-boy?!-||C4 sister

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Backstory-was adopted by c4 they are like brothers to her
Today I woke up got ready did my skin care,some light makeup then into some beige pants,white shirt,and a zip up with my air Jordan's for school
I went downstairs ate some breakfast so I can head to school jc dropped me off,Crawford and nezza is picking me up
Mila-bye love you
Jc-bye love you call me if anything
Mila-I will
Everything was going good and in my 5 period this boy comes up to me and he's so cute he's name is Arron
Arron-hey mila right?
Arron-I wanted to ask u if ur free after school
Mila-um yeah I'm free
Arron-alright bet wanna go out to eat?
Arron-can I get ur number?
I gave it to him
Arron-thxs see u after school pretty
My heart melts
I text Crawford not to pick me up
Time skip after school*
Arron's mom gave us a ride to a nice place to eat
Arron-let me get the door for you
Mila-oh ty
We sit down and just talk and talk
Arron-I have been wanting to tell u this for a while but Um I like you and I wanted to ask u if ur comfortable if u can be mine?
Mila-I-I ofc
Arron-great I have always liked u
Mila-I have liked u to
After like 2 hours they dropped me off at my house
And I enter
Crawford-what happed why didn't I have to pick u up?
Mila-oh I went to the library with some friends
Crawford-oh ok
I go up to my room do my hw and lay down
Time skip 2 weeks
Me and Arron are still together but the boys don't know so it's Goanna be a challenge to keep it a secret
But it's after school rn and I'm waiting to be picked up
Mila-what if something happend to them?
Arron-baby don't overthink
Mila-it's hard
He pulls me into a hug and I lay my head on his cheast
Arron-everything's ok baby
5 minutes later im still hugging him but Crawford and nezza pull up
Mila-they are here for me bye baby ily
Arron-I love you to
I pull away and get in the car and we start heading home
Crawford-who is that! And why are u hugging him
Mila-he's just a friend
Crawford-oh just a friend? Just a friend ?
Nezza-baby it's ok!
Crawford-no! Ur 12 u can't have a boyfriend not until ur in highschool
Mila-so freshmen?
Crawford-well no at least a junior
Mila-he's just a friend ok? Nothing else
We got home and I went to my room
Crawford's pov:
Me and nezza went into our room
Nezza-u can't be mad at her she's growing up
Crawford-she's in 7th grade! She's still a little kid
Nezza-I know I know but it's just a little
Crawford-I guess
I get up and get all the boys
Crawford-guess what
Crawford-when I went to pick up Mila she was hugging a boy
Oscar-dont fuck around
Crawford-I'm not!
Jc-mila! Get down here
Back to Milas pov
I went downstairs
Jc-so what's this u hugging a boy
Mila-he's just my friend
Oscar-what's his name
Will-what grade is he
Mila-7th!hes a friend! That's all
Jc-yeah ok
Mila-so just fuck off
Everything went quiet and I knew I messed up
Jc-excuse me.
Mila-um Uh
Oscar-no what did u say
I stayed quiet
Oscar-repeat it
Mila-fuck off
I said while looking down
Will-go to ur room and give me ur phone now.
I gave him my phone and went to my room
This is the first time I actually got in trouble trouble I'm not like this ig just slipped out
After 2 hours of just being bored watching tv I went downstairs
To grab some chips and a drink
I went back upstairs and was just there watching tv and eating when Crawford came In
Crawford-hey I'm ordering canes what do u want?
Mila-the 3 piece please
He leaves
I go to nezza
Nezza-hey baby u ok?
Nezza-oh baby it's ok they'll get over it
Mila-I hope so I hate it when they are mad at me
Nezza-I know I know
Time skip 2 days
The boys aren't mad at me,my phone is still taken but I'm going to school rn
I see Arron
Arron-baby what happened over the weekend u stop replying
Mila-my phone got taken away
Arron-oh baby why
Mila-I snuck out
Arron-that's okay
He pulls me into a hug and I look up at him
Arron-ur so pretty
Mila-thank you
Time skip after school
I'm waiting to be picked up with Arron and will pulls up
Mila-I gotta go but I love you I'll see u tomorrow
Arron-love you to
I get in the car
Will-that's the boy?
Will-mmh ok
Mila-he's really nice,he's my best friend
Will-mmh ok if u say so
We get home and before I went upstairs
Oscar-hey mila come here
I went back downstairs with all the boys
Jc-we have decided to give u ur phone back but I have to tell us the truth is he your boyfriend or not
Mila-....well yes he's my boyfriend but before u say anything he's really nice he treats me so good and he's respectful and I just I love him because he makes me happy
Crawford-that's all we wanted to know
Oscar-and we want to meet him
Mila-when? Today
I ran upstairs to call Arron
Mila-my brothers want to meet u so can u come over for dinner?
Arron-ofc Bebe
Mila-yay! Come at 7?
Arron-yeah I'll be there baby anything for you
Mila-yay I'll see u in a bit
Arron-okk love you
Mila-love you to
I hang up
I ran back downstairs
Mila-he's coming at 7
Time skip to 7pm
Nezza is making some pasta and salad
I hear a knock and I ran to the door
I opened it and it was Arron
Arron-hey beautiful
He hugs me
Mila-come In
He comes in
Mila-this is nezza she's like my mom
Arron-hi ma'am
Nezza-hello u like pasta?
Nezza-good cus that's what I'm making
Then the boys come in
Mila-this is Oscar,jc,Crawford,and will
Arron-hello sir
He shakes their hand
Nezza-dinners ready!
Arron pulled out my seat for me then sat next to me
We all started eating
Arron-this is really good ma'am
Nezza-aw thank you
Crawford-so u want to be with my sister?
Arron-y-yes sir
Jc-will u ever hurt her?
Arron-No sir
Mila-guys stop leave him alone
Will-sh Arron right? I accept you because u obviously make my sister happy and that's all I want
Arron-thank you sir
Crawford-mmh I'll accept u but one wrong move and ur done
Jc-I accept u to just don't do anything stupid
Oscar-me to unless u mess up
Arron-thank you sir I am very happy u accept me,do you accept me ma'am?
Nezza-yes ofc
We continued talking and eating we finished
We picked up all our dishes and put them in our sink
Arron-that was amazing ma'am thank you so much for having me over for dinner
We both picked up the plates and he helped me wash them
We made tiktoks together
Mila-hey jc can Arron stay here longer?
Jc-as long as his parents are okay with it
Arron-yes sir I asked
Jc-alright then yes
Mila-yayyy baby
We laid down on the couch together and watched a movie
It was already 10 and his mom came for me
Arron-bye baby I love you so much have a good night and sleep and I'll see u tomorrow
Mila-bye Bebe I love you
We hug and kiss then he leaves

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