-dont touch her-||c4+friends

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Backstory-is friends with c4,and the girls (Nezza franny Chelsey Anna Marie ayla (also kian,wdw)!is the youngest of the group !! Also lives in a apartment because parents left
Today I woke up,opened my blinds and got ready for the day I got my coffee and some toast when franny calls
I answer
Franny-Heyy have u aten
Franny-what did u eat
I show her my toast
Franny-that's not enough,go get some fruit
Ivy-but frannyyy
I get some watermelon and eat it
Franny-that's better
Ivy-yeah yeah
Franny-wyd today
Ivy-just staying in theres really nothing to do
Franny-well then me and Daniel are going over and taking you out
Ivy-u don't have to
Franny-sh sh yes
Ivy-ahh I love u guys
Franny-love u be there in 30 minutes
Ivy-k byeeee
I hang up and clean up my kitchen and grab my purse
Time skip 30 minutes
I heard a knock and I opened
Ivy-ah what a suprise
Daniel-hey bug
Ivy-hey Daniel
Franny-now come on let's go
I locked up my door and we left
We went to the mall and went to forever  21
I tried on a red dress
And showed them
Daniel-mmh no to tight and short
Franny-don't listen to him it's pretty
Then I showed them more and decided to get a red dress,then a black on
Time skip
2 hours they dropped me off and I hung up all my clothes and
Then my friend from school texted me about a party of I wanted to go so I said yes
And they gave me the address It was at 9 and it was 7 so I started getting ready I curled my hair put on my red dress with black high heels and did my makeup
It was now 9:30
So I headed out and went to the party in my car
I got in and went with my friends from school
Everything was going good
I had a drink and was drinking it
I turned and saw Nezza with franny
Ivy-oh hey guys
Nezza-that better be water
Ivy-oh yeah um it is
I drank it quickly
Franny-yup totally
Nezza-well we will be over there with the boys if u need us
They left and we got to the dance floor we started dancing.
Friend-let's get a drink
We went and got a drink
We started drinking and the boys came over
Jc-what's in the cup
Will-better be
Ivy-ugh guys I never drink! Please just this once
Jc-fine but don't get to drunk
Ivy-wooo shots!
Will-clam down
Crawford-just one let's see ur first shot
We went and I took it like nothing
Jc-yah first shot my ass
Oscar-better then me
Ivy-haha love you guysss but sh don't let franny or Nezza know they'll make me eat
Oscar-have u been eating
Ivy-yeah um ofc
Jc-is that the truth?
Will-u have to even if it little ok?
Crawford-go have fun we will talk later
I go and start dancing
We were having fun
And I got another drink
Then this boy got behind me grabbing my waist
I moved away but he grabbed my wrist pulling me toward him
Ivy-let me go
And he wouldn't
Boy-don't fight it
And he covered my mouth and pulled me to the back
I kicked him and tried getting away
When I saw all the boys run to me
I grabbed onto jc hugging him
Oscar-yo wtf is wrong with u
Boy-it's her fault
Oscar-nah u stfu it's not her fault it's yours.because
U can't control your self pig.
Boy-ay wtf she liked it
I just dig my head into jcs cheast
Oscar-nah stfu. Don't fucking say that
That's when wills went and punched him
Will-don't fucking say that about her
Boy-she is! More of a whore
Then Crawford went and punched him
That was shocking
Jc tried but I grabbed onto him not wanting to let go
Jc-hey hey go with Nezza and franny tell them not to leave you we will take care of this
I ran and found the girls crying
Franny-what happend!
Ivy-t-this guy was touching me and now the boys are auguring with him
Nezza-oh baby
She hugged me
Franny wiped my tears
Ivy-I need a drink
Franny-no no baby not right now
After 30
Minutes me and the girls went into the car
I got into the back seat with Nezza while franny was driving
I laid on Nezzas lap while she played with my hair
Then the cops showed up and went inside then came back out with the guy and the boys
I ran out and ran to the boys and hugged them
Oscar had blood on his hand but all of them were in touched
Oscar-not my blood
Ivy-oh I'm glad ur ok
I hugged all of them
Will-ofc we are
Crawford-hey how bout u sleep at c4 today?
Ivy-ofc! I'll go with the girls
I went back to the car and we went to c4 but I feel alseep on the way so some one picked me up and set me on the bed

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