny-I'm not going to listen to u! So stfu
Oscar-ahh este nino! Te voy a pegar con una chancla!(this boy,I'm going to hit u with a sandle)
Danny-tf did u say
Oscar-you'll see
He grabs a flip flop
And hit my ass
Danny-ow wtf!
Oscar-that's what I said I'm going to hit u with a sandle! Now give me the vape
He hits me again
Danny-ow chill!
Oscar-no give it
Danny-it's a prank!
Oscar-estupido! (Stupid)
Oscar-run because I have a sandle in my hand
I run and go downstairs
And he follows
Danny-will help me!
Will-haha told u someone was going to beat ur ass
He hits me with the sandle again
Oscar-don't do that to me!nino
Danny-ok ok I'm sorry
Danny-guys I just got my ass beat! By Oscar omg
Danny-now on to Crawford then jc!
I go into Crawford's room and lay on his bed
Crawford-well hello
Danny-nothing just got bored with hanging with will so I came to annoy u!
Crawford-I'm used to it
We talked for about 10 minutes
Then I got up and dropped the vape going into the bathroom and grabbing my face mask he used
I go back out and he has my vape
Crawford-uh Danny.what the fuck is this!
Danny-well as u can see it's a vape
Crawford-why do u have this! This is bad
Danny-it's find all my other friends have it
Crawford-it doesn't matter what they have! It doesn't matter if they vape! Or drink! It's about you not vaping or drinking because ur a good kid and u have to stay like that if u want to have a career
Danny-whatever I don't care !
Crawford-how long have u being doing this
Danny-about a mouth now
Crawford-why didn't u tell us!
Danny-because u guys would over react!!! Like this u guys don't even let me out of the house even and u expect me to tell you this man
Crawford-uh yes we do let u out of the house!
Danny-no u don't!
Crawford-just no don't do this shit! Ur going to get sick!! Headass
He slaps my head
Crawford-that's what u get! Now go to ur room!
Danny-because it's a fucking prank!
Carwford-fuck you dude!here
He gives it back
Danny-haha I'm going to get jc real quick
I go into jcs rooma dm start playing with Bambi and get up to get my camera for photos!and drop the vape
Jc-what the hell what was that
He goes and picks up the vape
Jc-deadass Danny!
Jc-This! What do u mean what
Danny-oh yeah give me it
Jc-no! Wth
Danny-come on! Everyone does it just let me
Jc-Danny u have lived with me since u were 13!...13 fucking years old and I have always always taught you to stay away from everything like that! And u promised u wouldn't do that
Danny-I was 13!
Jc-and? A promise is a promise! Wth Danny
Danny-I'm sorry! I'm not a kid anymore Jc so stop treating me like one
And I go downstairs and he follows and everyone is downstairs
Jc-U are a kid!
Danny-IM NOT
Jc-well in my eyes u are ! Ok so sorry I don't want u caught up with vaping!
Danny-well I am so get used to it
Oscar-want me to beat his ass?
Danny-shut the fuck up dude!
Jc-2 years danny! 2 fucking years u have been living with me and u just go and vape like it nothing!
Danny-it is nothing!!
Jc-I hate to do this because I have never done this.but ur grounded
Danny-no no nope
Jc-yes go to ur room
Danny-no because it's a prank!!!!
I grab my camera
Jc-I swearrrr Danny
Danny-haha guys that's the end of the video pls like subscribe and I'll catch u later

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