-just try it-||danny +c4 (little)

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Backstory-moved out of parents house because they didn't accept him wanting to be a streamer  so he moved into c4 (hes shorter then the boys,and weighs about like 85 pounds )
Likes-streaming,sleeping late,chick fill a(ofc),playing games with his friends,YouTube,tiktok
Dislikes-rude people,being called soft,hate on him or friends,cake,fake people
Today I woke up not feeling the best,see I have always struggled with self love,motivation,confidence,pushing myself
So today is one of those days were I'm feeling not so good :,)
So I got up washed my face I brushed my teeth
Then put on some sweat pants,and a hoodie
My room is a mess but ehh
I go downstairs and grab some water then I go lay down
Crawford-Heyy 14 year old
Danny-Heyy dumbass
Crawford-ok that's mean
Danny-no ur mean
Crawford-no u are
Danny-no u!
Crawford-whatever today we have a photo shoot so get ready
Danny-nah I'll pass
Danny-just don't want to take photos today
Crawford-oh wanna talk?
Danny-um yeah sure
He sits down next to me
Crawford-what's going on? Talk to me
Danny-I just idk lately I haven't been liking my body and I haven't found self love yet
Crawford-oh danny,let me tell u one thing,to find self love u have to believe u can find it u can't say oh I'm never going to love myself or oh I hate my body u have to have to think positive and no matter what anyone says ur body is perfect and u have to keep Reminding urself so u can re gain ur self love
Danny-but how how do all these boys have muscles,abs,how do they get the motivation to get up eat healthy,workout i I just can't I don't know how
Crawford-Danny u don't have to work out,u don't have to eat healthy,u don't have to be them it's ok to be you it's ok to eat whatever u want it's perfectly fine
Danny-I guess
Crawford-ur body is perfect and I'll help u remember
Danny-thanks Crawford
Time skip 2 hours
I'm stressing out rn because I'm still in high school and I'm not going to college so I have to get good grades
I'm writing my essay then I have homework then I have a project
Danny-fuck dude!
Jc-what's wrong ?
Danny-school! School dude can't i just drop out?
Jc-No! U don't have to go to college but at least finish high school
Danny-ughh dude I'm so fucking stressed,I haven't aten,just  ugh bro
Jc-are u stressed?
Danny-no Im great !
Danny-just ugh forget it! Forget it
Will-chill bro ur fine
Danny-no no it's not fine! I'm not fine will nothings fine! Ok nothing nothing and it's never going to be fine.just I'll be back later
Jc-where are u going
Danny-just on a drive
I grab my car keys and leave
I start driving around and i stopped to get boba then continued driving around for like a hour it's now
4pm so I get back to the house and all the boys are sitting there on the couch
Danny-uhh hey
Jc-Danny we need to talk
Danny-shit before u get mad yes I did smoke weed last night
Jc-uh not that but thanks for letting me know!
Danny-oh uh then continue
Crawford-since u have been stressed,and not feeling to good bout ur self,u know and sometimes having panic attacks we looked up ways we can help you and little space is one.
Danny-what's that
Crawford-it's were ur mind set is a younger age then ur current age and being in that mind set helps with not stressing,no anxiety
Danny-oh like what age
Crawford-any u can be any little age
Crawford-so do u want to just try it out
Danny-umm yeah
Time skip after they figured out what his age was,and who's taking care of him (Hes 3)
Oscar-so all of us are will take care of u but if we have a meeting or we have to do something and u don't want to go then the girls will take care of u
Will-also we have some rules 1.No cursing 2.be respectful 3.no talking back 4.no hitting 5.no going anywhere without us ok?
Time skip again (it's like 8pm already idfk)because ur girl be lazy !(he has gone into little space,and is hanging out with Crawford and nezza)
Danny-I wantttt Luca!
Danny-yeah! Luca
He puts it on and Danny snuggles into Crawford chest
Half way into the movie the wifi goes out and the movie turns off
I start kicking and getting frustrated
Danny-luca!!! Now
Crawford-ay excuse me  stop kicking
Danny-I want movieee
Crawford-clam down
Danny-no! No no I want movie NOW
Crawford-yell  one more time and ur going to time out I'm not playing with you Danny.
Danny-b-but I want movie!!
Crawford-Danny. I'm going to count to 3 and u better be in the corner
Danny-b-but I-im sorry I'm sorry
Nezza-will u yell again?
Danny-no no I promise I won't
Nezza-babe let this slide
Crawford-ok but u yell one more time or kick ur going to timeout
We finish the movie and snacks we got at it was now 10 pm and I was starting to get tried
I rub my eyes and yawn
Crawford-u sleepy
Crawford-come on let's get u ready for bed
He helps me with putting on my pjs and scoops me up rocking me back and forth till I fell asleep
Next day
3rd person pov
Danny woke up on his bed and got up walked to oscars room and knocked on his door
Oscar opened it
Oscar-well good morning
Danny-morning!! I want up
Oscar picks him up and gets him ready then takes him down to the kitchen
He sits Danny down and grabs him some cereal
Danny-no eat
Oscar-yes eat
Danny-Noo I not hungry
Oscar-Danny come on just a few bites
Danny-not hungry
Danny-no! I'm not hungry
Oscar-Danny please
Danny-I cant
Danny-because then Danny get fat
Oscar-danny u are not fat. Don't say that now come on eat
Jc-what's wrong
Jc says while coming down the stairs
Oscar-someone doesn't want to eat
Jc-why not
Oscar-he says his fat
Jc-danny ur not fat and ur body needs food in order to work because if u don't get food then ur not going to have energy
Danny-I no eat
Jc-just one bite?
