Chapter 7

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He turned his head when she didn't respond, and saw she was staring out into the village down below. He smiled fondly at her, glad he'd made some progress, as her (H/C) hair flew throughout the wind. He saw something in her eyes, as she stared down at the dragons. It wasn't rage, hatred, or a need to kill, but it was.. wonder. He saw the wonder and admiration in her eyes. Suddenly she became alert as someone rose from under the clouds next to them, and she locked eyes with a mysterious woman. "Mom!" Hiccup exclaimed. (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows, very vaguely recognizing her from the raid on her ship. Her ship. She remembered her island, and she squeezed her eyes shut. She drowned out the conversation between Hiccup and his mother as she had a fight with herself. She knew what she originally sought out Hiccup from. She knew she wanted this Night Fury. But, ever since arriving on Berk, seeing the groups teamwork when they raided her ship, and since witnessing Hiccup's determination first hand, as he talked for hours a day to her through the cell, she's felt something. Something she didn't feel on Ameraeli Isle. She felt like someone was being nice to her, but genuinely, because he saw something in her. Not because he feared her, and what would happen if he didn't listen, but because he saw through her. She felt Hiccup's slightly irregular heartbeat as she brought herself closer to him, just accepting the moment. She snapped back into reality when he gave her a gentle nudge. "(Y/N), this is my mother, Valka." He said. She turned to look at her, and was given a smile. She examined her face. She was a pretty woman, and she could definitely see the resemblance between her and Hiccup. "You guys have the same eyes." (Y/N) said quietly, but loud enough for Valka to hear, as she avoided her gaze. Valka chuckled, thanking her. "So, (Y/N)," She began. "I've heard the stories about you. I watched how you handled the group on the ship. You're definitely something." (Y/N) just stared down into the ocean. "Yea.. Sorry." She said faintly, not used to apologizing. Valka smiled and shook her head. "Well, clearly you've got a good heart somewhere in there if Hiccup's managed to change even you, and got you to ride his dragon." She said. Hiccup snorted. "Yea, even if there was some screaming and hitting involved." He added, feeling your body shake with light laughter, and he smiled. (Y/N), feeling like an outsider among the two - Or, she supposed she truly was, just stayed silent through most of Hiccup and his mother's catching up. She snapped out of her daydream when Hiccup nudged her once again. "Huh?" She said. "Boy, you sure do zone out a lot, don't you?" He asked. She scrunched her nose at him, and he mimicked her. "Anyways, I was just saying, Toothless and I often scavenge islands other islands, seeing if we can find new dragons. You up for it?" He asked, keeping his eyes in front of them. She thought about it for a second before groaning. "You actively seek out dragons?" She asked, slightly worried, with a hint of skepticism. "Yep!" He said proudly. She sighed. "Well, this is your dragon, I can't exactly just hop off. Whatever." She said, and he chucked. "Perfect. There's an island right ahead that Toothless and I saw last time we went out, but didn't get a chance to check out. We'll be on the ground again soon, (Y/N)." He said, noticing her pale face, and laughing. "I guess you really weren't up in the air a lot on Ameraeli, huh?" He said. She hummed in response, and the rest of the flight was quiet.

