-hate-||C4 +friends

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Backstory-lives alone in apartment,moved out of parents house and really talks to them because they are toxic,goes to public school (1 year she has lived in the apartment)
Today it's Wednesday so that means school
I got up did my skin care,makeup,and put on some ripped mom jeans, with a baggy shirt and my air jordens
I did my hair and grabbed my things
I drove to school and everything was going okay
Until 3 period it was 10am I start school at 8 I was walking to my class when
Girl-hey freak
Girl2-why are u so ugly
Girl3-no one likes u
Girl4-u think ur famous??? Ur not
Girl-look at u
Girl2-your disgusting
My eyes starting watering
And I just walked off to my car leaving school
I got back to my apartment just laying on my bed
I was scrolling threw my comments on tiktok and Instagram and all I saw was hate hate hate I mean it's really getting to me I just don't know what to do
The I got a call from nezza
Nezza-hey baby did u go to school? They called me that u didn't go to 3 period (school now I don't like talking to my parents so they call nezza and Crawford or franny and Daniel the couples first then
Rest of the boys if neeed)
Elysian-I did but um I left
Nezza-oh why
Elysian-just these girls nothing big
Nezza-aw baby want me to go over?
Elysian-only if you want
Nezza-ofc I'll be there in 10
Elysian-ok bye
I hang up and just all the words keep replying and replaying I just I can't
Time skip 10 minutes
I hear a knock so I open the door and it's nezza,franny,Chelsea
Nezza-u know I had to make this a girls day
Chelsea-so what happend
We sit down on my couch
Elysian-I-idk these girls just bothered me so I left
Franny-wdym bothered
Elysian-they just said something but it's fine idc
Nezza-baby u can tell us
Elysian-they Um they said I'm a slut,that I'm ugly,that no one likes me,that im a freak,that im disgusting
Franny-oh baby
Nezza-it's not true
Chelsea-none of it
Nezza-has this happens before?
Franny-oh my goodness
Elysian-it's whatever
Franny-no give me the names of those girls I'm goanna go talk to the school
Elysian-no it's okay u don't need to
Franny-I am no one is going to make my baby feel like that
Chelsea-mmh mmh
Elysian-alright it's Rosie,Alex,Rachel,Lori
Franny-alright U can stay with me and Daniel today and tomorrow I'll go talk to them
Nezza-but for now let's go get some breakfast
We leave and go to this coffee shop that sells breakfast to
I got a cream cheese bagel with some iced coffee and some fruit
Time skip to night time
It was a long day we went to get our nails,went to the mall,and did our makeup
Me and franny went to my apartment
Elysian-can I stay at ur place for a couple days ?
Elysian-I don't wanna be alone
Franny-u won't baby ofc you can stay
I get a bag and put pjs,some outfits,shoes,makeup,skin care
We left and got to her and daniels house
We got in and felt so idk safe
Also I got a room here yeah that's how close I am with franny
I went into my room and set down my stuff
I heard
Daniel-Elysian! Come here
I went into their room
Daniel-how are you
Elysian-im fine
Daniel-u sure
Elysian-yeah I'm good
Daniel-come here
I go over and he hugs me I have always felt so safe with him and franny they make me feel like home
Daniel-tomorrow ur not going to school ok? Me and franny are going to talk with the school
Elysian-ok but please make sure they don't know it was me
Daniel-it'll be okay
Elysian-yeah it will
I got a call from the light bill people shit
Person-yes u didn't submit ur payment for this month it's been 4 days
Elysian-I forgot sorry how much is it
Person-it was 350 but late fee it's going to be 410
Elysian-410$! What
Person-yes ma'am
Elysian-shit ok is there any way I can pay half
Person-I am sorry but no
Elysian-shit um alright I'll send it
I hang up
Daniel-what's 410$?
Elysian-oh just my light bill
Daniel-do u have enough money to pay?
Elysian-yeah ofc
I go into my account and I only have 430$because I have been paying all my bills at once but I have a couple brand deals and I'm getting back on yt so I'm fine
Daniel-let me see
Elysian-I have enough.
Daniel-give me the phone
I show it to him
Daniel-ur going to stay with 20$ and u call that enough?
Daniel-I'm going to pay it for you
Elysian-no I'm fine
Franny-Elysian why didn't u tell us
Elysian-I'm fine I promise
Daniel-just let me pay it for you please
Elysian-fine.I'll pay you back
Daniel-no it's okay I don't have to
Elysian-thank you
I hug him and franny
Franny-come here sit down I need to talk to you
I sit down
Franny-me and Daniel were talking and we were thinking about how would you like to move in with us? Just until u finish high school then you can go and do whatever you want
Elysian-um ofc !!
Time skip 1 week
We have moved everything from my apartment to here
I started back on YouTube and gotten brand deals
Also I'm doing online school now!
I woke up to
Franny-wake up bb it's time for school
Franny-the faster u get to it the faster u finish
Elysian-that's true
I got up,got ready and sat down with my laptop on the table doing my school work
I finish at 12pm because I start at 10 so it's 2 hours witch is pretty cool
I close my laptop
Franny-well Daniel is getting ready so wanna go have lunch? Then hit the mall?
I grab my purse and sunglasses
Daniel comes out and we leave
I have always struggled with eating and they know that some days I can eat a whole plate of food other days I can only take 2 bites. So whenever we go out they always make sure I eat enough
We got to this little place to eat
I got a water,salmon with rice and a side of salad
I cut up the salmon and mix it together with the rice
I take a few  bites
And put it down
Not thinking they'll notice
Franny-come on a few more bites baby u can do it
Elysian-I don't wanna
Daniel-please just a few more
I take a few mores then I distract myself and finish half
Franny-good job
Daniel-u did it! See
Elysian-I love you guys

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