Chapter 1

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"Hiccup, wait up!" Fishlegs called out. "Not everyone's dragon can fly at the speed out sound, Hiccup!" Snotlout jeered. Toothless made a sound, similar to laughter, as he craned his neck slightly to look at the gang, trailing behind him. He turned his head, and met Astrid's gaze with a smile. Astrid pulled her eyes away, an unnoticeable blush on her face, and patted the side of Stormfly's neck gently. "What do you say bud, we give them a show?" He said, leaning down a bit by Toothless' face. Toothless gargled in delight, and suddenly began to climb upwards, disappearing into the clouds. "What's he doing now?" Ruffnut groaned. "Obviously something cool, not that you could ever grasp the meaning of cool, Ruffnut." Her twin said in a 'Duh' sort of tone. The twins began mindlessly bickering, causing the gang to collectively groan. They scanned the skies for HIccup and Toothless before they heard a piercing cry, and Toothless dive bombed towards the open sea, spinning like a torpedo. The duo headed straight into the ocean, the impact barely noticeable, before seconds later, they flew back up. Or rather, Toothless flew back up - with a mouth full of fish. The gang laughed as they saw Hiccup pop up from the water below them, their snide remarks being met with his calls for help, before Toothless, finally noticing the absence of his rider, made a strange noise, and flew down to collect him. They rose back into the sky, with a scowl on Hiccup's face. "Not a word." He said in discontent, the gang laughing under their breath. They traveled for what felt like days, before Hiccup finally spoke up. "Look gang, there's a ship." He said, Toothless lowering them a bit more to get a closer look. "Ugh, thank Thor. It feels like we've been flying FOREVER!" Tuffnut groaned. "Ugh, yea, I can't STAND being stuck with you any longer." Ruffnut said back. They began bickering once more, as the rest of the group flew down, The twins eventually trailing behind. Hiccup surveilled the ship, coming to the conclusion it was empty, and ordered Toothless to land gently onto the ship, the others following suite. Hiccup adjusted his flaming sword in it's holster, as he looked around. "It seems... abandoned." Fishlegs said. Hiccup looked skeptical. "It just doesn't make sense.. this ship is in perfect condition, yet there's nobody on it? There's not a single scratch on it, not a single dragon.. What happened? How did it get here?" He asked to nobody in particular. However, they failed to hear the faint creaks, as someone slinked around below the deck, watching their every move through the cracks, and tracking where the dust fell as they stepped. What the riders didn't know, was that this was a ship from the most deadly Isle in the Archipelago, containing one of the most savage vikings this side of the world has ever seen.. as well as a few random vikings there for extra measure, and some hidden among the sails, ready to fire from above. There were trap doors, perfectly blended in with the rest of the ship, only opening from the inside of the ship, accessed from a hidden door deeper within the captains quarters. They were so perfectly fit to the rest of the deck, the riders didn't notice the cracks, allowing the trap door to actually open. Until... "Hey, guys?" Fishlegs said, unease evident in his voice. "What is it, Fishlegs?" Astrid inquired. "Isn't this.." He began, pointing to the flag. The gang let out a quiet gasp. "Ameraeli Isle's ship.. Well that explains a lot.." Hiccup said. "Wait, what's going on?" Tuffnut asked. Suddenly, Toothless' head perked up, and he let out a low growl, his nose stuffed into a certain spot on the ship. The girl laughed quietly to herself. "Time's up boys.." She said under her breath, signaling to the vikings. Hiccup was overcome with nerves, as he glanced around. "Guys.. We need to leave. Now - WOAH!" He exclaimed, jumping back as vikings jumped up from the trap doors surrounding them. The gang was mildly out-numbered, 6 to 8, but it wasn't anything they weren't used to. After all, they do have dragons. Well, they did have dragons. "HOOKFANG!" Snotlout called out, as his dragon let out a piercing cry as a net was fired at him, wrapping him up, as more nets were fired at each of their dragons, constricting their movements. The monstrous Nightmare began to set itself on fire to burn the nets, but Hiccup called out. "SNOTLOUT DON'T LET HIM DO THAT! The whole ship will go down, and none of us will be able to get our dragons out in time." Snotlout began shouting at his dragon, and the dragon stopped before he could cause any real damage. The vikings closed in on the group, before Hiccup brought out his weapon, pressing the button, activating the flame. He waved it around carefully, his other hand behind him, keeping the group back. The foreign vikings made sounds of awe, before Hiccup's weapon was ripped out of grasp by a rope and some.. "Dragon talons..?" Fishlegs asked, mortified. The twins shivered in disgust and fear. "That's right." A voice rang out. Two vikings cleared a path so the girl could pass through. Astrid gasped. "(Y/N).." She breathed out. Hiccup glanced at Astrid, as if to ask 'Who?' She chuckled. "Ah, darn, I've been revealed. It's the one and only, (Y/N), at your service.. Except, not at all." She said, giving a sinister smile. "1, 2, 3... 