Chapter Five

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"Are you sure you want to go to school today?" Katsuki asks the now six years old you, after puts on your shoes and your jacket to protect you from the harsh coldness.

"Yes, Tou-chan" you reply excitedly, not because you are going to school but because you are having more free time away from your paranoid father.

"I also want to make many friends" you exclaim, not really up to the idea of making friends as much as annoying the blond with your words.

Hey, you enjoy getting revenge after all the bullying he caused to Izuku back in school.

You never understood why Katsuki gets annoyed at the thought of you making friends, maybe because he thinks nobody is good enough to be in your appearance, considering them all to be extras.

Or at least that's what he has told you.

"You seem excited to leave me" Katsuki mumbles, yet you hear him.

"Indeed, I'm very happy, Tou-chan" you hide your teasing tone under a naive tone, pretending that you weren't annoying him on purpose.

The ash-blond pro-hero looks at the necklace he has bought for you on your birthday as a gift.

"Shut up, Monkey Baby" he puts the seat belt on you, before closing the door, and getting into the passenger seat.

"And you better don't have any male friends" you pout cutely at him.

"Then who am I supposed to play house with?"

Let us just say, Katsuki almost blow up the car until you quickly claimed that you were just joking.


Everyone in your grade is stupid and boring, honestly, maybe you should have stayed at home and read some manga instead of wasting your time with children's games and a teacher who treats you like an idiot.

Good thing that school is over, and right now you are waiting for Katsuki to come and pick you up.

While doing so, a familiar green-haired man walks up to you with a warm smile on his face.

"Uncle Izuku?"

Whenever you and your father are outside, you would rather bump into the number one hero or meet him on coincidence at a store.

It has been happening a lot lately ever since you have met him...which makes you think that he is doing it on purpose. 

"What a surprise to see you here young Bakugou, I was just on a patrol watching how everyone is doing?" you raise an eyebrow at him.

"I just finished school, and I'm waiting for Tou-chan to come and pick me up" you explain, returning the adult's smile with a shy one of your beautiful smiles that can make anyone burst with joy.

"How about I take you to him, I was actually on my way to the agency" he offers you his hand to take.

You look hesitantly down at it, doubting whether you should take it or not.

Any naive child would have taken it, after all, he is the number one hero that everyone loves and trusts him with their precious lives.

 However, you feel skeptical, because Izuku is acting creepy, and you can read that from his actions.

"I think I will wait here until Tou-chan arrives, but thanks for the offer" his smile doesn't flatter, then there are his eyes which narrow slightly.

"Do you not trust me, or did your Tou-chan simply told you to stay away from me?" you look him straight into his eyes, shocking him with how your eyes turned sharp in a matter of seconds.

"Both, uncle Izuku"

Before he could say anything, a loud explosion happens.

And the next thing you see is your father flying in the air while fighting a villain.


"You think you are a tough little sh*t, hurry up and give up, I don't have time for your b*llish*t, I have to pick up my daughter from school" The villain chuckles at Katsuki's words.

The flying man points down at a nearby school which happens to be your school.

"I saw you leave your kid at this school, maybe I should pay it a visit"

"No!" Katsuki exclaims, but it was already too late, the villain fly towards your school.

Yet, Katsuki doesn't leave him and chase after him.



'Is the villain flying towards me or is that just my imagination?'

You start panicking upon realizing that the villain with the flying quirk is head in fast speed towards your direction.

"Stand behind me, (Y/n)"

You immediately obey Izuku's words, hiding behind his tall form 

Deku with one hand catches the villain before he could touch a heir on you.

"What do think you are doing?" The pro-hero glares down at the criminal, making the man shrink back in fear.


"Why are you here, Deku?!" Ground Zero lands right in front of the three of you.

"I'm doing your job" Izuku responses slyly.

"I'm doing my job perfectly, weakling"

You and the man silently watch the two heroes argue.

"Isn't your job to protect your daughter?" Katsuki growls, grabbing the greenet by the front of his outfit.

"Shut up, Deku" the said man smirks.

"Maybe I should just become her daddy instead"

Reincarnated As The Hero's Daughter| Platonic Yandere Father!Katsuki Bakugou Where stories live. Discover now