He takes one spoon of the cereal and eats it
Jc-good job! How bout another one?
Danny-mmh ok
He grabs another spoon and eats it then another then another and he finishes half of it
Jc-wow buddy good job!!
Oscar-I'm so proud of you
And he starts clapping
Jc-yup yay
Danny- I want playyy
Jc-well we haven't gotten many toys bud
Danny-oh.. then i play outside?
Jc-sure but dont go out the gate,and dont get in the pool
He runs out going out with the dog running around and playing fetch with them
For about 2 hours
Will-danny come back inside
He runs inside all sweaty and his face was red
Will-oh ur all sweaty
Danny-yup what u need?
Will-nothing but u need a break from the sun
Danny-ohh otay
Will-here drink water
Danny drank the water and nezza came with a cold cloth wiping danny face
Danny-oh that feels cool
Danny-tanaways i want tovie
Will-what movie?
Danny-uhmm ghost!
Will-ghost busters?
Will put it on
Nezza-wait before u watch the movie lets go get u in some new clothes ur all sweaty
Danny-ughh otay
He followed nezza to her and carwfords room
Danny runs to him and hugs him
Crawford-hey bud ur all sweaty
Danny-i know
Nezza-help me change him babe
Crawford-what is he going to wear?
Nezza-just some shorts and a shirt
Crawford-ohh okay but doesnt he need a bath first? Tho hes sweaty
Nezza-thats true,hey bud u wanna take a shower?
Danny-no! I no shower
Crawford-but u have to cus ur stinky
Danny-i no stinky u stinky
Crawford-haha im not stinky u are
Danny-nooo u stinky
Crawford-come on lets get u in the bath
Nezza-the bath ready come on
Crawford-come on Arms up
Danny lifted his arms so crawford can take off his shirt then took off his pants picking danny up and placing him in the bath (he has he underwear still on )
Nezza-it will be a fast bath I promise
Nezza rises his hair and puts shampoo then rises it out danny gets up snd trys to get out
Nezza-no u sit down
Then Crawford comes in
Crawford-sit now
He sat down
Nezza-look wanna have a fun bath? Here some shaving cream put it on the walls and u can draw
He starts playing while nezza washes his hair and washes his chest
Then rises him
Nezza-alright come on get up
He gets up and nezza wraps the towel around him picking him up taking him out the bath  drying him
Crawford comes with a new pair of underwear
Crawford-here put these on then tells us when ur done
They leave and he puts them on almost falling
Crawford-alright come on arms up
He puts on a shirt and puts on his shorts
Crawford-there u go bud go with nezza so she can do ur hair 
He waddles over and nezza brushes his hair
Danny-now can i go watch the tovie
Nezza-put on ur socks then u can go
He quickly trys to put them on then goes downstairs
Sitting on the couch pressing play on the movie
Half way threw the movie he got up and went to the kitchen grabbing 3 bags of sweets
And started to eat them all
Then nezza and carwford come down
Nezza-danny are u eating sweets?
Crawford-bud thats to many just chose one
He chose one and put the other back
Be continued watching the movie while Nezza and Crawford filmed a yt video
30 minutes later crawf and nezz were making food
When Danny went up to them
Danny-I no feel good
Crawford-what do u feel
Danny-belly hurts and danny want to to t-throw u-up
Nezza-aww baby it's cus u ate to many sweets now u have a stomachache
Danny-danny no want belly hurt
Nezza-ik bub come on take some medicine
Danny-no no no Danny fine
Nezza-no ur not u just said ur belly hurts
Danny-Danny otay
Crawford-come on bud u have to take medicine if not ur not going to get better
Danny-no no Danny o-otay
Crawford-come on take the medicine
He runs and they go after him but then he goes out the back and loses them then he goes to the front of the house
Then he figured out how to open the gate and goes outside to the side walk
He goes and turns him around
Smack smack smack smack
Crawford-don't ever do that again!
Danny starts crying
Danny-i no like u!
He runs inside to nezza so she picks him up
Nezza-what happend baby
Danny-c-crawf g-gave m-me p-p-ow p-p-pow
Danny has tears streaming down his face
Nezza-aww bubs it's okay ur okay ur okay
She rubs his back when Crawford comes in
Danny-go away!! U meanie
Crawford-Danny u have to understand that I gave u pow pow because u went outside the gate u never ever go outside u could've gotten so hurt u did something wrong so I have to teach u not to do it again.
Danny-b-but my butt hurts
Crawford-ik ik but now u know right? To listen and not go outside the gate
Danny-y-yes I'm sowwy
Crawford-come here
Crawford picks him up wipes his tears and just holds him while Danny lays his head on his shoulder Sniffing
Crawford-sh sh your okay bub
Danny-Danny watch o-Ovie
Crawford-yea come on let's go to my room
He takes me and sits me on the bed and I lay between him and nezza

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