-Brother's best friend- (DoHoon)

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"Hyung..I'm bored!" Doyoung whined getting closer to his beloved brother's ear. "Hyung let's go somewhere!" He kept whining that at one point his brother hissed in order to shut him down.

"Let me sleep." His brother stated as he sulked. The elder male peeked from one corner of his eye and saw his younger brother sulking. "Go, hangout with Jeongwoo." He stated. Doyoung scoffed. "Don't you know he has a handsome boyfriend?" He said out in a mocking tone.

"Everyone has a lover! Even a sleepyhead like you have Mashiho hyung!" He scoffed again.

"I'm Kim Junkyu after all! I have my special charm." The elder recognized as Junkyu winked at his younger brother. "Besides, there are plenty of girls drooling over you. Date one of them." He casually suggested, still lying on his bed. "Hyung! You know I like someone!" Doyoung whined again for the nth time today.

"Yeah yeah. After all you have a crush on your older brother's best friend." Junkyu kept teasing the younger male. "Ahh hyung! I regret keeping my diary open that day." Doyoung pouted in aggressive way. "Not my problem." Junkyu mocked.

"You know what? I'll just sleep also." Doyoung said before getting up, in order to go to his own room and sleeping out of pure boredom. As he was about to lay on his bed, a familiar username lit up on the device placed on the bedside table. His heartbeat rate increased as he took a look at the username. But without wasting anymore time he received the call.


"Jihoonie hyung! Why are you calling?" Doyoung got so excited just by hearing the said guy's voice.

"Ah Doyoungie. I was getting bored and I know that Junkyu will just keep sleeping. So I called you. Are you busy?"

"No hyung. I am also bored."

"Then let's go to the mall together?"

Doyoung felt his heart beating so fast. It was normal for him and Jihoon hanging out together. But ever since the younger caught feelings for the elder one, even the mention of a certain Park Jihoon leaves a special impact on him.

Doyoung quickly agreed before the line got cut off from other side. Doyoung internally screamed. He felt a tingling sensation in the pit of his stomach just by thinking about Jihoon. He quickly opened his closet and kept checking what he should wear.

He finally wore an outfit after an unhealthy amount of time selecting clothes. It was a simple white hoodie with black ripped jeans. "It looks kinda basic." Doyoung put his fingers on his chins, thinking about how to make this outfit more fashionable. Finally his attention got caught by a black headband. He wore it on his forehead, letting his fluffy hair messily lying on the headband. After being satisfied with the look, he took his phone and wallet before going out.

Doyoung soon reached the mall. He waited at the entrance while scrolling down his Instagram feed.

On the other hand, Jihoon soon reached there and spotted a certain Kim doyoung. Him being the clingy person, swung his arm around Doyoung's shoulder while patting the Younger's head with the other hand. Doyoung flinched at first but seeing Jihoon, his lips formed a smile. His heart fluttered sensing his brother's best friend's touch and seeing his signature eye smile.

"Did you wait long, Doyoungie?" He asked still not letting go of the younger one.

"No hyung. I just got here." The other male replied.

"Let's go then." They started walking with Jihoon's hand still on Doyoung's shoulder. They went into several shops and goofed around. For example, they walked in a sunglass shop and tried many sunglasses. They took selfies wearing the sunglasses with weird posses. But in the end, they didn't buy any.

After coming out of the shop, both them burst into laughter and high-fived each other.

After goofing around in a couple of shops, they finally started some real shopping. Jihoon bought a couple of t-shirts for himself. While Doyoung purchased some hoodies for his brother cause he always wears a particular pink hoodie which had 12 diamonds but now it has only 5. Doyoung also bought three pairs of yellow socks for himself.

As Doyoung was going to another shop, a ring caught his attention. He went towards the shop and examined that ring.

"Excuse me? How much is this?" He asked the owner of the shop. The lady took a look at the ring before answering, "It's a couple ring dear. We sell the two of these together." Doyoung opened his mouth a bit and let out a small 'Ah'.

"Will you purchase it?" The lady asked. Doyoung just shook his head. He thought about Jihoon. How would it look if they both wore it. His eyes saddened until he felt an arm on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Jihoon smiling. The said male handed him a bag. Doyoung just raised an eyebrow while Jihoon smiled. "I bought some headbands for you. You look good in them." Saying so he patted Doyoung's head while Doyoung was a red fluff ball. His heart flutters at these small things Jihoon does. "What are you doing here?" He asked eyeing the shop.

"Nothing." Doyoung replied but the ring he was holding caught Jihoon's eye. "You wanna buy it?" He asked as Doyoung quickly shook his head. "No let me buy it for you." Jihoon insisted. He knew that Doyoung wanted to buy it.

"No hyung. It's a couple ring." Doyoung said out in a small tone. "Let's buy it together then." Doyoung just shook his head. "People will get the wrong idea then." Jihoon kept a straight face. "Wrong idea?" He asked. Doyoung just nodded. "Then let's make it the truth." Doyoung's eyes widened. "Hyung what do you mean?" Jihoon smiled before saying, "I like you, Doyoung-ah." Doyoung's head was spinning. Like what was Jihoon saying? Is he still goofing around?

"Ah hyung stop with your pranks." Doyoung said out, nervously chuckling.

"It's not a prank. I really do like you." He said. "So do you wanna buy these rings?" Jihoon asked. Doyoung nodded shyly. The lady cooed before handing them the rings.

Jihoon took one of the rings and slid it into Doyoung's index finger while Doyoung did the same with Jihoon's index finger.

"This is the promise ring of-" Jihoon's words were cut off by Doyoung's, "Our relationship." The elder male smiled cheekily before pecking the tip of the younger's nose.

But then Doyoung's stomach made a sound, as he was hungry.

"Let's go eat somewhere, babe!" Jihoon said before intertwining his hands with Doyoung's. He looked back at the younger and winked, "Consider it as our first date." Doyoung felt so many butterflies swarming inside his stomach.

Was he dreaming? No. All of it was real and Park Jihoon, his brother's best friend was finally his boyfriend.


Teuha! So it's my first oneshot of this book^^ I hope you guys liked it :))

I dont have much to say so please support this book a lot✨✨

Stay healthy💙


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