-First date- (HaruHwan)

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"Hyung I don’t have much time left!" Junghwan said to the other side of the phone while pacing around his room in a fast pace.

"Geez Junghwan-ah. You still have 3 hours." The person on the phone said from the other side while slightly sighing.

"Whatever..Come fast hyung!"

The call ended and Junghwan sat down in his bed, waiting for his Jeongwoo hyung to come and style him for his first date with the one and only, Watanabe Haruto. He started biting his nails in tension.

After 15 minutes or so, Junghwan heard his doorbell ringing. He quickly opened the door and got greeted by Jeongwoo.

"Jeongwoo hyung! Please help me!" Junghwan pleaded while Jeongwoo kept on a face which means he was flexing.

"The great Park Jeongwoo has come! Now what do you need?” Jeongwoo flexed.

“Hyung it’s not time to-”  The elder one quickly shushed the latter and continued, “Act.” He paused, “Now, Junghwan-ah, what is the thing which made you call this great hyung of yours to help you?”

“My date with Ruto hyung.” Junghwan said with a disappointed look on his face.

Jeongwoo nodded in satisfaction. “The great Jeongwoo will help you in this!” Junghwan mentally sighed. And Jeongwoo started looking for dresses.

"What about this?" Junghwan shook his head again. "It's too basic!"

And this went on for a couple of dresses.

"Junghwan-ah, this one is pretty nice." Junghwan’s lips immediately formed a smile. "Yeah let me try this one."

After a while Junghwan came out nervously. "This looks nice on you!" The younger one gave Jeongwoo a small smile. "But my hair." He pointed at the mess of his hair.

"I'll style your hair."


"And done!" Jeongwoo stood with his hand on his waist, and his head hung up in pride.

"Wow I look pretty good." Junghwan said as he checked his whole look on the mirror, satisfied with Jeongwoo’s work.

"Told you! I’m the great Park Jeongwoo after all!" Jeongwoo flexed and sassily flipped his short hair. Junghwan giggled at that. "Thank you hyung!" Jeongwoo smiled evilly at that. "But you have to give me a treat." Junghwan sighed "Fine."

"But hyung.." The elder one looked at the other at that, curious about what he was gonna say.

"What if I embarrass myself? Like I'm really nervous." Jeongwoo smiled at that. He knew how Junghwan was always nervous about these things. "You don't have to be nervous, Junghwan-ah. Just be yourself." He assured.

"Hyung will it really be alright?” Junghwan asked while fidgeting with his finger.

Jeongwoo gave him a pat on the shoulder and said, “It will be. I know Haruto adores you.” Junghwan nodded at that and stood up. He smiled at the latter.

"Bye wish me luck!” Jeongwoo smiled and gave one last pat on Junghwan’s shoulder and said, “Don’t forget about our deal.” Junghwan rolled his eyes and took off.

He started walking anxiously. The more he got nearer to the fixed place, the more nervous he became.

He stood there while biting the poor nails of his hand.

"You look so cute while biting your nail." Junghwan was caught off guard as his eyes met with the owner of the voice. He became all red after that.

He looked at the guy’s ethereal face and his aura! He just looked so good-looking!

Haruto who was adoring Junghwan birTimg his nails, now had one of his eyebrows raised in confusion.

But Junghwan on the other hand was completely lost in Haruto's ethereal beauty.

"Junghwan-ah?" Haruto said as he was moving his hand in front of Junghwan’s face. Junghwan flinched at that and awkwardly laughed after that.

"You okay?” Haruto asked, a bit concerned for the younger one.

Junghwan nodded and both of them stayed silent for some moments until Junghwan broke the silence, “You look so handsome hyung.” Haruto cheekily smiled and mentally cooed at the shy boy in front of him.

He intertwined his hands with Junghwan’s one and said, “Let’s go.”

Junghwan, who had pink tinted cheeks, nodded and started walking with Haruto, hand in hand.

They soon reached in front of a big designed gate. Different rides were seen from the outside and Haruto’s eyes sparkled seeing those rides.

Junghwan felt so happy seeing Haruto’s eyes. He is not like the cold person he seems to be, he wants to enjoy life too and Junghwan wanted to see Haruto like this forever!


"Let's go to the roller-coaster" Haruto jumped while almost shouting and dragging Junghwan along with him, almost forgetting all the flirting he planned to do.

Finally they got on the roller-coaster ride. Haruto quickly grabbed the other’s hand, making Junghwan look at him.

“Hyung, are you scared?” Haruto nodded, “Just a bit.” Junghwan smiled at that and gave a slight squeeze to his hand, giving him assurance.

The ride started soon after that and non of them was that scared. Haruto was scared at first, but after the ride got intense, only loud screams were heard from him.

And that went for a few intense ride. Junghwan was kind of worried about the latter wondering about will he be able to talk after these screams.

They finally decided to ride on the ferries wheel.

It was almost sunset so the scenery was so beautiful. The orange glimpse of the sky was giving the atmosphere a calm vibe. And being on top of the ferries wheel made the whole thing even more beautiful.

Normally, people will kiss each other after getting on the top of the ferries wheel in such a beautiful vibe.

But none of Haruto and Junghwan thought of that.

They just held each other’s hand, feeling their warm presence. They smiled at each other and that alone expressed how they love and care for each other.


"Thank you so much for today Junghwan-ah.” Haruto said smiling in front of Junghwan's house while holding the latter’s both hands in his own.

"I had so much fun." Junghwan said, smiling, with a tint of pink shade on his cheek.

Haruto chuckled seeing how Junghwan was still so shy and he adored the other for that.

"Let's hangout often." Junghwan’s heart fluttered at the boy’s words, standing in front of him while holding his hands

"I would love to."


Hihi! So Jongsangforlife here u go!

Idk if  Haruto and Junghwan really matched the plot? But I hope it satisfies u!

And lets pray for Dobby and Hwannie's quick recovery! And yeah Teuba!!!

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