-road-||C4 sister little

332 4 2

Little! Age-3
Backstory-parents didn't like her being a little so kicked her out so she moved in with C4 and they accepted her
3rd person pov
Sky was sleeping in her little bed so warm under the covers
Will-hey bubs wake up
He rubs her back
Sky-noo I want bed
Will-come on baby wake up,we have things to do
Sky-like wat
Will-well we have to go get breakfast,then we are going to clean up,then we going to have people over
Sky-no!I no clean
Will-yes now come on
And she digs her head in her pillows
Will-I know it's hard but come on
Sky-I no wat to
Then he just picks her up
Sky-ahhh cold cold
And will puts a blanket over her
Will-u want McDonald's? Or ihop
Sky-hop! Hop
Will-ok we will order
He orders chocolate chip pancakes for sky,and gets other stuff for the rest of people
Will-ok come on let's get you ready
We changes her nappy(not weird.)And changed her into jeans,a shrit,and her shoes (drip)
Wil-alright ! All done
Sky-London! I want Lon Lon
Will-ok ok
Will takes her downstairs with everyone and she plays with London
Nezza-aww baby
Sky runs to her and hugs her
Nezza-hi my pretty baby!!
Sky-I miss u!
Nezza-I did to mama!
Crawford walks In
Crawford-looks who finally awake!
Crawford-hey bubs
She hugs him
Crawford-hey do u want to go wake up Oscar??
Sky-yes! Yes yes
Crawford-ok let's go
They go to his room and sky kisses his check but nothing then again nothing so she grabs his hair and pulls it
Oscar-oww baby let go
And she tugs it more
And she lets goo
Sky-wake up!
And Crawford's just laughing his ass off
Oscar-no no baby don't say that
Sky-but u say it
Oscar-but I'm a grow up!
Crawford-don't say that sky only stupid people say that
Oscar-at I'm not stupid
Sky-yeah u are!!
Then she gets up and runs downstairs
Sky-I play downstairs!
Carwford-ok baby,me and nezza will be back
They go upstairs and leave sky alone playing
Then the trash guy came and left the door opened so sky decided to go outside and the gate was open so she went out
While back at the house
Oscar-where's sky!
Will-uhh she's downstairs
Oscar-no she's not
Crawford-where is she
Nezza-find her!!
They looked everywhere
Oscar-guys..the gate it's opened..
Will-go outside and looks everyone
Everyone went outside
While sky was going into the main road just standing getting a rock
Then will saw her
And he ran to sky grabbing her and picking her up
Will-sky! U were in the main road !
Sky-I no know
They got back to the house
Oscar-back in the house! NOW
sky goes inside quickly
Nezza-omg sky
She hugs her
Nezza-baby u scared us!
Crawford-really bad
Jc-DONT EVER do that again
Will-hey don't yell
Sky-I no know..I go outside
Will-u could've gotten killed sky
Sky-I sorry..
Oscar-how bout u go to ur room and play baby
She goes
Jc-what are we going to do
Will-take away tablet?
Crawford-she'll go crazy
Nezza-we can put her in timeout
Will-true u think she'll stay?
Oscar-probably not
Jc-I mean I hate to say this but what she did could've gotten her killed..should we just give her a spanking
Will-but who will
Crawford-not me I'll cry to
Oscar-not me
Nezza-not me
Jc-I don't want to I'll feel bad
And everyone looks at will
Will-no! I can't
Crawford-she loves you more! She forgive you
Jc-she could've gotten killed! Just do like 10
Will-ok ok
Will goes upstairs with sky
Will-sky what u did scared us really bad mama
Sky-I sorry
Will-in sorry that I have to do this but ur getting a spanking
Will-I'm sorry baby
Sky-noo I sorry
Will-sh sh it's only 10
And he sits down
Will-come on
She goes slowly
And he puts her over his knee
Two three
Five and she was crying will felt so bad
Will picks her up and hugs her
Will-in sorry baby
Sky-I-it's o-otay
Will-in sorry,baby
He rubs her back
And kisses her head
Will-want to take a nap bubs
Will-wait I have to change your diaper
He changed it and put her in pjs
He picked her up and rocked her to sleep
He goes downstairs
Will-y'all are assholes

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