Chapter 26

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In this chapter italicized means a memory:)

Niall's P.O.V.

I couldn't remember much, only splotches. It was all so cloudy, like I was viewing everything through a cloud of smoke. Sometmes I could remember a detail, and other times it was all just a cloudy mess. I remembered what I had done, and why I had done it. I love that girl. I don't know when exactly I realized that I love her. It could have been the first time I ever saw her, chatting with Harry as that lance of jealousy struck through me. 

"Grab another drink, drink it if you can. Can you get a little time? Time is slipping away, and I'm glad you came,"  I sang under my breath. Louis glared at me, already slightly drunk, his amber liquor splashing in his glass, "Traitor,"  He poked a finger into my chest.

I grinned back at him, giving a little half bow, "Louis, grab another drink, drink it if you can!" I scream sang at him giving a massive smile back. He scowled at me, retourning to his drink and striding off to a fancied up El chatting with another girl.

I looked aroud for one of the other guys to talk to, or would this just be another Niall's night alone while everyone but Louis and myself looked for a girl. Liam was sitting by the bar, drinking his non alcoholic drink, and Harry was sitting with a beautiful girl. A beautiful girl... But was she with Harry now?  A firey pit erupted in my stomach and a taste of bile appeared in my mouth. She was absolutely stunning, taking my breath away. The way her hair fell on her shoulders, and you could see her silhouette through her clothing. My heart skipped a beat and I shivered a bit as a cool shiver ran through my body. It wasn't a bad feeling, actually it was rather pleasent, sending tingles and goosepimples all over my body. This was weird. I had never felt that way before, and it was strange. But a good strange. It set little fires all over my body, and that was just seeing her. Should I... should I go talk to her? This is probably the only time I am ever going to see this girl, what do I have to lose? I was going to go talk to this girl. 

But... how? Harry was over there, I could say something to him? I looked around for inspiration and my eyes glazed over solumn Liam drinking away his sorrows with his fizzy drink. Liam! I could use Liam!

Strolling up quickly towards Harry and the mystery girl. "Harry you wanna sit with Liam? He has been looking for you," I asked quickly. She turned to face me, her features pulling the breath out of me. 

"Nah mate, if Liam needs me he can come over here. I see him,"  he said leaning back in his seat, not receiving the message I was trying to give.

"Alright mate," I said a bit dissapointed."And who is your lovely lady friend?" I asked looking at the mystery girl again. 

He gave me a look, the dissaproving Harry look, "Niall, no. She isn't like that. She's just a friend,"'

Mystery girl took a sip of her drink, "Like Ashley and Caroline were your friends?"

"No! Emily is nothing like that!"

"So she won't be accompanying you home then?" I asked

Harry blushed a deep red, "No, she most definitely won't,"

"Harry, it was very nice to meet you, but I know when to take my leave. See you around," she said, flicking her hair off her shoulder and starting to walk away. 

"Wait!" Harry said and grabbed her arm, hastily scrawling what I assumed to be his number on her inner forearm. "Call me sometime. Maybe we can talk some more?" he asked. She smiled and strated to walk away. 

"Mate," I whispered at him, annoyance clear in my voice. He shrugged a little with a grimace on his face, understanding my future tactics. 

I scrambled after Emily, throwing an arm around her waist. She looked at me questioningly, one of her eyebrows quirked up.

"Emily, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off how I did back there. It's just I don't want to get mixed up in Harry's love life. It's a little bit messy," I said carefully, but concerned for her. 

"Thanks Niall, it's ok. And thanks for the warning, but I'm not interested in him like that," She looked at my face, then down at her feet sheepishly. 

Oh no, she isn't, well. If she was I was screwed over. "Oh. That's cool. You aren't, um, you know..." I trailed off asking sheepishly.

She was silent for a moment, before her eyes opened wide and pealing laughter fell out from her beautiful lips. "You think I'm gay? No! I am as straight as an arrow!"

"Oh, It's just most girls go for Harry, so I just figured..." I blushed a deep red.

"It's ok," she said and we just stood there for a minute. She was so beautiful...

"Would you maybe want to go grab a drink?" I asked quickly, not wanting to lose my opportunity. 

She looked over at me and smiled, nodding.

Maybe it was then, that moment when she decided to give me a chance, and take that drink. I would probably never know exactly when I fell for that girl, but I just know I did. I really fell for her, and I fell for her hard. 

What is the true test of love, some people ask. I think it is when you are willing to do anything for the person you love, no matter the physical or mental consequences. It is when you are willing to give up anything for a person to do whatever they need to survive. It is willing to seperate yourself from the person you love for their sake, if that is what they ask or if that is what is best for them. 

I remember the days ago when the decision needed to be made...

"Niall... her kidney is too far gone. We can't do anything for her unless.... well, unless we she gets another kidney, but her blood type is rare. Actually the rarest. She has O negative blood. Currently there is no one on the kidney donnor list with that blood type ready for immediate donation. Unless there is someone who can step up, there is no way that she will survive. I'm sorry Niall," the doctor said sincirely, patting my back. 

I looked over at Harry, the same thought flitting through my mind and weighing on my heart. No matter what, Emily wasn't allowed to die. 

"Doc... doc, I'm O negative blood. I have two healthy kidneys, take one of mine. Please doc, Emily can't die," I pleaded. 

He hesitated, "Niall, we have to take tests," 

"I don't care. Do whatever you need to, but quickly. She Cannot Die,"  I emphasised. 

"... Ok. Niall come with me to fill out paperwork and do a quick exam, then we will perform the surgery and take out your kidney. Niall, you have to understand this means very little to no drinking. You only have one kidney, and will have to make some changes to your lifestyle. You understand this, correct?" 

"I understand. I don't care! I need to save her! Whatever I have to do, I will do it. Just save her," I stood up, approaching the doctor with a scrutinizing gaze. 

"Alright, let's get started!" The doctor said, brining me out of the room and into another. I filled out paperwork and they took blood, testing for diseases and other stuff. 

"Niall, you have been cleared, we need to prep you for surgery. You are going to save this girl, you are going to save Emily,"


Thanks for reading :)


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