-shy-||wills son (danny)

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Backstory-got adopted by will!has been living there for 4 months and still shy
Likes-being close to will,basketball,ice cream,road trips,iPad,candy,London,outside
Dislikes-iPad taken,timeout,being alone,veggies,sleeping alone,rollercoasters
Today I woke up next to my dad so I laid on his cheast wanting to fall back alseep but
Will-hey buddy come on wake up
Will-I'll give u one of my hoodies
Danny-ok I'm wake up
I got up stretched and went to the closet
To pick out a hoodie
Danny-I want that one!
He got it for me and I put it on
Will-now come on let's wash our face and brush our teeth
We go into the restroom
I wash my face and he brushes my teeth because I don't know how to actually do it
Will-all done
Danny-thank you!
Will-your welcome
We go downstairs and I see all my uncles who live with us and my aunt Nezza
Danny-good morning
Jc-good morning
Nezza-good morning!
Will-go ahead and sit down I'll get u food what do U want
Danny-um pancakes!
Will-shoot I can't make those so I'll order
Nezza-I'll make them
She starts making them and I get on my iPad to watch a movie
She gave them to me with syrup
Danny-ty aunt Nezza
Will-here's your juice
Danny-ty dad
Will-your welcome
I start eating but I get full with half a pancake
Danny-I'm done
Will-ok I'll save them for later
I drink my juice and then grabbed my iPad and sat down in the living room
Playing on my iPad
Will-Danny come on we are going on a walk
I put down my iPad and go up to my dad and hold his hand
We start walking with London and I see a toy on the street so I go to it and my dad looks back because he was turned and ran over to me because I went to the other block
Will-Danny! What the heck u don't go in the street
He picked me up and we walked to the house
Danny-I'm sorry
Will-don't do that! Danny
Will-come on let's go home
I hold his hand and we go back home
Will-go to ur room
Danny-but dad-
I walk to my room and start crying because I hate being alone
Wills pov
Will-guys u can't believe what just happened
Will-Danny went into the road! Just standing there grabbing some toy
Jc-oh shit
Will-I know I just ugh idk
Then Nezza comes down
Nezza-hey why is Danny crying?
I run upstairs to his room seeing him on his bed crying
Danny's pov*
I see my dad and turn away
He goes to me and picks me up sitting me on his lap
Will-I know ur upset but u went into a road and could've gotten killed and I can't lose you
Danny-I can't ether dad..I love you
Will-I love you to ,and I'm sorry but no iPad for the rest of the day
Will-come on let's take a nap
He starts rocking me back and forth till I fall alseep
Now I woke up next to my dad and London and it's 4pm
Will-hey buddy how did u sleep
Will-ok are u hungry
Danny-mmhh yes !
Will-ok let's go get lunch
And he picks me up taking me downstairs
Will-hey we are going to chick fill a want anything guys
Everyone tells him and we leave
He puts me in my booster seat and we take off
Will-ok what do u want from chick fill a
Danny-chicken nuggets
Will-ok and to drink
Time skip back to house
We got home and I saw some new people
So I hid behind my dad
Will-come on Danny
I stay hidden and I see a boy like me!
I run to oscar
Danny-up up
He picks me up and I hide in his neck
Oscar-what's wrong
Danny-who are they
Oscar-look up
I don't
Oscar-look up Danny
I look up
Nezza-this is franny,Daniel,and their kid Noah
Noah-hi Danny!
Danny-h-hi Noah
Will-hes shy
Noah-wanna play cars
Danny-mmh sure uncle oscar put me down
He puts me down and I slowly go to my toy box and take out all my cars
I laugh
My dad came over
Will-here 5 cars for Noah and 5 cars for you ok?
We start playing and at first I was shy but 10 minutes later we were laughing and playing
Will-Want food Danny?
Danny-no thank you
Will-oh ok
Danny-hey wanna see my room?
We go upstairs and I show him my room
Danny-yeah but we can go outside to the playground if u want
We go downstairs and run outside and start playing on the swings
Noah-so who's ur dad
Danny-that one over there inside next to oscar
Noah-my dads over there next to jc
We continued playing till night time and he left
They left and I turned to my dad
Danny-that's my friend!
Will-ok come on let's eat
He cut up my nuggets and fries then heated them up so I ate them
Danny-in done
Will-good job
Danny-dad can I have my iPad tomorrow
Will-ok it's already 9 let's get ready for bed
I took a shower and changed into my pjs then went to sleep hugging my stuffed animal and laying on my dads cheast

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