An hour or so later, the island came into view, and (Y/N)'s head perked up. "Ugh, gods, finally." She said, sitting up and stretching. She shrieked and quickly wrapped her arms back around Hiccup's waist when Toothless started diving down to the island. They landed smoothly, and (Y/N), while trying to just step off Toothless, ended up falling off him. "Stupid shaky legs.. stupid flying.. stupid boy and dragon." She grumbled, dusting herself off, trying to regain her composure. Hiccup didn't notice though, because he'd already wandered a few steps away, looking around the island. This island was much closer down to the water. It had a beach, with sand, and there was a large forest. "I wonder if there are any Timberjacks in there, or maybe Changewings." He wondered aloud. "Changewings?? Hiccup, we don't have any defense out here!" She complained. "Remember (Y/N), we're fine out here. You have me!" He said. She rolled her eyes, and walked towards Hiccup, who stood on the beach. He turned his head, as he heard her let out a 'Shit!' as she landed face first in the sand. "Wow, for a killer you sure are.." He began, trailing off, staring behind her. "Yeah yeah, I don't want to hear it, Hiccup." She said, dusting herself off. As she approached him, he grabbed her arm, eyes never leaving where she stood. He spun her around, and her jaw dropped. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" She screamed. "..clumsy. It's a Sand Wraith. No wonder you didn't see it, it was camouflaged." He said. She went to charge at it, but the dragon stood on its back legs and prepared to fire an attack, and Hiccup grabbed her hand, pulling her to the ground. "What are you trying to do!? We don't kill dragons here, (Y/N)! Gods, just.. stay put." He said firmly. She was about to protest, throw a punch, but his face looked sincere. She stared as he approached the dragon, who had lowered itself back onto all four legs, no longer charging up a shot. "Hiccup.." She hissed, as he began to stick his hand out to the dragon. The dragon snarled, and (Y/N) stood up quietly, ready to attack the dragon. She'd never actually seen Hiccup tame a dragon. Her instincts were telling her to charge. She could take the dragon on without a weapon. She'd done it many times. Or she could knock out Hiccup, take his weapon, finish the dragon off with that. But she was curious. "Stupid kid.." She huffed out, as she sat back down, defeated, and waited to see what happened. She flinched as he looked away, as if he really trusted the wild thing not to hurt him, not to tear him to shreds, throw him around like some kind of chew toy.. and it never did. It sniffed his hand, and pressed it's nose into Hiccup's hand, like Toothless had done to her. "Woah.." She breathed out, in awe. She stood up, and briskly walked up to the dragon. A smile grew on Hiccup's face as she approached the dragon, much less cautious than she was with Toothless. The dragon opened it's previously closed eyes, and met with hers. The dragon took it's nose away from Hiccup's hand, and let out a low growl, as it approached her. She gasped quietly, backing up with every step she took, as she only took her eyes off of the dragon to scan the area for some sort of weapon. "H-hiccup?!" She called out. She couldn't see him, as he was hidden behind the dragons large figure. She took a deep breath, as she stood her ground, and stared the creature in the eyes, examining the dragon. It had sleek, light orange, sort of brown scales, and had yellow eyes, it's pupils a bit thicker than slits. It had some patches of white scales, and it's wings had sharp points, with four small fins on it's tail, spikes running down it's back from it's head, and spikes, similar to Toothless' fins, on it's head. The dragon stopped right in front of her, sitting up on it's back legs so it was above eye level. It opened it's mouth, and it's tongue flopped out, as it's pupils grew. She furrowed her eyebrows. "U-uh.. what? What are you uh.. AHH!" She screamed in fear as the dragon jumped onto her and began licking her face. She tried pushing the dragon off, but eventually just gave up, and laughed as she tried to push it's face away. "Looks like she likes you, (Y/N)!" Hiccup exclaimed, laughing as he came into view. She tried to speak, but she couldn't stop laughing. Eventually, the dragon just laid down, and dropped it's head on her stomach, forcing an 'Oh!' out of (Y/N). "She.. How do you know she's a girl?" She asked, petting the Sand Wraith's head gently, still a bit wary. "The colors are brighter, and the spots on her skin. Female dragons have a more feminine appearance, with different markings, and lighter colors." He explained. She nodded. "I assume your Book of Dragons must be more updated than ours. I'll have to read it when we get back." She mumbled, propping herself up on her elbows as she stared at the Sand Wraith. Hiccup saw the emotions swirling around in her eyes; wonder, fear, caution, admiration.. He smiled, celebrating quietly to himself. He knew he was making progress with you, and he prided himself on that. He sat down cross legged next to you, surprising you, and you absent-mindedly moved away a bit. "You know.." He said, petting the dragon, as she looked up at him. "You're gonna need a dragon if you're gonna stay on Berk." He said. (Y/N) sputtered. "W-what? Wait what makes you think I'm gonna be staying on Berk? And my own dragon? Hiccup, I.." She said. Hiccup gave her a 'Really?' look. "You're telling me after all this, you wanna go back to Ameraeli Isle? Is this not so much better? Being free, flying, not having to fend for your life every time you step outside?" He asked. She shrugged. "I don't know.. I guess not." She said, half sincere. She'd definitely changed since she arrived on Berk, but she wasn't sure if she liked it. Other than that night with Hiccup, she was still very reserved. She kept to herself mostly, when she was out of the cell, and she was still very cautious of everything, still flinched every time she saw a dragon, which was basically at every corner, but it became less and less everyday. And if she was being honest, it scared her. It just reminded her of how she used to be, before the dragon attack. She grimaced suddenly, and Hiccup felt the atmosphere change. "Hey, you okay?" He asked. She just moved the Sand Wraith's head off her lap, and stood up, the Sand Wraith following her. "(Y/N).." "I'm fine Hiccup. Let's just go back." She said. She looked at the Sand Wraith, and smiled gently. She looked at Toothless, and tried to climb onto the Sand Wraith in the same place where Hiccup had placed his saddle on Toothless. "Oh man, how am I gonna ride this thing without a saddle.." She said, trying to put her hands somewhere on the dragon. Hiccup laughed lightly. "I could barely fly one WITH a saddle.. This is gonna suck." She said, sighing. "You just have to trust the dragon." Hiccup explained. "You have to lean in the direction you want your dragon to go, and she'll follow. If you want to go right, lean right. Want to go down, then push her down gently, or pull up gently when you want her to go up. Your dragon will know what you want." He said. She nodded, and looked down at her shaking hands. "How do I get her to uh.. Take o- WOAH!" She exclaimed, as her dragon shot up, leaving Hiccup doubled over laughing on the ground, Toothless making some sort of gargling sound, mimicking Hiccup. He watched as you tried desperately to control the dragon. You closed your eyes tightly as you leaned a bit to the right, your dragon turning right. You opened your eyes, and saw the world down below. You couldn't believe it.

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