-Adoration- (HaruHwan)

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Just a simple pat from Haruto after shooting something can make Junghwan super happy. And that’s what happened when no one was paying any attention to the youngest of the group.

Haruto patted the younger one’s head after he finished shooting his part of the short video they were preparing for their fans. “Good job, Junghwan-ah.” Haruto said making the latter smile.

After reaching their dorm, Junghwan freshened up and decided to hang out with his hyungs in Asahi’s room.

Opening the door, Junghwan saw Haruto and Jaehyuk were already there. They noticed the youngest one and smiled at him. Junghwan returned their smiles and sat on a couch.

Then the four of them started talking about different topics.

“Hyung the choreography of our next comeback is so tough.” Junghwan stated as they were discussing about their next comeback. None of Jaehyuk and Asahi replied to that. Junghwan’s face dropped at that, he always wants attention from his elder brothers. That’s his way of seeking affection.

Upon noticing Junghwan, Haruto quickly replied, “Yes it is. But I’m sure we can nail it.” And hearing it Junghwan felt a smile drawn on his face.

Not like it was the very first time Junghwan felt so grateful to Haruto for taking care of him like that, for adoring him like that. Even when they go outside to eat, Haruto always makes sure if the youngest had eaten well and all. And what he liked the most was, Haruto adored only him like that.

That made Junghwan feel special. That made him fall even harder for a certain Watanabe Haruto.

Junghwan was having a hard time already, he wanted to confess to Haruto so bad. But the fear of losing the latter just pulled him back every time. He had chances where all that was left to do was saying those three words. But he just couldn’t have himself doing that. But he knew it would be too late one day.

So finally deciding for weeks, Junghwan knocked on a door which was soon enough opened by a shorter male, Hamada Asahi.

“Oh, Junghwan-ah.” He exclaimed as the taller boy smiled.

“Hyung can I talk to you about something?” The elder one quickly nodded hearing the question and let Junghwan inside.

They seated themselves on two couches, placed opposite of each other. “What do you want to talk about?” Asahi asked, a bit confused seeing the quietness of the younger boy.

“Hyung I know you won’t judge me, that’s why I came to you.” Junghwan said making the latter nod.  “Go ahead, I’m listening.”

“I like someone of our group.” Junghwan said as Asahi just blinked once. “Haruto?” He questioned making the taller one nod.

“I guessed it way before.” Asahi stated looking straight into Junghwan’s sincere eyes.

After a while of pre silence, Junghwan finally said, more like asked, “Hyung do you think I should confess to Ruto hyung?” Asahi blinked once as he said, “It’s totally up to you, Junghwan-ah. If you are sure about your feelings, you can give it a try rather than just staying still. But him liking your back is a 50-50 chance, so even if it’s negative, you have to accept it. If you’re mentally prepared for these, then I think you should go for it.”

Junghwan nodded for a while and smiled cutely, “This is the first time you talked so much at a once!” He exclaimed making the elder one to crack a small laughter as he shook his head.

“Go sleep now, it’s late.” He said making Junghwan nod and wishing him a ‘goodnight’ before returning to his room.


It was the day when Treasure were to come up with ideas and make footage themselves for a Treasure map episode.

It was fun. But Junghwan didn’t have that much fun cause no one was really paying attention to him. He didn’t mind at first, but when everyone were having a snow ball fight with each other, he felt left out.

He was standing with a snow-ball in his hand but everyone were busy with someone else. A small pout spread across Junghwan’s face until he felt a snow ball hitting his back. He looked behind and saw Haruto laughing contently after successfully hitting the younger one with a snow ball.

Junghwan felt a spark inside of himself and his face had the biggest smile ever! At the same time, he felt special.

So as Haruto was still laughing, Junghwan took the opportunity and threw the snow ball of his hand which hit Haruto is the shoulder.

And that’s how a snow ball fight started between two teens.

After that fight finally ended, Junghwan grinned.

“Yah Junghwan-ah, how did you beat me?” Haruto exclaimed, quiet surprised by the younger one’s skill. “Magic hyung, magic.” The shorter replied, still with that smile.

Haruto grinned as well and patted the younger one’s head. Junghwan felt butterflies swarming inside his stomach as his heart suddenly started beating faster.

And that’s when Junghwan thought that the elder one might like him back. So with that thought, he knocked on Haruto’s door that night.

“Oh, Junghwan-ah!” Haruto smiled as the younger one did too. “Hyung, can you come to the rooftop with me?” The Japanese male nodded at that and followed the younger one to the rooftop.

They soon reached their and stared at the city view for some time. It was sparkling with lights which gave a dazzling vibe. Both of them admired the view in awe. But Junghwan liked the view beside him better, Haruto himself. The elder was exhausted but still he came here with Junghwan. And that warmed Junghwan’s heart.

“Hyung why do you always give your attention to me?” Junghwan suddenly asked making the elder to look at him.

“That’s because I adore you.” A soft smile spread across Haruto’s face.

“That’s not what I meant, don’t you have any other reason?” The younger asked again making Haruto to blink. “Why are you asking me this, Junghwan-ah?”

“Hyung I like you. No I love you hyung.” Junghwan confessed as his eyes held an ocean of emotions. But Haruto’s mouth became slightly agape. After a while he bit his lower lip in guilt and looked down.

“Hyung?” Junghwan called out making Haruto look at him. His eyes were telling how guilty he was. “I’m sorry...” He slowly mumbled as Junghwan felt his heart aching. “I did everything out of adoration, Junghwan-ah. I have that soft corner for you but I can’t see you in that way. I’m sorry again.” The taller one confessed and looked down again.

A sigh escaped from Junghwan’s mouth and that was full of sadness. He looked at Haruto and smiled a bit. “It’s okay hyung.” He shortly said.

“I’m so sorry.” Haruto’s voice sounded so hurt which made Junghwan’s eyes to soften.

“Hyung can I request you something?” He asked as Haruto nodded. “Don’t adore me like that anymore, It hurts me.” And a tear drop rolled down to his cheeks.

Haruto wanted to comfort him by squeezing his shoulders but the latter stopped him. “No hyung don’t. I need to move on.” And saying  so he left that place, only for Haruto to realized he not only lost a member, but also a little brother whom he adored way too much.


Hello !

First of all sorry for not updating these days but I'll try to update once in a week at least :(

Requested by- jjjjztrrrr hope you like it !! And sorry for writing this so late too, i couldnt find a nice plot so thats why... :(

A question, which fic book do you want me to publish first: DoWoo or DoDam ? Please let me know ^^

Have a nice day ahead <3

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