-school 2-

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Nezza-oh baby,and ur staying alone?
Nezza-and that's why U have been late
Nezza-alright then
Sky-can I go now?
Nezza-yeah but Um let me drive u home
Sky-I'm fine I can walk
I got my phone and left walking home
I looked in the fridge everything was bad,I looked in the pantry nothing
They took it all
So I went to my bedroom got my savings and went skate boarding to McDonald's
I was ordering and in the Conner of my eye I saw my teachers all sitting together
I turned quickly and waited for my food
I got it and walked out looking back and mr hadaddin saw me so I got on my board and skated home
Everything was quiet,I was alone
-3rd person
In McDonald's
Will-was that sky?
Jc-She's been late for the past two days
Nezza-she um she told me that she lives alone because her parents left
Nezza-and I want to do something about it! She's a little girl living by herself no parents,probably no food only riding on a skateboard
Crawford-I mean...
Nezza-baby let's adopt her
Crawford-I don't know if I'm ready
Nezza-yes u are plz?she's a kid
Oscar-I mean we all live together it's not like ur going to be alone
And they left
-back to sky's pov-
I ate my food then did some hw,smoked weed,then fell asleep
I woke up early and tried to find something to eat again but nothing so I grabbed a apple and was eating it
While finishing up my writing essay for my reading class
Sky-must be Mia!
I grabbed white claws and opened the door but it was my teachers..?Mrs.Collins and mr.Collins
Idk nezzas last name so pretend they are married (just finances,not married yet)
Sky-oh shoot sorry thought it was my friend
I put them down on the floor
Nezza-hey,sorry for coming unexpectedly but um me and mr.Collins have been talking and since u live alone we were thinking and would u like us to adopt you..
Sky-I-I omg uh yes!ofc yes
Crawford-I'm glad u said yes
Nezza-come on let's pack ur clothes
We packed my clothes and everything then left and we went to this big house..
Crawford-yeah come on kid
We went inside and all my other teachers were there
Sky-ayo what
Nezza-oh yeah all of us live together
Sky-I- Okk
Nezza-so um we all called in and u don't have to go to school today
Sky-Okk bet
Crawford-so we have some rules
Crawford-no drinking,no smoking,no drugs,u can swear but not a lot,only call us our name at home
Sky-ok but what are ur guys name
Nezza-come let's go to ur room
I walked in and it was so pretty
Led lights,stuffed animals,a new backpack,a laptop..
Sky-wait what a laptop
Sky-omg ty
I hug her
I finally felt loved,also my parents were very abusive mentally so I always called my "parents" their names
Because I didn't give a fuck.
But nezza and crawford..they are different they make me feel love
Nezza-all for u baby
And we hung out for the rest of the day
*time skip*
2 days
It's Wednesday now
And we are heading to school
I sat down in 1st period
Mia-hey meet us in the bathroom at lunch
Sky-Okk bet
Jacob-but fast
So in lunch I got out of the line and went into the bathroom we smoked weed but I only took 5 hits
I put perfume on then left back to lunch
I got a salad and sat with Mia and Jacob
I ate then went to my next class witch was pe
So we workout
Then Science
Then last class music
We wrote a song,and learned to play the piano
Then after school I went with Mia and Jacob to the bathroom again and smoked but I didn't a lot
Till I got a text
Nezza-were leaving come on
Sky-bye guysss
I put perfume
And walk to my nezza class
Nezza-Ok come on let's go
We all go in different cars it's
Me,nezza,Crawford in one
Jc,Oscar,kian,will in a other
Crawford-why do u smell like weed
Sky-Um I idk
Crawford-tell me.
Sky-I was with my friends
Crawford-did you smoke
Crawford-why are u suttering
Sky-I-I Um idk
Crawford-just tell me yes or no did u smoke
Sky-yes..but only 5 Hits!
Crawford-sky that was one of the rules no smoking
Sky-I know I know
Crawford-this once I'll let it slide next time ur phone is gone
Sky-ok ok
We got home and I took a shower and changed into some sweats and a hoodie
Nezza-dinners ready!
I went down and we started to eat
After I wanted to talk to nezza about me calling her and Crawford mom and dad
Sky- can I talk to you guys?
We went into my bedroom
Sky-so I have been thinking and I really would like to know if I can call you guys mom and dad..?
Sky-omg yay
I hug them
Sky-I love you guys
Nezza-love u
Crawford-love you princess
Next day is the Same we got to school but in my 1st period I saw this boy he was so so cute,he looked at me and WINKED ahh
Jc-sky pay attention
When we walked out
Sky-sorry jc
Jc-it's ok mama
I walked out and the boy was there
Boy-what's ur name
Sky-sky wbu
Sky-nice to meet you Tayler
Tyler-nice to meet u to
Crawford-hey y'all to class!
I walked with my dad
Crawford-who was that
Sky-no one dad
Crawford-come on inside
I get into the classroom and we are just learning about the history of the Grand Canyon
Crawford-ok class go ahead  stop reading and take out ur notebooks
I took it out
Crawford-ok now take these notes
I wrote them down
Crawford-sky stay after class
I stayed back
Crawford-who were u talking to
Sky-tayler he's a friend
Crawford-let it stay like that.
Sky-ok! Ok
Crawford-also for lunch we are going to chick fill a
Crawford-ok go to ur next class
I went to my reading with Oscar
Oscar-ok everyone take out ur Harry Potter books
I love Harry Potter
Oscar-start reading page 20-40
I started reading
And after when everyone was done
Oscar-ok now we are going to write down everything we read that u liked what paragraph did u like most go
I wrote about 21
And turned it in
Oscar-ty sky
I sat back down and now it's lunchhh
Sky-can't I'm leaving
Mia-Okk later
Sky-yeah later
I went to my moms class
Nezza-hey baby
Sky-hey mom
We left to the car and went to chick fill a
Ate,got something from target and went back to school
We went to pe
And we worked out
Will-ok sky
Will-would u like to be in volleyball
Then with kiannn science we did a project
Kian-ok this is going to explode
Then I went with my momma and her class
We wrote a poem and performed the with the piano

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