Chapter 4

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"Hello," I said, my breathing speeding up.

"Hello," he breathed again.

A shiver went down my spine and suddenly his face pulled away.

He rubbed the back of his neck as his face tinged a pink.

"So is Tom ok?" He asked.

I coughed once to clear my throat, "He kicked me out, claiming I need sleep," I said, slightly annoyed, but at the same time, I knew he was correct.

"Ok, are you going home now? Cause I can walk you home," he said.

"Erm..." I didn't quite know what to say to that.

"Please, it's my fault we are here, at least let me walk you home," he pleaded, his beautiful eyes boring in to mine.

My breathing stuttered as he took a step forwards. My heart rate elevated and I felt my face flush a little bit.

Why did he affect me like this?


"I am stopping by tomorrow, and I am not arguing on this. I feel terrible enough just leaving you here right now. I should stay," he said leaning against my doorframe.


"I am coming," he said cutting me off. "You can't argue with me. I am making sure you are alright tomorrow," And I couldn't argue. He was just to him. I didn't want to argue. I wanted to see Niall again.

But I had to tell him no. I couldn't see him again, I just had to have a work relationship. No more than me taking pictures of him and his life to support my family. I couldn't get attached to him, because if I got attached to him, I couldn't so my job right.

I opened my mouth, "Ok," I breathed. Wait what? Not ok, no! He couldn't come back, I had to so my job would be secure and I could have a steady income. I tried to deny my earlier answer, but I couldn't form the words.

A smile broke out on his face, "Ok, I will see you tomorrow,"

"Ok," I stuttered out again.

"Ok," he said, his smile big and jolly with his blue eyes twinkling in the moonlight. He took a couple steps back stumbled down he stairs in front of my flat.

He walked away and turned around with a little half wave, "Ok,"

He then turned and walked down he street. I watched him until I could see him no longer and then, and only then, shut my door.

What was happening with me? I shrugged it off and looked at he clock, glancing back again to make sure I read the numbers correctly. It was already 10:30 at night?

I changed into clean jim jams and hopped into my bed, shutting off the lights and falling into a dreamfull sleep.

*********SHE IS DREAMING********

I was in a field. It wasn't just a field, it was a field of flowers. Roses, lilies, petunias, and daisies. There were small flowers, large flowers, rolling hills, and it was beautiful.

The sun was just setting and it cast an orange glow through the sky.

He nuzzled where my neck met my shoulder. It sent shivers down my spine in a good way.

"Niall, stop it," I giggled and he let out a laugh, kissing my neck.

"Niall!" I said, giggling. He laughed with me and his arms encircled my waist.

I turned around and looked into his eyes. The angle of the light hit them just correctly, and made his eyes look like crystals. They were beautiful. I put my hand on the side of his face.

"You are amazing," I whispered and tangled my hands in his hair.

His hands came up to grasp either side of my face, tracing small circles on my jaw with his thumbs.

He looked down into my eyes, leaning his forehead to mine, "I love you," his eyes closed and his face came down towards mine.

My eyelids fluttered closed and I leaned in, waiting for the pressure of his lips on mine...

They never appeared. I never felt the contact of his lips on mine.

************END DREAM***********

My eyes opened and it was the dark inside of my room. Rubbing my eyes I sat upright and thought about my dream.

That was weird.

What did it mean?

Niall told me he loved me in my dream...

I sat back in my bed for a minute before looking at my phone. The white letters on the screen read out 9:37 in the morning.

Then there was a knock on the door.



Thanks for reading :)


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