5 dragons! What a good day this is boys." She said, her gaze stopping on the dragon, dark as night. Her smile fell, then soon her eyes widened as she walked up to the beast. Toothless snarled, preparing a shot in the back of his throat, when Hiccup shouted out at him. "Toothless, no!" Smoke exhaled from the dragons nostrils as he closed his mouth, his eyes narrowing at the stranger. She reached the dragon, pushing his head slowly into the deck with her foot, their eyes never unlocking. "A Night Fury... Incredible." She breathed out. Her eyes fluttered over each individual of the group, before settling on the scrawny brunette. "You. You commanded the beast to hold fire. You must be his rider." She said, looking him up and down slowly. She laughed lightly, removing her foot from the nose of the dragon, and approached the chief. "And you... managed to tame him.. Incredible." She said, her face reaching out to cup his cheek, roughly turning his head side to side, up and down, to examine him. "Hmm.. I know exactly who you are.. You're Stoick's  boy, Hiccup. Sorry about his passing" She said, satisfied. "Uh, y-yeah, that- that's me.." He said, unsure, and quite uncomfortable with the close proximity. Astrid growled under her breath, as the (H/C) girl handled Hiccup rather roughly. "How did YOU manage to tame a Night Fury?" She asked. He swallowed roughly. "Uh, I just.. Why do you want to know?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing. She stared at him longer, mimicking his expression, then sighing. "Ah, to be honest with you boy, I don't really care. I just figured you may wanna reminisce over your bonding moments with the dragon before he is.. taken care of." She said, returning from where she came. "Hey wait a minute! What do you plan on doing with our dragons?" Snotlout yelled out. "Yea! I'll have you know that Hiccup is actually chief! So you have to listen to what he says!" Ruffnut shouted out. This prompted the girl to turn, and shoot a smile. "Chief? Funny.. maybe he is on Berk, but not out here. Not my chief. Nobody is chief out on the waters. It's kill.." She said, approaching the blonde girl, lifting her chin with Hiccup's sword, "Or be killed." She gave a cruel smile, and turned around. "Well boys, I think we could just throw them overboard. The dragons are the important ones here." She said, signaling them to do so. The group shouted out in protest as they tried to fight back, but were quickly disarmed by the bigger vikings, and their hands became tied behind their backs, pushed down, and their ankles tied together. Their dragons cried out as they heard their riders cries of pain, but they quickly ceased as (Y/N) crept around, and scratched their sweet spots, putting them right to sleep. Hiccup was speechless at the scene in front of him. He cried out as she approached Toothless, before the dragon let out a blast at the small girl. She raised her arm above her head, a cloak of a mixture of black and white scales. She let her arm down, and smiled at the dragon. "Night Fury scales.. Perfect fireproof armor." She said, snickering. Her face dropped quickly as Toothless began to glow blue, and the spines on his back split. She stepped backwards as Toothless writhed around, snapping out of the nets. He stood up, and roared loudly towards the sky. "Mom!" Hiccup shouted out, as Valka and Cloudjumper dove down from the clouds. "Shit.. You have GOT to be kidding me!" (Y/N) shouted in anger. The vikings broke out of their holds, and began charging at the other men. The vikings all fought, before (Y/N) looked to the sky and called out. "We have to fall back!" She muttered, the Deadly Nadder awakening, freeing itself from the nets. "It's not worth it. We're outnumbered." She said, smiling like a crazy person. She sat back against a rail and kicked her feet back and forth, watching the scene unfold. She watched as the vikings fought, freeing their dragons as they all awoke. Her vikings continued to fight as best as they could, before all their dragons were freed, and they took off. "What the hell was that about, (Y/N)!?" One of the vikings shouted, throwing his ax at her. She grinned as it just barely scratched her ear, the blood dripping down to her jaw. She pushed herself down, and climbed up to the top of the ship where the wheel was. "Oh they'll be back, don't worry." She said. The viking scoffed. "How are you so sure?" Another called out. "Because.." She began, steering the ship to head back to their island. "If Hiccup is anything like his father, he'll remember this. He won't just let us off easy. We're a threat, and they barely even damaged our ship. I think Brutus caused more damage than any of them put together by throwing his ax at my head." She said, glancing at him. "They aren't stupid enough to attack our whole island. Berk has barely half our population. I say we set up camp on an island, and let them come to us." She finished. The vikings murmured among themselves. "Why do you want us to just sit and wait for them? You saw the Night Fury, I think they may actually be of danger to us." One of them spoke up. She had a crazy glint in her eye as she abandoned the wheel to lean over the railing. She stared him dead in the eyes, with a smile on her face. "Exactly.." She said. "I want that Night Fury."

Tame Heart - Older!Hiccup x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now